英语人>词典>汉英 : 拘留所 的英文翻译,例句
拘留所 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bridewell  ·  choky  ·  jail  ·  jailed  ·  lockup  ·  pound  ·  pounded  ·  prison  ·  roundhouse  ·  chokey  ·  watchhouse  ·  chokier  ·  jailing  ·  jails  ·  pounds  ·  prisoned  ·  prisoning  ·  prisons  ·  gaols

house of detention · a house of detention
更多网络例句与拘留所相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Although it may draw attention to their operation, it will help Andre release his father from prison.


If I ask the Bank of England to place this bill to the credit of the man it belongs to, they'll do it, for they know him, although I don't; but they will ask me how I came in possession of it, and if I tell the truth, they'll put me in the asylum, naturally, and a lie will land me in jail.


For example, Britain locks up more children in secure detention than any other western European country (though the total has recently fallen a bit), i n part, say some, because of the Bulger furore.

举个例子。英国拘留所的儿童比其他西欧国家都要多。(虽然总数已经有所减少。)在某种程度上,是因为Bulger furore。

I'd rather not spend my childbearing years in lockup.


Can detention in a remand home be regarded as educational?


You will be arrested into detention, and then to send you home.


The government has tried to calm the resulting public outcry through pledges to address malpractice by personnel in detention houses, but there has been no open debate of the larger problem of police brutality and extralegal punishments.


With that, he locked them up in the guardhouse for three days.


Once, when Pharaoh was angry, he put me and the chief baker in custody in the house of the chief steward.


"I do not know why it is better to have someone in a so-called "super-max" facility in, say Colorado, than it is to keep them in Guantanamo - a state of the art facility that we built not too long ago for the explicit purpose of holding these people," said Senator Kyl.


更多网络解释与拘留所相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Briareus /百手巨人/ | Bridewell /感化院/拘留所/ | Bridge Port /布里奇波特/

bridewell:感化院, 拘留所, (泛指)牢狱, 监牢

bridesman | 男傧相 | bridewell | 感化院, 拘留所, (泛指)牢狱, 监牢 | bridge abutment cone | 桥台锥体


bullockcow 牯 | bullpen 临时拘留所 | bullpenbyre 牛栏

calaboose:监狱, 拘留所

calabazilla | 野南瓜 | calaboose | 监狱, 拘留所 | calabrese | 花茎甘蓝

calaboose:监狱; 拘留所 (名)

calabash 葫芦; 瓢 (名) | calaboose 监狱; 拘留所 (名) | caladium 贝母 (名)

chokey:窒息的, 憋闷的 拘留所, 监狱

choketube | 阻气管 阻尼管 | chokey | 窒息的, 憋闷的 拘留所, 监狱 | choking action | 阻塞作用


choker /使窒息的人/窒息物/宽领带/ | chokey /窒息的/闷人的/拘留所/监狱/ | choking /窒息的/闷人的/透不过气来的/哽/


hooray 万岁! | hoosegow 监狱拘留所 | hoosgow 拘留所


hoosegow 监狱拘留所 | hoosgow 拘留所 | hoosh 杂锅菜


hoosegow /监狱拘留所/ | hoosgow /监狱拘留所/ | hoped /希望/