英语人>词典>汉英 : 抵触 的英文翻译,例句
抵触 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
clash  ·  collide  ·  collision  ·  conflict  ·  interfere  ·  repugnance  ·  clashed  ·  clashes  ·  collides  ·  conflicted  ·  conflicts  ·  interfered  ·  interferes  ·  collisions

更多网络例句与抵触相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I have a modest proposal for compromise with people now very resistant to any discussion at all.


Indeed, the idea was "abhorrent to the vast majority of Europeans."


Because they are not absolute conflict in societal value, they are complementary beneficial relationship.


We abutting them. And we chatted about the violence.


This is not accordant with the law .


This ran afoul of the law.


Hong Kong SAR, however, is more open, and you are free to practice your coaching function however you see fit, as long as you don't run afoul of the law.


When sects that were defined as heretical in their dissent--Waldenses, Albigenses, Cathari, and others--emerged to counter or contradict Roman Catholic concepts of Christian essence, they had to go into hiding or were pushed into enclaves beyond the enforcing reach of the custodians of official teaching.


Although it seems reasonable to assume that Tiberius reacted negatively to the rumors that his mother was a kingmaker and that these rumors would have blossomed as he became progressively a less popular personality, his withholding of excessive honors for her and his self-imposed distance are consistent with what is known of his personality.


Some provisions of certain ordinances and subordinate legislation previously in force in Hong Kong, which are listed in Appendix II of this Decision, shall not be adopted as laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for their contravening the Basic Law.

第三条 列于本决定附件二的香港原有的条例及附属立法的部分条款抵触《基本法》,抵触的部分条款不采用为香港特别行政区法律。

更多网络解释与抵触相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

resistance; resentment; antipathy:抵触情绪

底层人民people in the bottom of society | 抵触情绪resistance; resentment; antipathy | 抵触情绪resistancy; resentment; antipathy

belie: v.1:掩饰,使人对...误解 2.证明...为虚假,与...抵触,违背

befuddlement: n.1.糊涂,迷惑不解,昏沉 2.烂醉 | belie: v.1.掩饰,使人对...误解 2.证明...为虚假,与...抵触,违背 | belie: v.证明......为虚假,与......抵触,违背

belie: v.1:掩饰,使人对...误解 2.证明...为虚假,与...抵触,违背 来源:考试大

befuddlement: n.1.糊涂,迷惑不解,昏沉 2.烂醉 来源:考试大 | belie: v.1.掩饰,使人对...误解 2.证明...为虚假,与...抵触,违背 来源:考试大 | belie: v.证明...为虚假,与...抵触,违背

belie: v.1:掩饰,使人对...误解 2.证实...为虚假,与...抵触,违反 来源:考试大

befuddlement: n.1.糊涂,迷惑不解,昏沉 2.烂醉 来源:考试大 | belie: v.1.掩饰,使人对...误解 2.证实...为虚假,与...抵触,违反 来源:考试大 | belie: v.证实...为虚假,与...抵触,违反

collide vi.1:碰撞,互撞2.冲突,抵触 逻辑辨证记忆提示

collaboration n.1.合作,协作2.勾结 | collide vi.1.碰撞,互撞2.冲突,抵触 逻辑辨证记忆提示:lid=lead | collision n.1.碰撞2.冲突,抵触


从下文所引WTO实践看,应与"抵触"(conflict)同义. 但在同一款中,对本谅解与适用协定使用了"差异",而对于适用协定之间却使用了"抵触",是有些误导的. 在本案中,墨西哥没有指控危地马拉的最终反倾销税(因为磋商在最终措施之前进行),

confliction mark:抵触标记

conflicting | 相冲突的, 不一致的, 相矛盾的 | confliction mark | 抵触标记 | conflictive | 矛盾的, 抵触

contradictor:反驳者; 相矛盾的人; 抵触者

contradictive | 倾向于矛盾的, 抵触的 | contradictor | 反驳者; 相矛盾的人; 抵触者 | contradictorily | 反驳地, 逆, 矛盾地


contractual term 合约租期 | contravention 抵触 | contravention of lease conditions 抵触租契条件

in conflict with:同......相冲突[有抵触,有矛盾]

conflict n. 斗争,冲突vi. 抵触,冲突 | in conflict with.../同......相冲突[有抵触,有矛盾]; | confront vt. 使面临,对抗