英语人>词典>汉英 : 抽象论的 的英文翻译,例句
抽象论的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The form discussion studies Liang Zongdai and Ye Gongchao respectively introduced and spreaded the French imagism and British and American formalism. The Poem special issue in the literature and art supplement of Ta kung Pao Newspaper and New Poetry organized twice discussions in poetic forms. The pure poetry school introduced that the modernists introduced the western and ancient pure poetry theories: from Baudelaire, Mallarme, Vale'ry, H. Read, A. Bremond to J.M. Murray, and the basic idea and difference of pure poetry. Besides, a lot of modem poets became greatly interested in pursuit heat of the pure poetry in late Tang and Nan Song dynasties, studying the development and variation of pure poetry. Music theory argues that modernists make introduction and reform on the western and Chinese music theory. He Qifang and Bian Zhilin continue the topic to the contemporary time, and put forward the theoretical frames in Chinese poetry. Rhyme and rhythm theory make researches on the introduction and reform of French symbolism and British and American modernists' rhyme and rhythm theory, making studies on the Chinese new form poetry and its thyme and rhythm theory.


Kant's critique of the traditional abstract-theory had far-reaching meaning to the following development of philosophy,which firstly abtained the actual effects in epistemology of Fichte.


Again, what is known now as group theory? was an abstract and inapplicable mathematical theory.


But as most of the researchers haven't, by penetrating critiques of and reflections upon the traditional intellectualist methodology in the Western,come up to their high level of consciousness of the methodology used by themselves,this essay emphasizes that,only by the radical transforming this intellectualist methodology,which is constituted by the basic inclinations embodied by the theory of preformation,thinking modes,and research patterns in the Western intellectualism,and by sublating this kind of methodology by the methodology of the Social Individual Growing-up Theory,can the researches of philosophy of action go more smoothly and get numerous significant achievements.


However, most of the researchers failed in producing penetrating critiques of and reflections upon the traditional intellectualist methodology in the Western world and moving to a higher plane of consciousness of the methodology. This essay emphasizes that only through the radical transforming of this intellectualist methodology, which is constituted by the basic inclinations embodied by the theory of performation, thinking modes and research patterns in the Western intellectualism, and through sublating this kind of methodology by the methodology of the social individual growing-up theory can the researches of philosophy of action go more smoothly and get numerous significant achievements.


As the logical foundation of sematics, it is Known that the model theory treats the relationships between syntactic constructs and semantical features thereof, and that the model theoretic logic cares, under the frame of abstract logic, for the similarity, distinctness and interrelationships among various extended logics.


Nietzsche s "the will to power" is endowed with the non-subjective substantiality,the activity in the maintenance and increase of the self-power and axiological relativity,and it has two basic types: the original will to ...


Even the streets leading up to its outer barriers were roamed by gorilla-faced guards in black uniforms, armed with jointed truncheons


Nevertheless, morphisms are not necessarily functions, and objects over which morphisms are defined are not necessarily sets.


The form discussion studies Liang Zongdai and Ye Gongchao respectively introduced and spreaded the French imagism and British and American formalism. The Poem special issue in the literature and art supplement of Ta kung Pao Newspaper and New Poetry organized twice discussions in poetic forms. The pure poetry school introduced that the modernists introduced the western and ancient pure poetry theories: from Baudelaire, Mallarme, Vale'ry, H. Read, A. Bremond to J.M. Murray, and the basic idea and difference of pure poetry. Besides, a lot of modem poets became greatly interested in pursuit heat of the pure poetry in late Tang and Nan Song dynasties, studying the development and variation of pure poetry. Music theory argues that modernists make introduction and reform on the western and Chinese music theory. He Qifang and Bian Zhilin continue the topic to the contemporary time, and put forward the theoretical frames in Chinese poetry. Rhyme and rhythm theory make researches on the introduction and reform of French symbolism and British and American modernists' rhyme and rhythm theory, making studies on the Chinese new form poetry and its thyme and rhythm theory.


更多网络解释与抽象论的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cerebralism:主张意识全为大脑机能的论说, 抽象主义

cerebralis | 脑 | cerebralism | 主张意识全为大脑机能的论说, 抽象主义 | cerebrate | 用脑筋, 思考




(2)元素论(Elementalism)时期,类抽象. 西方的四元素说(水、火、土、风)与中国的五行:金、木、水、火、土. (3)基质论或元质论(Essentialism)时期,在诸种元素之中找到一种具有决定性的元素. 古希腊米利都学派的阿那克西美尼以"气"为基质,

field theory:场论

现代物理学对物质本体之研究,发现"粒子"的观念,有所偏差,而代之以"场论"(field theory)(8,9). 以电子为例,一个电子并非存在于空间中某一位置的一个"粒子"或个体,而是一个抽象的"场",此场没有界限,无量无边,而在某一特定因缘之下,

individualistic school:个体论学派

前一种的极端代表认为,群落是一种超有机体,后一种的极端认为,群落纯粹是一个人为的、不切实际的抽象. 因此,持前一种观点的可称为机体论学派(organismic school),而后一种则称为个体论学派(individualistic school).


moot 辩论会 | moot 抽象论的 | mop-up 扫尾工作


B.天国在将来论(Consistent Eschatology)C.天国今将论(Present-Future Eschatology)D.天国古今将论(Complete Eschatology)"国度"(希伯来文malkuth与希腊文basileia)同有抽象与实际两方面的含义;抽象方面指"国权"(rule)或"统治"(reign),而实际方面则指"国土"或"领域"(rea



noetics:知识分子; 纯粹理性论 (名)

noetic 智力的; 抽象的 (形) | noetics 知识分子; 纯粹理性论 (名) | nog 木钉; 木砖; 木栓 (名)

Abstinence theory of interest:节欲利息论

absorptive capacity for external assistance 吸收外援的能力 | abstinence theory of interest 节欲利息论 | abstract theory of interest 货币抽象说