英语人>词典>汉英 : 技术 的英文翻译,例句
技术 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
art  ·  craftsmanship  ·  skill  ·  technic  ·  technica  ·  technique  ·  techno  ·  technology  ·  technism  ·  technologies  ·  techs

更多网络例句与技术相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ARRIS通讯技术有限公司 Harris is an international communications and information technology company serving government and commercial markets in more than 150 countries.

arris 是一家服务于150多个国家的政府和商业市场的通信和信息技术的国际公司。

More recently, Chevron has become a major developer and operator of (high-pressure hydroprocessors高压加氢裂化技术) and has licensed the technology to Petro-Canada and Conoco.

此文好像是Chevron是高压加氢裂解的技术和设备的领导场商(台湾的台朔好像也是这种设备),并授权此技术及设备给 Petro-Canada 和 Conoco 使用。

Solar thermal technology is one of the lowest cost one among the solar technology, this paper introduces the system design of solar thermal power tower, heliostat technology, master control technology, receiver technology and other key technologies basing on China's First Solar Thermal Power System, especially the curved reflector shaping method, the design of non system error mechanism, program calculation associating with sunlight sensor control technology of the heliostat, and the forced air cooling tech...


The evolution is not in a way of Darwinism but Lamarckism. The evolution of technology is a process of selection which includes natural and social selection, which means flowing and integration of technology information. The evolution refers to not only the progress, but also stagnation and degeneration.


It includes four parts: 1 Part I, it introduces the basic knowledge of computer viruses such as computer virus definition, history and important viruses events, features, behavior phenomena, difference with computer software and hardware troubles, damage behavior and capability, classification, naming, future trend, etc; 2 Part II, it introduces the corresponding knowledge of computer systems related to computer viruses such as the composing of software and hardware of the computer system, storage media and its working mechanism, interrupt technologies,.com/.exe/.pe file formats and their working mechanism, etc; 3 Part III, it introduces computer virus mechanism and theory such as computer virus structure, work flow, working mechanism of key modules, typical technologies used to design computer viruses including the corresponding traditional technologies (interrupt filching, memory resident, etc.), the corresponding new routine technologies (self-encrypting, Mutation Engine, etc.), and the corresponding new technologies used by some prevalence computer viruses such as macro viruses, e-mail viruses, worm, hacker, Trojan, mobile phone viruses, the working mechanism analysis of some kinds of typical and prevalence computer viruses such as file-type viruses, macro viruses, e-mail viruses, worm viruses, hacker, Trojan, mobile phone viruses, the analysis of some typical and prevalence computer viruses examples including BALL viruses, WORD macro viruses, WantJob viruses, Code Red viruses, BO Trojan, etc; 4 Part IV, it introduces the defense and killing technologies of computer viruses such as the aim and criterion of computer viruses defense and killing, prevention methods and corresponding technologies, detection technologies (comparison method, character code scanning method, behavior inspecting method, analysis method, etc.), manual and automatic killing technologies, immunity technologies such as IBM digital immunity system, new anti-viruses technology trends (real-time anti-viruses technologies, 32 kernel technologies, active kernel technologies, etc.), some typical virus defense and killing softwares (Symantec AntiVirus product, PC-Cillin AntiVirus product, etc.), the defense and killing method analysis of some kinds of typical and prevalence computer viruses (file-type viruses, macro viruses, worm viruses, hacker, etc.), for example, firewall and intrusion detection technologies for anti-hacker, the defense and killing of some typical and prevalence computer viruses examples including WORD macro viruses, Code Red viruses, BO Trojan, etc.


The company's products used by the fabric, is the company's own design and production of worsted fabrics radiation, soft texture, permeability, and washable, radiation effects through国家技术监督局Identification Test Center in Shanghai (Shanghai, China, the United States of using the Test Center Test Association of ASTM D4935-99 standard test results show that on Sonneratia weft fabric used by the radiation, electromagnetic shielding efficiency up to 99.99 percent).

