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指出 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
index  ·  indicate  ·  indicates  ·  point  ·  show  ·  shows  ·  indexes  ·  indicated  ·  indic.

point out · refer sb. to
更多网络例句与指出相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Their participation enables otherwise impossible take atteempts to become successful; The involvement of the arbitrager explains very well the widely observed stock market movement during the process of the takeover, including the dramatic rise in share price and in transaction volume. It predicts that in most case, a high transaction volume is associated with a high success rate, as well as with a high post-announcement trading price. Also, the higher the bidding price, the higher the success rate and the bigger the jump in share price; The existence of the arbitrager implies that in the tender offer, the shareholder can always expect to get a fixed portion of the total value improvement by the raider. This surprisingly simple division rule of the takeover surplus may have great implications for related empirical research and indicates that the market for corporate control may be efficient.


Examples are given to illustrate the conditional entropy maybe increased,so Shannon's definition of information is not absolutely correct.


Examples are given to illustrate the conditional entropy maybe increased, so Shannon's definition of information is not absolutely correct.


Limitations of Shannon's information theory and information definition are analyzed from new angles. It is pointed out that they didn't consider the reliability, completeness and other characteristics of information, and the naming of conditional entropy is not proper. The correct naming of Shannon's "conditional entropy" should be weighted average conditional entropy. Examples are given to illustrate the conditional entropy maybe increased, so Shannon's definition of information is not absolutely correct.


Analyzing and simulating of the deformation law of the ceramic downspout product after overcoming the shortage of powder material models in the software of MSC. MARC. It shows out the important effects of various factors and the shape of mandril during the process. And it is obvious that the shape of the top mandril has more effects on the process than the bottom.(3) Showing out the important effects of model figure on the flowing of powder and the forming of low-density fields from the analysis. After changing the top of the mandril into spherical shape, an improving model is putting out so that the distribution of stress and strain turns to be even and proper and that the flow rule of powder grains is better.(4) Calculating of the dimensional precision and the cutting ratio of the product and analyzing of the effects of such factors as rubber aging, loading process, mandril, friction etc. on the cutting ratio.


But the usual causes of natural variability do not seem to explain the current trend, so scientists incline to倾向于 the view that it is man-made.


Second, the paper explains the problems of the system of lawsuit time limit in judicial practice, specifying that the system of lawsuit time limit cannot get the attention it should be paid in judicial practice, the regulations of extending lawsuit time limit cannot be carried out severely, there are no powerful monitoring and penalties of violation of lawsuit time limit, the blank of lawsuit time limit bring about the delay of cases, and that the principle of presumption of innocence in the criminal law cannot be carried out thoroughly.


Third, this paper places an emphasis on the current situation of Chinese media identity; analyzes the causes that have led to the failure of duple identities; then it further points out the collisions and conflicts that are now afflicting Chinese media, the inner cultural crack and identity crisis brought by it; describes the symptoms of the identity crisis and its harms; finally, this paper points out the possibility and feasibility of rebuilding Chinese media identity-balance, and propose some solutions


But in practical operating, overvoltage caused by reignition of the vacuum switching device frequently appears, and it result in damage of the capacitor bank or the switchgear itself. Ensuring the switchgear against reignition and installing a protective device are two main approaches to avoid the phenomenon. In this paper, a study on overvoltage caused by reignition due to capacitor bank switching with the vacuum switching device and its preventive measures are carried out. The main work which has been done and researches are as follows: 1. The producing mechanism of overvoltage and its influence factor are analyzed. It is pointed out that single-phase reignition is the main reason for damage of the switchgear and two-phase reignition is the main reason for damage of the capacitor bank,so overvoltage of single-phase reignition and two-phase reignition are the emphases of prevention. 2. Analysis of the special working condition of the operating switch for capacitor bank is carried out. It indicates that the vacuum switching device is difficult to realize no-reignition under this operation condition, so it is more practical to adopt protection devices. 3. Analyses of protection effect of RC and MOA and their shortages are carried out. It shows that the two methods can only restrain effectively overvoltage caused by single-phase reignition, and they cannot protect the capacitor bank when reignition of two-phase occurs. 4. The operation principle of G-R damping device is analyzed and discussed emphatically.

