英语人>词典>汉英 : 挥出 的英文翻译,例句
挥出 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
shoot  ·  shoots

更多网络例句与挥出相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To hit the runaround forehand, remember to backpedal quickly and keep your racquet up high as you move into position.


They are often named after their large battle-axe: Pelekyphoroi (Axe-bearers).


After Rodriguez drove in the Yankees' first run with a bloop single, Matsui drilled a three-run homer to give the Yankees a 4-0 lead in the first.


Sporting a powerful but eccentric downstroke, Guldahl won three major championships in as many years.


You swing your best when you have the fewest things to think about.


Benched on Saturday after enduring a lengthy skid, Robinson Cano stepped in and blooped a two-run double down the left-field line, part of what would end up as a three-RBI day. Cano also had a pinch-hit RBI single in the eighth inning on Saturday and suddenly has three hits in his last five at-bats after enduring an 0-for-17 skid.

Vwww.wangfans.com 忍受了漫长的打击低潮及星期六的板凳时光,小Q总算进入状况,挥出一支左外野边线旁,内外野之间的两分打点二垒安打,这是他这场比赛3分打点中的一部份。8局上小Q还有一支一分打点的一垒安打,在熬过17打数0安打的困境之后,他最近5个打数打出3支安打。

Damon greeted Hernandez in the fifth with a home run into the rightfield seats, and El Duque displayed some of his team's frustration soon after.


An hour later, in the woods on the south side of a path on the manor's east, dirty bookworm, Huo qing-feng, is going through the woods in festinating gait while ten Kui embroidery-clothed assassins are closely going after him. Even if he constantly tries to use those burn-feeling tags to halt them, the assassins fear no more because they had experienced the effect of tag once. Besides, Huo's position is being reported by four flying sun crows so he just can't escape from the chasers. This moment, he reaches the exposed path and feels no good about this so tries to rash into the opposite woods. However, a sun crow has dived to catch his shoulder. He grasps the crow's arm with the other hand and the crow instantly release his shoulder with a sharp cry. Nevertheless, Huo is hit down by another crow's rod then three assassins rash out from the woods and wields long hooks toward Huo. Huo's mouth opens wide and he thinks he will be hauled away like a weak hen. But, all of a sudden, several shines from weapon flashes and three long hooks are cut in a blink!


Besides, you can play golf in golf villa and play yacht in yacht club nearby.


Construction of a well-organized planning, resources lead to the greatest benefits, in order to create more effective.


更多网络解释与挥出相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



backsword:单刃刀, 木剑

backswing | 棍棒挥出前的准备姿态, 回复(立场等) | backsword | 单刃刀, 木剑 | backswordman | 使用单刃刀(木刀)者


2.04 坏球 (BALL) 投手投出的球未进好球带,而且打者也没挥棒. 投手所投的球提前落地. 即使通过好球带仍然是坏球. 击中打者,打者可以保送一垒,此时为比赛停止球. 打者可以挥击提前落地的球 两好球后,投手投出提前落地的球打者挥棒落空,


如果有个超厉害的击球手,挥棒打出又高又远的长程飞球,观众的第一个念头会是:会不会飞出"球场"(ballpark)外. 因为,打出球场,就是全垒打. 如果球的落点只在球场以内(in the ballpark),那击球手得分总不可能超过全垒打.


+golen 挥鞭时地岩会爆出往前方奔走. | +cockatrice 挥鞭时会丢出三粒小石子,并可石化敌人. | +manticore 挥鞭时毒弹成抛物线状射出.


换句话说,就是利用空挥时多做几次打出草痕(Divot)的动作,藉此练习让球杆与地面产生更扎实的接触. 所以,当您正准备击出这颗球时,您只需要将球位靠近右脚尖,自然而然会产生一个类似「V」型的挥杆球路,其他挥杆方面则不做任何改变,

Intentional slice:定向右偏球:下意识击出的右偏球,属于高级球技

Inside to inside 杆头的轨道由内向外挥,最后又回到内侧来 | Intentional slice 定向右偏球:下意识击出的右偏球,属于高级球技 | Inter club watch 运动协会对抗赛

Intentional slice:定向右偏球:下意识击出旳右偏球,属于高级球技

Inside to inside 杆头旳轨道由内向外挥,最后又回到内侧来 | Intentional slice 定向右偏球:下意识击出旳右偏球,属于高级球技 | Inter club watch 运动协会对抗赛

Top spin:上旋球

打出上旋球(top spin)球会因为你挥击的方式在飞行轨迹的最高点比平击球或切球都还要高一些,落地后前冲的速度会减小但是向上弹跳的速度会急剧加快并且加高,加高的幅度要看你的击出的球的旋转力度而定

unvolatile acid:非挥发酸

2 .固定酸( fixed acid ) 固定酸是体内除碳酸外所有酸性物质的总称,因不能由肺呼出,而只能通过肾脏由尿液排出故又称非挥发酸( unvolatile acid ),也称之酸碱的肾性调节.