英语人>词典>汉英 : 挨近 的英文翻译,例句
挨近 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
draw  ·  sidle  ·  sidling  ·  sidled  ·  sidles

be near to
更多网络例句与挨近相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The location of the distribution Board: electrical appliances should be close to an offset printing press at the entrance control box, be sure to take into account the Division of safety, power supply and maintenance easier.


An 1855 paper on the "introduction" of species, written by Alfred Russel Wallace, claimed that patterns in the geographical distribution of species and fossils could be explained if every new species always came into existence near an already existing, closely related species.


Whosoever cometh any thing near unto the tabernacle of the LORD shall die: shall we be consumed with dying?

17:13 凡挨近***帐幕的是必死的。我们都要死亡吗

Whosoever comes any thing near unto the tabernacle of the LORD shall die: shall we be consumed with dying?

013 凡挨近耶和华帐幕的是必死的。我们都要死亡吗?

Charged to the complete absorption of red light, prints on the incident light reflection at 3%, it's ideal for the bar code coloring; white ink on hongguang you will be completely reflectionthe the printing on the incident light reflectivity of close to 100%, is the most secure blank coloring, so in General, the bar code printed in black and white monochrome.


Clemenza said, a little arrogantly for a man whose top button man had recently betrayed him,"Sollozzo will never get near this house, Boss, you don't have to worry about that."


When they placed their threshold by My threshold and their doorpost beside My doorpost, there was only the wall between Me and them, and they have defiled My holy name by their abominations which they have committed.

43:8 他们安置他们的门槛靠近我的门槛,他们的门框挨近我的门框,他们与我之间仅隔一墙,并且以自己所行可憎的事,玷污了我的圣名;所以我在怒中灭绝他们。

Foreign experts, using the color swatch, 555 on evaluation Lab color space of the results of the rink and Don E and relate to each other and found that the CIE Lab system to 0.72 is evaluated in all color space and Visual feeling seeastigmatism hithermost, and racerunners in the Munsell Color hue trajectory and constant color degree path in a and b revealment improvement is also very close.

国际大师搁置555差色样,评价Lab色不时间的△E与纲测甘休的彼此干系,发掘CIE Lab编制为0.72,是长远所有颜色不时间洋筹算色差和触觉感触最挨近的,与孟塞尔色卡洋恒定色相轨迹和恒定彩量轨迹在a和b二维坐标系的恶化程度也很挨近

B255 blue colour to M31% C36%% K0% Y0 can be, the color purple, deflexions M high levels, in order to color hue close, before can be used for Selective Color adjustments so as to make changes to the C36% M21% K0% Y0 can be%, and the color than the C36% M30% Y0 can be% R150G180B255 K0% closer to and more.

如蓝色R150G180B255分色后为C36%M31%Y0%K0%,该颜色方向紫色,M含量矮了些,为了与分色后色相挨近,可息Selective Color调度,使之改变为C36%M21%Y0%K0%,颜色比之C36%M30%Y0%K0%给与R150G180B255更挨近些。

8 When they placed their threshold next to my threshold and their doorposts beside my doorposts, with only a wall between me and them, they defiled my holy name by their detestable practices.

43:8 使他们的门槛、挨近我的门槛、他们的门框、挨近我的门框、他们与我中间仅隔一墙。并且行可憎的事、玷污了我的圣名。

更多网络解释与挨近相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

keep at a distance:别靠近

at a distance隔远一些,留有空间,不挨近: | Keep at a distance! 别靠近! | The oil painting looks better at a distance. 这幅油画隔远一些看好多了.

close to corn field:挨近玉米地

close to calving 母牛临产 | close to corn field 挨近玉米地 | close tolerance 紧公差


NS20 诺维娜(Novena)该站由于挨近诺维娜广场(Novena Square)大华广场(United Square)以及其附近的学校造成该站早晚上下学和上下班时比较繁忙.


siding /袒护/附和/侧线/旁轨/外墙/ | sidle /侧身挨近/ | sidon /西顿/


snore 你发出阵阵如雷的打鼾声. | snort 你哼的一声. | snuggle 你把身子挨近墙壁.


snort 你哼的一声. | snuggle 你把身子挨近墙壁. | sob 你不停地哭哭啼啼.


snuggle 你把身子挨近墙壁. | sob 你不停地哭哭啼啼. | sorry 你觉得很抱歉.


sidle 侧身而行,侧身挨近 (up) | constipate 使迟滞,使闭塞 | relent 变温和,发慈悲心, 减弱

He finished his homework at a dash and sat down to listen to the music:他一口气把作业做完了,然后坐下来听音乐

at a dash一鼓作气,一气呵成地,迅速而利落地,一举... | He finished his homework at a dash and sat down to listen to the music. 他一口气把作业做完了,然后坐下来听音乐. | at a distance隔远一些,留有空间,不挨近...