英语人>词典>汉英 : 挤入 的英文翻译,例句
挤入 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
impact  ·  squash  ·  throng  ·  impacting  ·  impacts  ·  squashed  ·  squashes  ·  thronged  ·  thronging  ·  throngs

更多网络例句与挤入相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you must use an overpass for shelter, pull your vehicle completely off the roadway. Wedge yourself up near the steel rafters where the dirt berm meets the road.


SPOON 1/2 of cake batter evenly into 24 paper- or foil-lined muffin cups. Top each with about 1-1/2 tsp. cream cheese mixture and 1 cherry pie filling; cover with remaining cake batter.


In other words, from dilute our attention to the painting, and painting outside to squeeze into the space constant visual field, provided the feeling of being more a greater number of frames of reference.


In the Taft Administration,"Dollar Diplomacy"was adopted widely. The main actions includes: the United Stated forced itself into the Hukuang Railways Loan, took part in the Four-Power Consortium, put forward the Knox Plan, and participated in the Currency-reform and Manchurian-industrial Loan.


Then place 2 or 3 pieces of Lady Finger Sponge Biscuit in each jar, then garnish with Mascarpone cream.


All of us piled into Peter's car and led back to the flat .


Floriation also had to squeeze into the plaster painting, and painting the figure sculpture to use their hands occupied building space items.


The second method: Use plastic extrusion molding machine to directly extrude the cable's crosslinked polythene insulation material into formation, and then press and sulfurate by a high temperature into shape in specially made sulfuration model.


The pile-up is in what was the former northern hemisphere, and the compression of the Pacific is creating resistance as plates are subducted under the Americas and Japan explodes and Indonesia crumbles.


Moments later, a significant portion of both fleets were suddenly drawn from orbit into a vast gravity vortex that was powerful enough to crush the countless ships into the planet's crust and fracture Malachor V to its very core.


更多网络解释与挤入相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


退化变质岩;片状退变岩 diaphthorite | 贯入褶曲;挤入构造 diapir | 挤入褶皱;冲顶褶皱 diapir fold


diaphysitis骨干炎 | diapir底辟 挤入褶皱 | diapirstructure底辟构造

diapir fold:挤入褶皱

diapir dome 挤入穹丘 | diapir fold 挤入褶皱 | diapir structure 底辟构造

diapir fold:挤入褶皱;冲顶褶皱

挤出熔体 squeeze up | 挤入褶皱;冲顶褶皱 diapir fold | 挤升熔岩丘 pressure plateau

diapir fold:冲顶褶皱,挤入褶皱,刺穿褶皱

冲顶构造穹丘 diapir dome | 冲顶褶皱,挤入褶皱,刺穿褶皱 diapir fold | 冲顶刺穿作用 diapir penetration

diapir dome:挤入穹丘

diapir core 底辟核 | diapir dome 挤入穹丘 | diapir fold 挤入褶皱

pack in:挤进,挤入;停止

pack away 收藏,把...收起 | pack in 挤进,挤入;停止 | pack off 打发;寄出, 送走

squeeze in:挤入

脱水贮存量 squeeze storage | 挤入 squeeze-in | 挤入碎屑岩脉 squeeze-in clastic dike

squeeze into:硬塞进...,硬挤入

834squeezen. 压榨,挤; v. 紧握,挤 | 835squeeze into硬塞进...,硬挤入... | 836stabilisev.(使)稳定,(使)平衡

diapiric orogenesis:冲顶造山作用,挤入造山作用

贯入褶皱 diapiric fold | 冲顶造山作用,挤入造山作用 diapiric orogenesis | 冲顶上升,冲顶活动 diapiric rise