英语人>词典>汉英 : 抉择 的英文翻译,例句
抉择 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
choice  ·  choicer

Dirty Story
更多网络例句与抉择相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results were summarized as follows:(1) the 4-week interval retest reliability for the Decidedness, Comfort, and Reasons scales were .69,.80, and .89, respectively, and for the subscales of the Reasons scale ranged between .78 and .85;(2) the alpha coefficients for the three scales were .85,.91,.97, and for the subscales of the Reasons scale ranged between .78 and .93;(3) there was a positive correlation between the Decidedness scale and the Comfort scale, and both scales were negatively correlated with the Reasons scale;(4) career indecision was found to be correlated as expected with state-trait anxiety, career beliefs, and perceived career barriers;(5) there were no significant differences between social science group and natural science group;(6) the only significant gender difference was found on the Career Choice Importance scale of the Reasons scale; and (7) there were significant grade differences on all the CCFI scale scores, with higher school grade level students showing greater decidedness.

本量表共分三部分:定向量表,安适量表及原因量表。其中,原因量表尚包含「环境资讯」、「抉择时机」、「双趋冲突」、「焦虑犹豫」、「科系因素」、「外在阻力」及「自我认识」七个分量表。做答方式采六点计分,从「非常不符合」到「非常符合」。信度方面,间隔四周的再测信度,定向量表为。69,安适量表为。80,原因量表为。89(分量表介於。78至。85间)。Cronbach alpha系数,定向量表为。85,安适量表为。91,原因量表为。97(分量表介於。78至。93间)。在效度方面,定向量表与安适量表呈显著正相关(r=。67);两量表与原因量表呈显著负相关(r=-。77及-。75);原因量表各分量表的内部相关低於各分量表与总分的相关。大学生的生涯定向程度、对生涯定向状态的安适程度及生涯未定向原因的类型三者与特质焦虑、情境焦虑、生涯信念及职业抉择阻力有关。

Hough: Emm, there are good and bad aspects, the good is you can get a lot of money if you make a right decision, but the bad is you also may lost a lot of money.


In the second part, I will examine the issue of whether we should use the maximin rule as the best strategy in Rawls's original position, and whether we should accept the difference principle when we concede the maximin rule is the best rational strategy in the situation of the choice under uncertainty.


The result shown that the lived experience of first tri- mester unmarried women could be divided into 7 themes ,which according to time sequence could be divided into three parts ,including pre-abortion ,during abortion ,and post-abor -tion.The themes of pre-abortion are "shock and not know what to do","confusion and conflict in making decision whether to have an abortion or not",and loss and depression when the decision has been made .


Core manufacturer exceeds a peak on June 22 resolution of announcement board of directors, will increase investment of LED sapphirine single crystal, investment amount is 1.38 billion yuan, beforehand appraise completes investment before 2009; In the meantime, resolution of board of directors will undertake cash is added endowment 15 million, every issue amount provisional 35 yuan, appraise of of short duration but collect gets 525 million yuan of fund.


Of self-balancing smart choice, through the nervous system, physical system to keep the power of self-instruction to make trade-offs a voice, materialized and Figure culture.


Facts have incontrovertibly proved that the decision to begin reform and opening up is vital to the destiny of contemporary China that reform and opening up are the only way of developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and rejuvenating the Chinese nation, that only socialism can save China and that only reform and opening up can develop China, socialism and Marxism.


This kind of support,like all government support,requires decisions about the appropriate recipients of funds.decisions based on utility as opposed to lack of utility are straight forward.but a decision among projects none of which has immediate utility is more difficult.the goal of the supporting agencies is the praisable one of supporting"good"as opposed to"bad"science,but a valid determination is difficult to make.generally,the idea of good science tends to BEC ome confused with the capacity of the field in question to generate an elegant theory.


This kind of support,like all government support,requires decisions about the appropriate recipients of funds.decisions based on utility as opposed to lack of utility are straight forward.but a decision among projects none of which has immediate utility is more difficult.the goal of the supporting agencies is the praisable one of supportinggoodas opposed tobadscience,but a valid determination is difficult to make.generally,the idea of good science tends to become confused with the capacity of the field in question to generate an elegant theory.


Aike Guo and colleagues showed that mushroom bodies and the dopaminergic system may have some functional cooperation and that the circuit from the dopamine system to MBs is crucial for choice behavior in Drosophila.


更多网络解释与抉择相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You agonize over moral choices:你对道德抉择从不轻松

Yeah,I am.Yeah.|是的 | You agonize over moral choices.|你对道德抉择从不轻松 | You're not completely comfortable with anything|你不会对任何东西无所谓

Lets call it a day:[抉择 或批准 暂时或永久收场(进行某事)

27. Lets keep in touch.(让我们维持 接洽 . ) | 28. Lets call it a day[抉择 或批准 暂时或永久收场(进行某事)]. | 29. I couldnt help[避免;禁止 ] it.(我没措施 . )


所以,她以"教育"(education)、"抉择"(choice)和"力行"(vital activity)这个三段式的进程表来与胡适互勉. (>,1915年2月3日)这番"读书上进"之词就是唐德刚所讽刺的"薛宝钗口吻",也就是贾宝玉口中的林妹妹决不会说的"下流话".

dynamic crossroads:动力抉择点

dynamic behavior 能动行为 | dynamic crossroads 动力抉择点 | dynamic data 动态资料


decider 决定者 | deciding 抉择 | decidua 蜕膜


decider /决定者/裁决者/决赛/ | deciding /抉择/决定/判定/ | decidua /蜕膜/

decision items:抉择事项

conclusion 结论 | decision items 抉择事项 | responsible department 负责单位

either symbol:抉择符号,抉择符号

Eisenlohr''''s symptom-complex 艾森洛尔氏复合症状 | either symbol 抉择符号,抉择符号 | either-rotation motor 双向电机



at the crossroads:处在抉择的紧要关头; 在十字路口

at the crossroads处在抉择的紧要关头; 在十字路口 | Alex stands at the crossroads at present. 爱历克斯现在正面临抉择. | up-to-date map 最新版地图