英语人>词典>汉英 : 抽出 的英文翻译,例句
抽出 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
avulse  ·  elicit  ·  elicitation  ·  exsuction  ·  extraction  ·  whap  ·  whop  ·  withdrawing  ·  avulses  ·  avulsing  ·  elicited  ·  eliciting  ·  elicits  ·  whapped  ·  whapping  ·  whopped  ·  whops

draw out · shoot out · select from a lot
更多网络例句与抽出相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Side cuts frontal Dou Genzhi and bazoo to use vaseline yarn on add iodoform gauze ram, 48h takes out vaseline gauze, art hind begins the 5th day to take out iodoform gauze. The haemorrhage after 1.3 art and haemorrhage of the nasal cavity after treating art or ooze blood 56, bleed among them more serious, hind nostril has blood to pour out of 7, seasonable application puts pillow on the ice below close observation, fight infection, hemostatic reach tranquillizer.


In our work, a new continuous thermodynamics method for petroleum fraction phase equilibrium calculation has been proposed, in which true boiling point distillation curves for petroleum fractions were considered to be a continuous distribution function and the distribution variable was TBP temperature, and at the same time, a spline method was used in the distribution function calculation.


When Oz blows into the envelope, don't get fooled by this, as it is only a convincer.


The frame adopted for this survey was the telephone listings for Tainan City. In order to avoid being unable to select those residences with unlisted telephone numbers, we first took a systematic random sample of telephone numbers, and then added one to the last digit. Respondents were chosen from within the selected household according to a set intra-household sampling procedure.


The frame adopted for this survey was the telephone listings for Taipei County. In order to avoid being unable to select those residences with unlisted telephone numbers, we first took a systematic random sample of telephone numbers, and then added one to the last digit. Respondents were chosen from within the selected household according to a set intra-household sampling procedure.

电话访问以台北县的住宅用电话用户作为抽样之母体清册,首先以等距抽样的原则抽出电话号码,为避免未在电话号码簿上登记的用户无法被抽中的情形发生,遂在抽出的电话号码的尾数加1 ,作为受访的样本户,实际访问时,访员再按洪永泰所设计的户中抽样原则抽出受访对象。

The paper carries on qualitative analysis to the acetone extractives before and after discoloring, shows the main components of the extractives and then takes comparison. The results shows :①The hydroxyl is oxidized and then shifted to the carbonyl,carboxyl, ester and ketone groups during inducing discoloration under the pretreatment conditions,which makes the wood color deep;② There are plenty of auxochromic groups in the acetone extractives of silver chain, the interaction between the auxochromic groups and the chromophoric groups makes the wood color deep.

摘 要:本文通过对刺槐变色前后丙酮抽出物的定性分析,得出变色前后丙酮抽出物的主要成分,进行对比分析,初步得出抽出物对诱发变色的作用为:①变色前后羟基在预处理条件下氧化成羰基,羧基,酯基和酮基等官能团,使木材颜色加深;②刺槐丙酮抽出物的主要成分中含有大量助色基,这些基团会与木素中的发色基团相互作用,使木材颜色加深。

In results, with the growing of L.kaempferi, the total carbohydrate decreases, water extractives including cold water extractives and hot water extractives increase, and 1%NaOH extractives also increase; glucosan and xylan decrease, however, galactosan increases.


The results showed that the ash content and the contents of cold water and hot water and benzyl ethanol extractives of Albizia falcataria are lower than that of Gmelina arborea, the contents of lignin and cellulose of Albizia falcataria is similar to that of Gmelina arborea. On the other hand, the contents of 1%NaOH extractive and hemicellulose of Albizia falcataria are higher than that of Gmelina arborea.

结果表明,南洋楹的灰分、冷热水抽出物和苯-醇抽出物含量低于石梓,Klason 木素和纤维素含量两者相当,但是南洋楹的 1% NaOH 抽出物和戊聚糖含量明显高于石梓。

MethodThe qualitative analysis to the acetone extractives of silver chain wood before and after discoloring was carried on showing the main components of the acetone extractives and then taking comparison.


Through research and analysis of data, it was observed that the length and width of bark fiber varied according to the lop and age, the results show the fiber of the Salix bark is longer than the Salix and width of fiber almost same, fiber length of the Salix bark mainly influenced by the times of lop. The ash in Salix bark,1% Sodium Hydroxide Solubility in Salix bark, water solubility in Salix bark, Ethanol-Toluene in Salix bark, acid-insoluble lignin in Salix bark changed with the lop and age is also been investigated, the component of Salix bark is higher than Salix except acid-insoluble lignin,and it's high effected by times of lop; the TG analysis and DSC analysis is been used on the Salix bark and Salix to study the character of the hot-action, and the rang of the pyrogenate temperature is confirm; the quantity of Salix bark effect on the MOR, MOE, swelling in 24h water, nail withdraw and inner strength was determined, the results show that the Salix bark notability effect on the properties of board and dropped it; the properties of the Salix bark board is nearly the board product by other bark residues, it was established the multi regression equation of each properties and optimized the fitting produce condition of Salix bark board.


更多网络解释与抽出相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abstracted heat:抽出的热量;放出热,散失热

abstract code 抽象代码;理想码 | abstracted heat 抽出的热量;放出热,散失热 | abstract heat 散热

phrenic avulsion:膈神经抽出术

phrenic accessory nerves 膈副神经 | phrenic avulsion 膈神经抽出术 | phrenic nerve 膈神经

beer pump:从啤酒筒抽出啤酒的唧筒

beer plaques | 啤酒瓶用纸板 | beer pump | 从啤酒筒抽出啤酒的唧筒 | beer scale | 啤酒沉垢 啤酒标尺

BLD: BLED:(抽出的)


bleed valve:抽出液阀(小阀)

(水)龙头 bibb; bib; faucet | 抽出液阀(小阀) bleed valve | 旁路阀 by-pass valve

draw out switchgear:抽出式开关设备

draw-out switch board | 抽出式开关板 | draw-out switchgear | 抽出式开关设备 | draw-out type breaker | 抽出型断路器


extract 抽出,精练出 | extractable 可抽出的,抽得出的 | extraction 拔出,脱模


extractive distillation 提取蒸馏 | extractive 抽出的 | extractor pump 抽出

grease extractor:滑脂抽出器

grease cup 牛油杯 | grease extractor 滑脂抽出器 | grease extractor 油脂抽出

grease extractor:油脂抽出器

grease extractor 滑脂抽出器 | grease extractor 油脂抽出器 | grease fittings 注滑脂附件