英语人>词典>汉英 : 抓痕 的英文翻译,例句
抓痕 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
score  ·  scores  ·  scratch  ·  scratches  ·  scratched

更多网络例句与抓痕相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Here is an example of a 'scratch' in the aerogel.


Do not bring the device into contact with sharp objects as this will cause scratches and damage.


So he experimented by making a scratch on the arms of healthy people, infecting them with cowpox, and though their arms became sore for a day or two, they soon healed and none of these people ever got smallpox.


Meguiar's Quik Wax – This is a remarkable product. With Meguiar's Spray Wax, you can quickly restore that "just waxed" look in minutes. Recently reformulated, Quik Wax now darkens and deepens medium to dark colored paints, while significantly increasing gloss and shine. Quik Wax also helps to fill in and hide unsightly swirls and scratches. This is not a replacement for a quick detailer, but instead, the natural companion to a quick detailer. Using a quick detailer first to remove light dust and fresh contaminants, then immediately going over the finish with Quik Wax to maximize optical clarity, shine and gloss. Quik Wax can be used with all Meguiar's waxes.


M-6601 Quick Detailer– This cleaner wax is the workhorse in the Meguiar's Cleaner/Wax category. Available in 1-gallon jugs, this is Meguiar's most aggressive cleaner wax and perfectly suited for use with rotary buffers on severely neglected, oxidized, scratched and swirled surfaces. This wax offers incredible cleaning strength, without using harsh abrasives. The rich polishing oils leave behind a lustrous finish while Meguiar's state-of-the-art synthetic polymer waxes leave behind a long lasting durable protective finish. Perfect for Used Car dealers and wholesalers looking for a fast and effective one-step product. M-66 like M-06 is very versatile, and can be used by hand, dual-action polisher, orbital buffer, and the rotary buffer.


They are scratch proof, heat and fire resistant, and unbreakable, making it ideal for use in kitchen and bathroom.


Do I have a scratch on my face?


Radha:…So in the way he designs these institutions…these symbols, the architect-engineer is telling the non-citizen "keep out,""stay out of here,""this does not belong to you"… It's a way of establishing territory… like animals… Bears leave scratch marks on trees, tigers have a spray, a mixture of urine and scent gland which says "This is my territory."

而在电影中 Radha 也在论文中指出建筑师所设计的公共建筑物已成为一种象徵,传达给非市民的讯息即是「禁止进入」、「远离此地」、「此地不属於你」,就如熊或老虎等动物藉由在树皮留下抓痕或散发气味以表示「此处是我的地盘」一样,这些建筑设计也是在划定「地盘」。

The man staggers back into the bar, his shirt ripped and big scratches all over his body.


The faux lamb's wool spilling out from the flock of sheep cut-out, the red velvet lining of the heron or the LED strands falling from the steel grizzly bear cut-out all effectivelydescribe how different fixtures and colours distort and enhance the overall space.


更多网络解释与抓痕相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

pruritus ani:肛门瘙痒[症]

肛门瘙痒症(pruritus ani)系指无原发皮肤损害而仅有瘙痒症状的一种皮肤闰.在经过中由于搔抓可出现各种继发性皮肤变化茹抓痕血痂皮肤肥厚亦及苔藓样改变并可蔓延至会阴阴囊或阴唇.中医学称之为"痒风""谷道痒"后世医家称为"肛门痒"乃风邪作崇所致.>说:"遍体瘙

prurigo nodularis:结节性痒疹

数目不定,丘疹顶部有微小的水疱,但水疱常被抓破而不见,疱破后表面留有浆液性结痂,损害分批出现,引起剧烈瘙痒,由于长期搔抓可出现抓痕、苔藓化及色素沉着,少数病例愈后留有点状结疤. 3.结节性痒疹(Prurigo nodularis) 亦称疣状顽固性

scrape together:费力地获得

4442scrape by勉强维持 | 4443scrape together费力地获得 | 4444scratchn. 抓痕,抓的声音,乱写; v. 搔痒,抓,抹掉


scratcher 抓扒工具 | scratcher 抓扒者 | scratching 刮痕


(5)抓痕(excoriation)为搔抓或摩擦所致的表皮或达到真皮浅层的缺损. 表面可有渗出、脱屑或血痂. 常见于各种瘙痒性皮肤玻如缺损只达到表皮,愈后不留瘢痕;如缺损达到真皮,则愈后可留瘢痕.

scratch mark, excoriation:抓痕

项部硬结性毛囊炎 folliculitis nuchae scleroticans | 抓痕 scratch mark, excoriation | 海蜇皮炎 jellyfish dermatitis

F factitial urticaria:抓痕

红皮病 excoriation | 抓痕 F factitial urticaria | 脂溢性皮炎 secondary syphilis


围巾针 scarf pin | 抓痕 scatch | 半精梳,简易精梳 scatch combing


拉痕(痕较chafed | 深) scored | 抓痕(硬拉过的痕) scratched


抓痕(硬拉过的痕) scratched | 刮痕(长期运行刮的痕) scraped | 凸起雷治痕(环状的痕) ridged