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护士 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
nurse  ·  nurses  ·  nursekeeper  ·  nursed

更多网络例句与护士相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Coping ways of abreaction and seeking social support positively and negatively predicted self-affirm, separately.


Definitude the training goal and content, use clinic duty cincture to help each nurse, strengthen new nurse's observe ability, induct their work follow distinction nursing, instruct them use observation in each nursing tache.


Objective To investigate the knowledge of the osteoporosis among community clinic nurses, and to provide the cues for the future nursing continue education.

目的 针对社区医院护士对骨质疏松症知识的知晓情况进行调查,为今后加强社区护士的培训提供依据,以更好地提高社区护士实施健康教育的效果。

Results 46.0% people agreed that basic nursing was the nurser's work.40.0% people agreed that basic nursing need professional knowledge and skill.41.7% agreed that basic nursing could promote connection between nurses and patients.43.0% agreed that basic nursing was embodiment of nurse professional value.25.0% agreed that the quality of nursing directly influenced patients' recovery.68.5% agreed that lack of nurse,65.0% agreed that low charge caused basic nursing hard to put in practice.

结果 认同基础护理是护士工作职责占46.0%,认同做好基础护理需要护理专业知识和技能的占40.0%,认同做好基础护理能促进护患沟通的占41.7%,认同基础护理是护士职业价值的具体体现的占43.0%,认同基础护理质量直接影响患者身体康复的占25.0%,而对于护士人手不足、基础护理收费低原因造成基础护理难落实认同率分别为68.0%和65.0%。

Arrangements for nurses to doctors injected patients with Amiodarone Hydrochloride Injection, and asked the nurses to slowly push, push 10 minutes. At 2:05 on March 17, 2008 to start a nurse to push the old lady Wang drugs, there are other patients at this time called the nurses, so the nurse put down the syringe and left, followed by another injection of nurses to continue to pick up the syringe, the two nurses liquid injection time after a total of five minutes.


Adopt the practice of half an year, daystart nurses quality gets rising. 2 joining a class is so guide responsibility nurse and whole family nurse and evening shift nurse to undertake collective by sister perambulatory, evening shift nurse pursues the patient's condition of bed introduction patient, this kind of hand over to the next shift took a nurse seriously only between have sex, and the participation that ignored a patient, affected the result that have sex.


Methods 711 nurses were divided into 4 groups (158 nurses work in emergency department, 213 work in medical department, 193 work in surgical department, and 147 work in operation room), and were evaluated by SCL-90 questionnaire, with 725 saleswomen as control.


Preceptors are generally responsible for training new nurses, and as values and perspectives have changed radically recently, both preceptors and new nurses are bound to face more challenges than ever during the training process in such a stressful setting.


Through adopting the effective method of selecting and engaging, nurs es bring their maximum working enthusiasms into play after they were engaged.


The work pressure of the nurses was closely related with the mental health. It is very important to find the way to ease the pressure and improve the ability of selfcomfort and selfdefence.


更多网络解释与护士相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nurse Anesthetist:护士麻醉师

[正文快照] 护士麻醉师(nurse anesthetist)是经过特殊教育与培训的、为手术病人提供术前评估、麻醉期管理和术后复苏管理等围术期护理的高级注册护士[1],是高级实践护士的一种.

Nurse Educator:护士教育家

护士辅导员 nurse counsellor | 护士教育家 nurse educator | 护士-国家级 nurse employed at national level

nephrology nurse:肾脏科护士

肾脏病和肾移植护士 nephrology and renal transplantation nurse | 肾脏科护士 nephrology nurse | 神经护士 neuroscience nurse

Registered Nurse:注册护士

(由1995年第34号第25条增补)"注册证明书"(certificate of registration) 指根据第10条发出的证明书; (由1997年第82号第2条增补)"注册护士"(registered nurse) 指姓名列于注册护士名册任何部分内的护士;

Nurse Practitioner:执业护士

安省保健顾问委员会正探讨扩大执业护士(Nurse Practitioner)的权力,按照新方案,执业护士将可以开更多处方、转介病人接受疫苗注射,甚至为某些药物配方. 提倡的人士指出,这将有助於减少急诊病房与医生的压力. 加通社消息,护士们认为,

Nurse Practitioner:开业护士

APN)的发展 (1)专科护士的基本概念:专科护士指在某一专业领域受过高级/特定专业教育并具有实践经验的注册护士,可包括护理麻醉师(nurse anesthetist)、护理助产士(nurse midwife)、临床护理专家(CNS)、开业护士(nurse practitioner)等.

probationer nurse:见习护士

责任护士 primary nurse | 见习护士 probationer nurse | 辅助护士 associate nurse

Enrolled Nurse:登记护士

"注册护士名册"(register) 指按照第5条备存的注册护士名册;"登记证明书"(certificate of enrolment) 指根据第16条发出的证明书; (由1997年第82号第2条增补)"登记护士"(enrolled nurse) 指姓名列于登记护士名册任何部分内的护士;

critical care nurse:危重病护士

社区保健护士 community health nurse | 危重病护士 critical care nurse | 经过护士学校训练的护士 graduate nurse

graduate nurse:经过护士学校训练的护士

危重病护士 critical care nurse | 经过护士学校训练的护士 graduate nurse | 重症监护护士 intensive care nurse