本文针对真空开关投切电容器组时因重燃而产生的过电压及其防治措施进行了研究,所开展的主要工作和研究结果如下: 1、对过电压的产生机理及其影响因素进行了分析,指出单相重燃是导致开关设备损坏的主要原因,而两相重燃则是导致电容器组损坏的主要原因,因此单相重燃和两相重燃过电压是防护的重点; 2、对电容器组操作开关的特殊运行条件进行了分析,指出在这种运行条件真空开关难于实现不重燃,因此采用保护装置更具有现实意义; 3、对RC与MOA的保护效果和存在的不足进行了分析,指出这两种方法均只能有效抑制单相重燃过电压,而不能在发生两相重燃时保护电容器组; 4、重点对G-R阻尼装置的工作原理进行了分析和讨论,指出该装置接入后线路中将会出现两种频率的高频振荡,而电容器组上的过电压是由这两种振荡共同决定的; 5、根据对上述两种振荡的分析指出存在一个最佳电阻值使得过电压最低,并提出了电容器组电压和最佳电阻值的近似求解方法; 6、使用电气暂态分析软件MATLAB对G-R装置的保护效果进行了仿真计算,证实该装置确实可以有效抑制重燃时的电容器组过电压; 7、根据仿真与近似计算结果的偏差提出了近似计算的修正方法,经过修正后的过电压计算结果与仿真结果吻合较好; 8、对G-R装置中放电装置G与阻尼电阻R的要求进行了分析,指出采用编织电阻和真空间隙可能是最佳选择。

Secondly, analyze the environment and the situation of "JX PEMS", pointed out the current main issue, analyzed the development opportunity and the threat which "JX PEMS" faces, had pointed out the support of national related policy, huge demand from the Chinese express service market and so on, has provided the development space for the postal express mail service. At the same time, pointed out the high request to the express service corporation, the new threat from the express service market comprehensive opening; analyzed the advantage and weakness of "JX PEMS ",pointed out the postal service brand and the network are "the magic weapon" of "JX PEMS". But the unreasonable system, the rockbound mechanism, the outdated management and technical causes it to be unable to meet the express service market demand well.


更多网络解释与指出相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

assignable cause:可指出的原因

assessment of the situation 火情估计 | assignable cause 可指出的原因 | assigned resource 派定的物资


besiege#围 | bespeak#指出 | betoken#表示

day notes with text attributes (italic, bold, underline, etc:同一天指出文本属性(斜体,粗体,下划线等)

Calendar: 日历: | day notes with text attributes (italic, bold, underline, etc.)同一天指出文本属性(斜体,粗体,下划线等) | date calculator日期计算器

Call attention to people mistakes indirectly:间接的指出他人的错误

1. 从称赞与真诚的欣赏开始. Begin with praise and ... | 2. 间接的指出他人的错误. Call attention to people mistakes indirectly. | 3. 在指责别人之前,先想想自己错在那里. Talk about your own mistakes before...

catch up with:赶上;指出...出了差错

catch sight of 发现,看到,突然看见 | catch up with 赶上;指出...出了差错 | catch up 赶上;打断...的话

indic. indicate;indicator;indicated:指出;指示器;指出的

inc. inclusive 包括(在内) | indic. indicate;indicator;indicated 指出;指示器;指出的 | infl. inflammable 易燃的



underlined number:在下划线[着重指出]的数目,线下编号

underline;底线,在下划线,着重指出 | underlined number;在下划线[着重指出]的数目,线下编号 | underside;底面,下侧

wijzen wees, wezen heeft gewezen:指出

verwijzen verwees, verwezen heeft verwezen 指出 | wijzen wees, wezen heeft gewezen 指出 | bieden bood, boden heeft geboden 奉献

Identifying inconsistencies:指出对方不一致的地方, 同时也是对人品表达怀疑

Identifying internal deficiencies: 指出内在的缺陷, 表明对... | Identifying inconsistencies: 指出对方不一致的地方, 同时也是对人品表达怀疑; | Labeling the opponent's argument strategy: 指出对方使用的谬误...