英语人>词典>汉英 : 持乐观态度 的英文翻译,例句
持乐观态度 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
optimize  ·  optimizes

更多网络例句与持乐观态度相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chief UN Weapons inspector, Hans Blix, who met Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov in Moscow, said he was positive that agreement would be reached.


There's widespread bullishness on prospect in China following its accession to the World Trade Organization.


We can have a small consolidation, but we're positive on the market this year.


Custer in the Chinese market coupled with the success of so many people optimistic about the Chinese market.


Real estate enterprises are optimistic about the development, as well as the industry group of eminent persons.


Freedman is optimistic that research of this type will eventually contribute to a better understanding of neurological diseases and disorders.


Analysis professionals think that this show has hit the following reasons: First, all countries in the world generally optimistic about China's machine tool market.


Even so, Charlie Cook, a close follower of the electoral horse-race, takes a dim view of Democratic prospects in November.

即使这样,长期关注选举的观察员Charlie Cook对民主党在11月的表现不持乐观态度

Overall, the writer holds negative attitude for the future of charity givings, however, the speaker holds positive attitude.


And though not everyone shares his sunny outlook, Bequelin remains optimistic about China's nascent civil society, whose development was temporarily put on ice in the lead up to the Games.


更多网络解释与持乐观态度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

look down on sb./sth:轻视, 看不起

keep to oneself 不与他人交往; 不向他人透露自己的意见和想法 | look down on sb./sth. 轻视, 看不起 | look on the bright side of things 对事物持乐观态度

Arun Sarin:阿伦 萨林

摘要:沃达丰CEO阿伦 萨林(Arun Sarin)日前在刚刚开幕的CeBIT展会上强烈呼吁技术界应该更加紧密地加强合作. 另外,他还表示对ICT(信息、通信及技术)产业的未来持乐观态度. 天极网3月10日消息(羽人 编译)据外电报道,

but I just feel so dwarfed by your musical gift:但是你的才华令我自惭形秽

I was trying to be really okay and upbeat about it...|我很想抱持无所谓乐观的态度 | ...but I just feel so dwarfed by your musical gift.|但是你的才华令我自惭形秽 | See, but...|但是...