英语人>词典>汉英 : 挥手致意 的英文翻译,例句
挥手致意 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
wave  ·  waving  ·  waves

更多网络例句与挥手致意相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In 《Hero's Return》, the astronaut protected by the guards is received by a welcoming crowd. In the first painting, he appears rigid, uneasy and overwhelmed by the scale of the event. In fact, he looks more like a criminal being marched to the execution ground. But in the second painting, he is shown to wave to the crowd and play the role of 'hero' with adeptness. We can almost begin to see the life he leads afterwards. He will be received by various top leaders and interviewed in television programs. In a succession of awarding ceremonies, speeches and briefings, he will become more and more experienced, relaxed and eloquent, so on and so forth. His self will be eroding. Whenever he looks at himself in the mirror, he will see a hero, a hero through and through. Via the contrast of images, the artist subtly reveals the process of hero-making.


Everyone looked happily tired as they waved to her again and she returned their greetings drearily .


Summer 2001 - Summer 2002: the Rossoneri fans fill the square in front of the Central Station for the presentation, at the Gallia Hotel, of Rui Costa and Inzaghi, and of Rivaldo and Nesta.


Bush rose from his VIP seat to wave at the athletes, nattily dressed in white trousers, blue blazers, red-white-and-blue-striped ties and white caps.


Obama initially could only wave to the crowd, thanks to nonworking microphones.


It was no use pretending that I had not seen him, so I waved to him.


People gathered along the train route to wave to the President-elect.


He waved to me from the train.


In another set of works of the same series《Chairman》, Mao's statue on a pedestal assumes exactly the same waving posture. This posture is a classic image of Mao in the Nation's visual memory - as though he still stood on the Tiananmen Tower, proclaiming the establishment of People's Republic of China, or receiving thousands of red guards during the Cultural Revolution. But the artist tries to plot a difference in this iconic gesture. Mao's palm is painted in the shape of a hand gun. By doing so, he also instils a sense of violence in a solemn and imposing spiritual symbol. The replaced gesture evokes different kinds of historical memories - memories of civil war, memories of class struggles, as well as memories of total destruction.


The wall around Gilderoy's headboard, for instance, was papered with pictures of himself, all beaming toothily and waving at the new arrivals.


更多网络解释与挥手致意相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And the cats are purring contentedly:猫儿发出心满意足的咕噜声

I hope your coffee is hot and tastes just right我希望你的咖啡温热可口 | And the cats are purring contentedly,猫儿发出心满意足的咕噜声, | And the mailman waves a邮差愉快地朝你挥手致意


为了让观众们记住他们的国家,在比赛前,他们特意将自己的名字改为了"格鲁"(Geor)和"吉亚"(Gia). 今天,当他们两次以21比19的比分战胜荷兰队之后,吉亚冲上了观众席最高处,挥手致意. 我想,大家已经记住了他们,记住了他们的国家--不是因为战争,

Rosario Central:罗萨里奥中央队

新浪体育讯 前阿根廷足球巨星马拉多纳(马拉当拿)4月10日在布宜诺斯艾利斯观看了阿根廷甲级联赛博卡青年队与罗萨里奥中央队(Rosario Central)的比赛,图为他赛前从包厢中向球迷挥手致意.


" 上图:不是挥手致意的外星人,而是牧草虫(Thrips)作者:James Hayden;荧光显微镜,放大40倍 草酸铵晶体(Ammoonium oxalate crystal)(2008年优秀奖) 草酸铵是由草酸和氨水制备得到的一种试剂.