公司产品所采用的面料,是公司自行设计生产的精纺防辐射面料,质地柔软、透气性好,耐水洗,防辐射效果通过国家技术监督局上海测试中心鉴定(中国上海测试中心采用美国材料试验协会ASTM D4935-99标准的检测,结果表明上海桑纬所采用防辐射面料,电磁屏蔽效率可达99.99%)。

A subsidary of Greenwich Technology Development Ltd, Lubao is a ISO9001 certified company specifically engagin",,"卡拉胶 Carragenan,软糖粉 Gummy candy powder,果冻粉 Jelly powder,肉制品粉 Carrageenan for use in meat products 及技术咨询 and on-site technical consultation


Geli fine letter supporting plant July 03 was the high-tech enterprises in Chongqing title, 03 years of environmental protection in Chongqing Municipality advanced collectives and November 1, 03 through国家技术监督局3 C certification, 04, 10 November On the ISO9001: 2000 version of quality certification.


K工作犬,训犬网,训狗网,狗友网,中国工作犬网,工作犬网,宠物用品,养犬技术,训犬用品,训犬技术,训犬视频,宠物训练,猎犬训练,训犬学校 The reason for getting into KNPV is there is no tracking and the exercises are fun to train for guard the article and handler protection etc.

X工作犬,训犬网,训狗网,狗友网,中国工作犬网,工作犬网,宠物用品,养犬技术,训犬用品,训犬技术,训犬视频,宠物训练,猎犬训练,训犬学校 KNPV吸引人的地方在于,它不需要追踪,而训练项目也充满了乐趣(比如看守物品和护卫训导员,等等)。

In the second part of the paper, the sport techniques of the flight elements was analysised in-depth theoretically by the movement technical structure:①the giant swing was first analysised in mechanics by applying the Kane's method, the dynamic equation of 5-link multi-body model was established, and the computer simulation software of the giant swing on the high bar was developed.


更多网络解释与技术相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


○STI ANTI STEALTH BIOSONAR,反隐形生物声纳. 需要传送探测技术... | ○SI DEPTH ACOUSTIC MINE DETECTION,定深音响水雷探测技术. 需要传送探测技术. | ○SI LASER SNARE DETEC,激光制导武器探测技术. 需要传送探测技术...



Environmental Biotechnology:环境生物技术

7环境生物技术(Environmental Biotechnology)则是指应用于认识和解决环境问题过程的生物技术,主要涉及环境质量的监测、评价、控制以及废弃物处理过程中的生物学方法和技术的发展与应用,即包括环境监测与评价的生物技术和污染净化的生物强化技术.

Food Biotechnology:食品生物技术

内容简介:食品生物技术(Food Biotechnology)是生物技术在食品原料生产、加工和制造中的应用的一个学科. 它包括了食品发酵和酿造是最古老的生物技术加工过程,也包括了应用现代生物技术来改良食品的原料的加工品质的基因、生产高质量的农产品、制造食品添加剂、植物和动物细胞的培养以及与食品加工和制造相关的其他生物技术,

technical bulletin:技术通报,技术公告

techincal 技术的. 工艺的,学术的 | technical bulletin 技术通报,技术公告 | technical condition 技术状况

optical character recognition:光学字符识别技术

自动识别与数据采集技术包括包括条码技术、无线射频识别技术、磁条磁卡技术、光学字符识别技术 (Optical Character Recognition)、生物统计识别方法(BIOMETRICS)等等.


专利(Patent)商标(Trademark)专有技术(Know How)软件(Software)标准 (Stand)技术特征技术具有超资源属性技术具有超商品属性技术消费过程本身并没有产生物资消耗却能够带来价值增殖企业技术范围 范畴 存在形式产品技术 —



VR: Virtual Reality:虚拟现实技术;虚拟环境技术

VPT--Virtual Prototype Technology--虚拟样机技术 | VR--Virtual Reality--虚拟现实技术;虚拟环境技术 | VRT--Virtual Reality Technology--虚拟现实技术;虚拟环境技术

