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排序 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
sort  ·  sorting  ·  taxis  ·  compositors

更多网络例句与排序相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper discusses the arithmetic anamnesis of bubblesort and quicksort and gives some ameliorate method.


Comparing the run_time between insertion sort and quicksort shows insertion sort gives better performance when the given data sequence is in ascending order. For the nearly sorted list, whether insertion sort performs better than quicksort depends on the size of the list and the number of randomly ordered items. Compared to the insertion sort, the results show quicksort yields shorter run_time if the list is in descending or random order. The main drawback of quicksort is the worst case behavior of O(n2) comparisons when the list is in ascending or descending order. It has been shown that quicksort also performs poorly for nearly sorted list.


Just like in the context menu for items on rows and columns we've added a sort menu. However, applying a sort here will sort the items by the values in the Values area instead of by item names so, for example, you can sort products ascending by sales amount.


To switch from ascending or descending sort to custom sort, click Sort Ascending or Sort Descending on the PivotTable toolbar so that the button is not selected.


To switch from ascending or descend ing sort to custom sort, click Sort Ascending or Sort Descending on the PivotTable toolbar so that the button is not selected.


As an example, a concrete sorting network is given, which is based on SS-Mk and with N and k being 27 and 3 respectively. It is showed by analysis that the sorting networks we construct have less delay time than the conventional Batcher Sorting networks.


In Salsola passerina -Reaumuria soongorica community, the first ordination axes explains the salinization gradient, along the order of Caragana tibetica community,Salsola passerina-Oxytropis aciphylla community,and Reaumuria soongorica-Salsola passerine community,soil alkalization increases. The second ordination axis explains soil structure gradient, along the order of Caragana tibetica community, Reaumuria soongorica-Salsola passerina community and Salsola passerina community, soil texture becomes coarser. In the Stipa breviflora-Stipa grandis community, the first ordination axis indicates the soil water gradient, and the second ordination axes explains hydrothermal coupling gradient. In the Prunus mongolica-Ulmus glaucescens community, the first ordination axis explains the soil pH gradient, along the order of Ulmus glaucescens-Prunus mongolica community, Prunus mongolica-Potentilla fruticosa community, and Potentilla fruticosa-Prunus mongolica community, soil pH value reduces. The second ordination axis explains soil structure gradient, along the order Prunus mongolica-Ulmus glaucescens community, and Prunus mongolica-Potentilla fruticosa community, the contents of silt and clay increase, and soil texture suggests a fine trend.


In Salsola passerina-Reaumuria soongoriea community, the first ordination axes explains the salinization gradient. along the order of Caragana tibetica community, Salsola passerina-Oxytropis aciphylla community, and Reaumuria soongorica-Salsola passerine community, soil alkalization increases. The second ordination axis explains soil structure gradient, along the order of Caragana tibetica community, Reaumuria soongorica-Salsola passerina community and Salsola passerina community, soil texture becomes coarser. In the Stipa breviflora-Stipa grandis community, the first ordination axis indicates the soil water gradient, and the second ordination axes explains hydrothermal coupling gradient. In the Prunus mongolica-Ulmus glaucescens community, the first ordination axis explains the soil pH gradient, along the order of Ulmus glaucescens-Pnuius mongolica community, Prunus mongolica-Potentilla fruticosa community, and Potentilla fnuicosa-Prunus mongolica community, soil pH value reduces. The second ordination axis explains soil structure gradient, along the order Prunus mongolica-Ulmus glaucescens community, and Prunus mongolica-Potentilla fruticosa community, the contents of silt and clay increase, and soil texture suggests a fine trend.


The project sorts numbers adopted sort algorithms such as direct insertion sort, shell sort, bubble Sort, quick sort, heap sort, radix sort algorithm respectively with taking random numbers generated by program as key code, Comparing the process of sorting through the consumption of the unit time to objectively reflect the advantages and disadvantages of the various algorithms to sort, identify their problems to the data environment, to enhance efficiency with reasonable sort algorithm to deal with various features of the data to be sort.


For the same size sorting, the rate of all of three sorters is at least 10 times higher than that of the CPU, and the sorting of sorter is steady.


更多网络解释与排序相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bubble sort:冒泡排序

希尔排序(Shell's Sort)算法分析:冒泡排序(Bubble Sort)算法分析:最高位优先(Most Significant Digit first)法,简称MSD法:先按k1排序分组,同一组中记录,关键码k1相等,再对各组按k2排序分成子组,之后,对后面的关键码继续这样的排序分组,

bubble sort:气泡排序

排序 三、气泡排序(Bubble Sort) 四、简单选择排序 五、希尔排序(Shell Sort) 六、快速排序 七、堆排序 八、二路归并排序(Merge Sort) 九、基数排序 十、各种内部排序算法的比较 十一、内部排序算法的应用 例题精析 习题精选 参考答案第二篇 计算机组成原理 第8章 计算机系统概论 大纲要求 知识点精讲 一、计算机发展历程 二

bubble sort:冒泡排序法

演示了使用冒泡排序法(Bubble Sort)、双向冒泡排序法(Bi-Directional Bubble Sort)还有快速排序法(Quick Sort)的排序速度的对比. 速度相差之快,真是令人感慨!快来感受一下算法的力量吧!Java默认的外观感觉(Look & Feel)--Metal L&F的演示程序.

insertion sort:插入排序

插入排序 (Insertion Sort) 的基本思想是:每次将一个待排序的记录按其关键字大小插入到前面已经排好序的子文件中的适当位置,直到全部记录插入完成为止,有两种插入排序方法:直接插入排序和希尔排序.

insertion sort:插入排序法

(最大的一定会沉到最底部)排序的演算法效率差别很大,当资料量变大时,演算法的好坏将影响执行所需时间甚钜 本章介绍几个排序法 选择排序法(selection sort) 插入排序法(insertion sort) 泡沫排序法(bubblesort) 快速排序法(quick sor

sort descending:降序排序 递减排序

sort ascending 升序排序 递增排序 | sort descending 降序排序 递减排序 | sort order 排序次序 排序次序


然后把这个"排序"(Sort)实例传递给search()方法,如下所示:如果需要按每个字段使用不同的排序顺序,就要使用"字段排序"(SortField)类. 这里,我们按姓进行递增排序,然后按出生日期朝廷递减排序:

selection sort:选择排序

选择排序(Selection sort)是一种简单直观的排序算法. 它的工作原理如下. 首先在未排序序列中找到最小元素,存放到排序序列的起始位置,然后,再从剩余未排序元素中继续寻找最小元素,然后放到排序序列末尾. 以此类推,直到所有元素均排序完毕.

selection sort:选择排序法

(最大的一定会沉到最底部)排序的演算法效率差别很大,当资料量变大时,演算法的好坏将影响执行所需时间甚钜 本章介绍几个排序法 选择排序法(selection sort) 插入排序法(insertion sort) 泡沫排序法(bubblesort) 快速排序法(quick sor

sorting:排序 排序

排序 排序(Sorting)的基本功能是依某种条件将资料项目按顺序排列,例如依照数字的大小由 小至大排列,或是按笔画顺序排列姓名 . 插入排序法 : 所谓插入排序法乃是将一个数目插入该占据的位置.假设我们输入的是 5,1,4,2,