英语人>词典>汉英 : 拘泥的 的英文翻译,例句
拘泥的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
constrained  ·  nice

更多网络例句与拘泥的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But some of Allegheny's approaches contradict conventional lean-manufacturing practices.

然 而A 又并不完全拘泥于传统的精英制造架构。

A starchy manner; the letter was stiff and formal; his prose has a buckram quality .


Red tape or rules, conventionality and the status quo aren't sitting well with you during the first couple of days this week.


The gist lies in righteousness." A noble man may not necessarily stick to minor faith and minor deed. The key is to treat "faith from an overall situation of righteousness. Be faithful to what is righteous and don't be faithful to what is not.


Stickle's English translation, formality in English how to say - n word Chinese-English Dictionary cool

拘泥的英文翻译,拘泥用英语怎么说- n词酷汉英词典

Cool with the n word in English, Chinese-English dictionary search stickle how to say, nice English translation, spelling, usage, idioms, listen, etc..


People find her a stickler about trifles.


Such an attitude is, of course, superstitious and totally contrary to reason.


I.? ?Restless? addresses the contemporary man's psychological core, one that occludes within it weapons to struggle against fate.


The actual grammatical battle was probably lost as far back as 1954, when Winston announced that its latest smoke "tasted good, like a cigarette should." Complaints from sticklers拘泥某事的人 that this should have been "as a cigarette should"were met by a second ad in which a gray-bunned schoolmarm女士 type was taunted嘲弄 by cheery consumers asking,"What do you want, good grammar or good taste?"


更多网络解释与拘泥的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ceremonious: a.1:礼仪的 2.正式隆重的,拘泥于礼节的

caustic: adj.腐蚀性的;刻薄的 | ceremonious: a.1.礼仪的 2.正式隆重的,拘泥于礼节的 | characteristics in common: n.共同特征

ceremonious: a.1:礼节的2. 正式隆重的,拘泥于礼节的

caustic:adj. 腐蚀性的;刻薄的 | ceremonious:a. 1. 礼节的2. 正式隆重的,拘泥于礼节的 | characteristicsincommon:n. 共同特征


formalist 拘泥形式的人 | formalisthideboundpriggish 死板的 | formalistic 形式主义的


hairsbreadth 极狭的 | hairsplitter 拘泥于琐事的人 | hairsplitting 吹毛求疵的


hairsbreadth /间不容发的宽度/ | hairsplitter /拘泥于琐事的人/强词夺理的人/ | hairsplitting /做无益的细小区别的/吹毛求疵的/拘泥于细节/

hairsplitter:拘泥于琐事的人; 强词夺理的人 (名)

hairsbreadth 间不容发, 千钧一发 (名) | hairsplitter 拘泥于琐事的人; 强词夺理的人 (名) | hairsplitting 拘泥于细节 (名)


hairsplitter /拘泥于琐事的人/强词夺理的人/ | hairsplitting /做无益的细小区别的/吹毛求疵的/拘泥于细节/ | hairspring /细弹簧丝/


compunctious 后悔的,惭愧的,内疚的 | punctilio 细节,拘泥形式,拘束 | punctilious 谨小慎微的


stickleback 棘鱼 | stickler 好挑剔的人 | stickler 拘泥的


stickler 好挑剔的人 | stickler 拘泥的人 | stickman 打击手