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指距 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
span  ·  spans

更多网络例句与指距相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Physique index include stature, avoirdupois, length of lower limbs/ stature multiply 100, span/ stature, posture. Physical fitness include Break-out force(standing long jump,20 meters race); speed(20 meters,30 meters); flexible; Sensitive capability and harmony;physiology enginery index include space time estimate ability, balance control ability, cadence sense. Psychology index include intelligence factor and non-intelligence factor interest, nerve type, bravery and brawniness Willpower

其中身体形态指标有:身高、体重、下肢长/身高x 100、指距-身高、身体姿势;身体素质类:爆发力(立定跳远、20米跑),速度(20米、30米)、柔韧、灵敏与协调;生理机能类:时空判断、平衡控制能力、节奏感;心理类指标:智力因素和非智力因素(兴趣、神经类型,勇敢顽强果断的意志品质)。

We'll be able to look at millimetre movements over the time span of a year.


Methods Using between-groups linkage cluster method and squared Eucliden distance measure method,the physical characteristics of 18 nationalities in China were cluster analyses in SPSS 10.0 software package with 10 measure data,that is,maximum head length,minimum frontal breadth,bizygomatic breadth,bigonial breadth,extra-...

选择 1987~ 1997年发表的 18个少数民族的 10项体质测量数据(头长、额宽、面宽、下颌角宽、两眼外宽、鼻宽、鼻高、口裂宽、身高、指距),在SPSS10 0统计软件包中,采用欧氏距离平方系数和组间连接法进行聚类分析。

Every indicatrion has statistics difference after six mouthstreatment of Two rattan mixture which include body function, activity index number of pathogenetic condition, total swelling arthrosis, total self-assessment, rachialgia, rachiodynia rhachitis, activity of thoracic skeleton, schober, distance between fingers and ground, left flection of antisternum, right flection of antisternum, antisternum hypsokinesis, distance between head and wall, ESR, C reactive protein: every indicatrion has statistics difference after the treatment of Sulfasalazine except the indicatrion of distance between head and wall.


Results The stature, somatotype, skeletal type and span stature index, skelic index were measured in two times a-mong Xinjiang Xobo nationality's young people.

结果 得出了两个时期新疆锡伯族青年的身高、体型、腿型及指距身高指数、腿长指数等。

The stature,the span,the sitting height the lenght of fooe and fingers of 534 Fujian Han nationality male and female youth are measured and a statistics analysis is made.

对 5 34名福建省汉族男女青年测量其身高、指距、坐高、足长与手指长,进行统计学分析。

The results are as following;It is recommended that the stature could be calculated through the male/female span or sitting height or female foot length.The stature could also be estimated through the length of male foot or finger Ⅲ and female finger Ⅱ,ⅢorⅣ.


Methods: dividing 56 the effect of underwater setting-up exercises on spondylitis ankylosans patients into two groups, control group and underwater exercises group. the control group undergoes medicine treatment and the underwater exercises group practices underwater exercises 5 times per week for 5 weeks.


In cross section it takes one of several shapes-circular,multicurve,horseshoe,cathedral arch,zrched,or flatroofed,and with clear spans lf from a few feet to more than 50 ft and,in cavern form ,much wider.

In 十字架区段中只有存在,和由于清楚的指距 lf 从一些脚到超过 50 ft 和,以巨穴形式,很多的 wider。

West Liaoning of out country is a typical area for the study of the Jehol Biota ,where the fossil treasure-house of Mesozoic Era is rare in the world .


更多网络解释与指距相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

distance education:遥距教育

(3).遥距教育(Distance Education)通常是指网上、闭路电视等远距离视听教学,也可包括函授. 大部分遥距教育仍需要学生在校园本部修读一些学分,以完成学位. 函授课程(Correspondence Course)则指完全在家自修. (4).有些延伸部(Extension Site)是借用教会或其它学校做课室,


舞蹈指痉型 (choreoathetoid) 会结合舞蹈型和指痉型的表现...肌张力异常型 (dystonic) 在躯干和肢体部份出现缓慢且有节奏的动作...运动失调型 (ataxic) 通常会伴有眼震,辨距不良 (dysmetria) 及寛距步态

flange focal distance:镜座距,指镜头座与菲林平面的距离

fixing bath 定影冲洗 | flange focal distance 镜座距,指镜头座与菲林平面的距离 | flare 流光 (例如非加膜镜头的雾化结果)

flange focal distance:缫座距,指缫钷座陪菲林平面的距滕

fixing bath 定影?洗 UMI | flange focal distance 缫座距,指缫钷座陪菲林平面的距滕 TC12?% | flare 流光 (例如非加膜缫钷的炱化劫果) /Z5m8

back focal distance:[光]後焦距?指缫钷陪菲林殓的距滕

axial [光]光萦 t:F | back focal distance [光]後焦距?指缫钷陪菲林殓的距滕? *ZLn | back projection 後方投影 ggQ}nd

pinkie jam:末三指挤压法

pickets/雪桩/系绳尖桩 | pinkie jam/末三指挤压法/ | pitch/绳距/

polar distance:極距;餘赤緯

polar continental air 極地大陸空氣 | polar distance 極距;餘赤緯 | polar easterlies index 極地東風指數

Trochlea phalangis:指(趾)骨滑车

肌滑车 Trochlea musularis | 指(趾)骨滑车 Trochlea phalangis | 距骨滑车 Trochlea tali


17.轴距 (Wheelbase)所谓的"轴距"时指前、后两个轮胎其中心点之间的距离. 当轴距越长时,车子的安定性会越好;轴距越短时,则车子的运动性越佳. 以往在所有的车上,轴距都是固定不可调整的,不过现在有的车款,则会利用后轮轴的前后移动,


mid section ==> 中间截面 | mid span ==> 档距中间,开度中间 | mid torpedo stage ==> (指植物胚)中鱼雷期