英语人>词典>汉英 : 挥舞 的英文翻译,例句
挥舞 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
brandish  ·  flourish  ·  shake  ·  swing  ·  wave  ·  waving  ·  wield  ·  brandished  ·  brandishes  ·  brandishing  ·  flourished  ·  flourishes  ·  shakes  ·  swings  ·  waves  ·  wielded  ·  wielding  ·  wields

更多网络例句与挥舞相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The children, clearly one of the few groups not regarded as a security threat, raced up to the foot of the podium to wave their hoops in a rainbow array of colours to the Communist Party leaders.


The magician waved his magic wand, cried 'Abracadabra', and pulled a white rabbit out of his hat.


"I can!" shouted Eric, wildly waving his arm in the air.


An experiment system is setup for the blade flapping motion measurement, a model of micro helicopter rotor manipulation mechanism is designed and completed, in order to obtain continuously changing angular velocity, a angular velocity control unit is also designed which consists of a power supplier and a voltage distributing circuit.


Results show:(1) coupling of elastic deflections with rigid motions is distinctive;(2) computations of two methods are in good agreement with test data, when rotation angle is small;(3) when rotation angle is large, couplings increase distinctly and the differences between the results of the two computational methods increase;(4) the bending stiffness has evident effect on the coupling, and the coupling will increase with the decrease of bending stiffness;(5) in case of the blade is relatively soft, the calculated values of phase lag and amplitude augment based on infinitesimal rotation will exist.


The weapon binds to its wielder's hand when wielded, providing a +8 circumstance bonus to resist disarming and sundering attempts; however, the wielder must use a standard action if he wishes to drop or sheathe the blade.


Angrily he drew his sword and brandished it, swinging it violently left and right, up and down.


In their saddles, with their trumpets at their head, cartridge-boxes filled muskets loaded, all in readiness to march; in the Latin country at the Jardin des Plantes, the Municipal Guard echelonned from street to street; at the Halle-aux-Vins, a squadron of dragoons; at the Greve half of the 12th Light Infantry, the other half being at the Bastille;the 6th Dragoons at the Celestins; the courtyard of the Louvre full of artillery.


Now the crowd were roaring and waving their red light sabres, and hastily I got out my wallet, mobile, keys, and all the other clobber that might impair my flag-waving performance, and handed them to a chap on my left.


Wave is the rotor blades hinges on the hinge between the propeller blade hub, the hinge allows the blade perpendicular to the rotor plane up and down waving, in order to make it not have chatter and the shutdown will not touch the ground, usually limited to damping and compatible digital devices ...


更多网络解释与挥舞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

wield the big stick:挥舞大棒, 以武力相威胁

wield a big stick 挥舞大棒, 以武力相威胁 | wield the big stick 挥舞大棒, 以武力相威胁 | stick and carrot 大棒加胡罗卜; 软硬兼施; 好则奖励, 坏则惩罚

wield a big stick:挥舞大棒, 以武力相威胁

the only stick left in one's hedge 最后手段 | wield a big stick 挥舞大棒, 以武力相威胁 | wield the big stick 挥舞大棒, 以武力相威胁


Slogan 口号、标语 | Brandish 挥舞 | Cane 藤条、手杖

brandish a sword:挥动长剑;waving a baton. 挥舞着警棍

flourished her newly signed contract; 兴高采烈地摇晃着她刚签的合同; | brandish a sword; 挥动长剑;waving a baton. 挥舞着警棍 | Those plants are flourishing.那些植物长得茂盛.

Great Cleave:巨力挥舞 cleave 劈开,分裂

Stormbolt 风暴之槌 | Great Cleave 巨力挥舞 cleave 劈开,分裂 | Tauren Chieftain 牛头人酋长

brandish - to shake at menacingly ("to brandish a revolver:挥舞

270) braggart - someone with a big ego 吹嘘 | 271) brandish - to shake at menacingly ("to brandish a revolver") 挥舞 | 272) brash - impudent; hasty 仓促的, 无礼的, 性急的, 傲慢的

prance with the national flag:挥舞着国旗而雀跃

the gold / silver/ bronze medalist金/ 银/ 铜牌获得者奥运村 | prance with the national flag挥舞着国旗而雀跃 | pre-Olympic gymnastics champion 前奥运体操冠军

Tout de suite, with bayonet:挥舞刺刀杀红了眼

"'Don't do it,' and yet Smith charged|"别动手!"可是史密斯冲上前 | "Tout de suite, with bayonet|挥舞刺刀杀红了眼 | "He lunged, he thrust, both high and low|他上戳下刺,左剁右砍

Swinging your wherewithal like a cat on heat:挥舞着大把钞票,就像只发情的猫一样

Who do you think you are?|你以为你是谁? | Swinging your wherewithal like a cat on heat.|挥舞着大把钞票,就像只发情的猫一样 | If you really want to be of assistance, Larita,|拉莉塔,如果你真的想帮忙的话


speculate 推测;思索;投机(venture) | wield 行使(权利);挥舞(宝剑) | recreation 再创造; 消遣,娱乐