英语人>词典>汉英 : 承认事实 的英文翻译,例句
承认事实 的英文翻译、例句


acknowledge the corn
更多网络例句与承认事实相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's not always easy to face the truth.


It recognizes the fact of immanence, but rejects every exaggeration on either side.


He was not man ough to confess the truth .


No matter how you confess in open or private way, the only thing for you to remember is to expose a common truth--- for example alcoholic, dishonesty, self-abandonment, gay resentment, attempt to avoid specific affairs, name and correct date, this kind of statement is out of critical.


Moreover, the admitted fact, that when in office the Sadducees conformed to the principles and practices of the Pharisees, proves at least that they must have been acquainted with the ordinances of traditionalism.


The Don nodded his head pleasantly, acknowledging the flattering witticism and its truth.


His goal is to make even hardened executives recognize themselves--or, at the very least, their superiors--when he acts like the bigwig who keeps glancing at his watch during a meeting or cuts off a colleague midsentence to answer his cell phone.


Yesterday Mourinho, who had previously publically stated that Robben was certain to stay at Stamford Bridge, admitted that was not the case.


Work together to answer these interrogatories and requests for admission of facts.


While the Sunnites recognize the right of election to the califate, the Shiites refuse to accept the historical facts, and recognize as legitimate rulers and successors to the prophet only his direct blood relations and descendants in the line of his daughter Fatima, the wife of Ali.

虽然逊尼派承认的权利,当选为califate ,什叶派穆斯林拒绝接受历史事实,并承认为合法的统治者和接班人的先知只有他的直接血缘关系和后代的路线他的女儿法蒂玛的妻子阿里。

更多网络解释与承认事实相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


上诉人应受上述"承认"(admission)的约束. 而上诉人提起诉讼是在1999年1月即在其承认发现被上诉人侵占商业秘密事实后至少三年零四个月后. 这样,上诉人的诉讼请求就由于超出加利福尼亚州法典3426.6所规定的三年期诉讼时效而得不到法院的救济.

The facts admit of no other explanation:这些事实不容许其他的解释

He never admits his mistakes/ that he is wrong. 他从来不承认自己的错误/ 他有错.... | The facts admit of no other explanation. 这些事实不容许其他的解释. | admitted adj. 事实的,公认的, 明白的, 被承认了的


当下存在原理承认(allow)x过去处在不同于现在占据的位置,但又不得不认为是当前事实使之为真. 这样就会有一套当前事实使"x 既在 s1"为真,一套当前事实使"x 正在 s2"为真,一套当前事实则使"x 将在 s3"为真. 因此,

Or come to grips, with the fact that:但我真的无法承认一个事实

[00:49.11]So I decided just to beat this pain 所以我便拿起笔来开... | [00:54.57]Or come to grips, with the fact that 但我真的无法承认一个事实 | [00:56.05]I may be done with rap 就是我可能会和饶舌一同去...

But I just can't admit Or come to grips, with the fact that:但我真的无法承认一个事实

So I decided just to beat this pain 所以我便拿起笔来开火 | But I just can't admit Or come to grips, with the fact that 但我真的无法承认一个事实 | I may be done with rap 就是我可能会和饶舌一同去死

but I just can't admit or come to grips:但我真的无法承认一个事实

Up and try to make an attempt to vent 来开火发泄 | but I just can't admit or come to grips 但我真的无法承认一个事实 | With the fact that I may be done with rap, 就是我再也不能饶舌了

confess to doing sth:供认, 承认

confess the corn | 认错, 承认事实, (辩论中)认输 | confess to doing sth. | 供认, 承认 | confess to | 承认

de facto recognition:事实承认 一般外交辞汇

56 cross the border 越界 一般外交辞汇 | 57 de facto recognition 事实承认 一般外交辞汇 | 58 de jure recognition 法 承认 一般外交辞汇

de jure recognition:法律承认

其次,中华民国(台湾)不是中华人民共和国之一省,而是一个目前有27个国家法律承认(de jure recognition),以及至少60个国家以上事实承认(de facto recognition)的主权国家.

hide one's head in the sand:采取驼鸟政策; 顽固地拒绝承认事实; 闭眼不看即将来临的危险

bury one's head in the sand 采取驼鸟政策; 顽固地拒绝承认事实; 闭眼不... | hide one's head in the sand 采取驼鸟政策; 顽固地拒绝承认事实; 闭眼不看即将来临的危险 | buy sth. over sb.'s head 比某人出更高的价...