英语人>词典>汉英 : 报帐 的英文翻译,例句
报帐 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
account  ·  accounted

send in account
更多网络例句与报帐相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Billing agent advantages: 1, agent billing company is to provide SMEs with accounting, tax, consulting, consultancy and supervision of professional companies, enterprises pay a full-time as long as 30 percent of the cost of accounting, you can enjoy Services of a professional team 2, agent billing companies are a professional team, all-round industry, whether it is commercial, industrial, construction, transport, securities and other accounts can be accurate treatment, and the use of modern computers to replace the old manual entry account, so writing a clear, fast, error-free.

代理记帐的好处: 1、代理记帐公司是为中小型企业提供记帐、报税、咨询、顾问监督等专业性公司,企业只要支付一个专职会计百分之三十的费用,就可以享用一个专业的团队服务 2、代理记帐公司是一个专业团队、行业技术全面,不管是商业、工业、建筑、运输、证券等帐务都能准确无误的处理,并且使用现代化计算机代替古老的手工记帐,做到字迹清楚、速度快、无差错。

Control the risk, is a mistake, the book surplus amount or types that may take places trade, can material alone or with gather to report other surpluses or class, would not arrestment or detection and rectify the accountancy and inner-controlled mechanism.


Submit outstanding expenses and "cash-in" your unused vacation and paid time-off.


I usually fly there for personal reasons, so I can't put it on an expense account.


Financial service, we will help you complete the whole process of financial accounts and tax returns to government.


Agent professional staff, familiar with the government investment policies and regulations, the company application procedures and documents ready to provide investors with a wide range of investment consulting, investment programs and company registration agent and tax¨, tax service.


You will have to render an account of your expenditure.


Those bishops, curates, and theologians who allow such discourses to have currency among the people, will have to render an account.

这些主教, curates ,和神学谁允许这样的论述有货币之间的人,将不得不报帐

The souls of the simple, of whom we shall have to render an account to God, are to be freed from the deceits and snares of the prince of darkness.


Jerry : I can charge this flight to my company, so I think I want something a little more comfortable.


更多网络解释与报帐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

to account for:解释,说明原因;报帐,说出花钱的用途;汇报,交代;组成或构成

on one's own account 为了自己的目的或利益;自己承担风险;自己负责 | to account for 解释,说明原因;报帐,说出花钱的用途;汇报,交代;组成或构成 | to call / bring to account 要求说明缘由;责问,谴责

to call / bring to account:要求说明缘由;责问,谴责

to account for 解释,说明原因;报帐,说出花钱的用途;汇报,交代;组成或构成 | to call / bring to account 要求说明缘由;责问,谴责 | to give a good account of oneself 成功,给自己增光

Carrying value:帐面价值

这份财报结果包括先前宣布减少对Clearwire投资所带来的十亿美元帐面价值(Carrying value)的损失. 英特尔第四季微处理器和晶片组出货较第三季显著减少,Intel Atom(凌动)处理器和晶片组的营收成长50%,达3亿美元,整体微处理器平均销售价格(ASP)持平,

in account with:与......有财务关系

for account of 为......代销,向某人报帐 | in account with 与......有财务关系 | of no account 没有价值的,无足轻重的,无关紧要的

Roth IRA:罗斯退休帐户

其他一些新陷阱包括滥用罗斯退休帐户(Roth IRA)以及借用国内空壳公司逃税等. 滥用罗斯退休帐户指不法报税机构劝说纳税人将估值偏低的财产(如贬值的普通股票)转移到罗斯退休帐户中,这样既可以绕过联邦政府规定的向退休帐户存款的最高限额,

yield gap:收益差额

yield an account 报帐 | yield gap 收益差额 | yield oneself prisoner 投降受俘

Geoff Hoon:运输大臣:胡恩

"另一方面,伦敦警方证实,将对6名涉嫌浮报公帐的内阁官员进行调查,包括财政大臣达林(Alistair Darling)、运输大臣胡恩(Geoff Hoon)等. 卡梅伦与英国首相布朗(Gordon Brown)已对议员浮报公帐丑闻表达歉意,并主张对申报公帐制度进行改革.

render account:开出帐目; 结帐; 送呈帐单

remit account 划帐 | render account 开出帐目; 结帐; 送呈帐单 | render an account 开送帐单; 报帐

render an account:开送帐单; 报帐

render account 开出帐目; 结帐; 送呈帐单 | render an account 开送帐单; 报帐 | rent account 租金帐

render an account:报帐

rend 分裂 | render an account 报帐 | render back 报答