英语人>词典>汉英 : 承认失败 的英文翻译,例句
承认失败 的英文翻译、例句


pack it in · throw in the sponge · take defeat
更多网络例句与承认失败相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor.


Their capitulation would be welcomed, but they are not of the nature to admit defeat.


Fortunatus acknowledged defeat and disappeared from the town.


The battle ended indecisively; neither side had clearly won but neither side admitted defeat.


Murchison later admitted defeat after Sinosteel won over Midwest's shareholders with its offer.


Pakistan would make the far harder concession, dropping both its claim to Indian-held Kashmir and its demand for a plebiscite on the territory's future. This would be very like a Pakistani admission of defeat.


Failure is recognized sooner in the production cycle and fixed or purged before going to market.


The enraged Screed had to admit defeat, and moved on.


Unlike in the film, however, the comic concludes with Stane committing suicide through a repulsor ray blast to the head rather than facing defeat and imprisonment.


Eg. I think it is time to throw in the towel.


更多网络解释与承认失败相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

concede defeat:承认失败

7:take oaths of office as president and vice president宣誓就职正副总统 | 8:concede defeat承认失败 | 9:tenure runs out on Jan. 20任期将于1月20日结束

take defeat:承认失败

take credit to oneself 居功 | take defeat 承认失败 | take delight in 乐于

take defeat:承认失败,接受失败

pass muster 及格,符合要求 | take defeat 承认失败,接受失败 | no more than 只,仅仅

cry quits:放弃;承认失败

cross with, be 不高兴 | cry quits 放弃;承认失败 | cry wolf 狼来了;发出假警报

cry quits:承认失败

3. circular file 废纸篓 | 4. cry quits 承认失败 | 5. fake sb. out 使某人上当

take sth. lying down:承认失败

take sth. into consideration 考虑某事 | take sth. lying down承认失败 | take a look at 看一下

throw in towel:承认失败

15. think nothing else was half as good 认为其他东西连它一半都不如 | 16. throw in towel 承认失败 | 17. go on to a life of itinerant postdoctoral research 走上一种漂泊不定的博士后研究生活

dare causa vinta:认输,承认失败

chiamare in causa [转] 把 (某人) 牵连进去 | dare causa vinta 认输,承认失败 | essere parte in causa 有直接关系

conceded defeat:承认失败

Nicaragua n.[国名] 尼加拉瓜 | conceded defeat 承认失败 | made the case 申明,的情况下作出

He owd himself defeated:他承认自己失败了

304. Don't let chances pass by. 不要让机遇从我们身边溜走. | 305. He owd himself defeated. 他承认自己失败了. | 306. He seems at little rvous. 他显得有点紧张.