英语人>词典>汉英 : 扩充 的英文翻译,例句
扩充 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
amplification  ·  expansion  ·  extend  ·  extension  ·  expandedness  ·  extending  ·  extends

更多网络例句与扩充相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It consists of the next three aspects: firstly, we study Murthys' open problem whether the augmented matrix is a Q0-matrix for an arbitary square matrix A , provide an affirmable answer to this problem , obtain the augmented matrix of a sufficient matrix is a sufficient matrix and prove the Graves algorithm can be used to solve linear complementarity problem with bisymmetry Po-matrices; Secondly, we study Murthys' conjecture about positive semidefinite matrices and provide some sufficient conditions such that a matrix is a positive semidefinite matrix, we also study Pang's conjecture , obtain two conditions when R0-matrices and Q-matrices are equivelent and some properties about E0 ∩ Q-matrices; Lastly, we give a counterexample to prove Danao's conjecture that if A is a Po-matrix, A ∈ E' A ∈ P1* is false, point out some mistakes of Murthys in [20] , obtain when n = 2 or 3, A ∈ E' A ∈ P1*, i.e.


Firstly, using strategy of introducing associated auxiliary equation to a givenpartial differential equation without admitting Lagrangian, we make the extendedequations possess a variational principle. Based on this, the concepts of extendedconservation law and extended symmetry to given partial differential equationare put forwarded.


After analyze some kinds of extensions to the classical rough set theory, a new extension of rough set model based on limited non-symmetric similarity relation is developed.


Integrated with fast, high accuracy features, but is very common, also has expandability. ease of maintenance and expansion.


All this is made possible by the expansion card slot, which lets users expand the built-in memory from 128 KB to a maximum of 1.256 MB or install application software that adds more advanced features to the calculator.


Expansion board : Any board that plugs into one of the computer's expansion slots .

扩充板 :任何一个用插头连接在电脑扩充槽的板子。

The core of StuEmp is graduates ontology,besides of its features of expendability,self-assembly and made-to-order,its knowledge base will grow with the usage,and its functionality will expend accordingly.


Every module adopts extendible software engineering. It can expand improving by users needs.


By means of the model, the extended finite automaton is converted into improved state charts, and then into multifunction views.


Extending and improving commercial DBMS is an easy and available way to build CAD DBMS. GOODDBMS is a CAD DBMS based on INGRES DBMS, and extends it by add in the concept of object-orientation. An interface is built to connect GOODDBMS and GKS.

建造CAD DBMS的一个简便、可行的方法就是扩充和改进商用DBMS,GOODDBMS是一个CAD DBMS,它建立在INGRES之上,利用面向对象的概念对它进行了扩充,同时,还联接了图形系统GKS,实现了图形功能。

更多网络解释与扩充相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

add on board:扩充卡/扩充板

馈线 feeder | 扩充卡/扩充板 add-on board | 扩频多址连接 spread spectrum multiple access

augment digit:扩充数位

增加,添加,扩充 augment | 扩充数位 augment digit | 扩充链 augment link

augmented matrix:扩充矩阵

扩充码 augmented code | 扩充矩阵, augmented matrix | 扩充操作码 augmented operation code


扩展内存与扩充内存 如果您的系统同时提供了扩展(extended)和扩充(expanded)内存,那么就把扩展内存设置 得尽量大一些,而把扩充内存设置得尽量小. Linux 需要使用扩展内存,但无法利用扩充 内存.

expansion board:扩充板

expansion 扩充 | expansion board 扩充板 | expansion bus 扩充总线

Memory Expansion Board:内存扩充板

内存扩充和保护装置 memory expansion and protection unit,MEPU | 内存扩充板 memory expansion board | 内存扩充模块 memory expansion modules

expansion bus:扩充总线, 连接扩展板和计算机的总线 (计算机用语)

expansion board 扩充板; 扩展板; 接到主机板允许执行各种操作的卡板 (... | expansion bus 扩充总线, 连接扩展板和计算机的总线 (计算机用语) | expansion bus bottleneck 扩充总线瓶颈, 沿扩充总线传输的信息存货 (...

expansion bus bottleneck:扩充总线瓶颈, 沿扩充总线传输的信息存货 (计算机用语)

expansion bus 扩充总线, 连接扩展板和计算机的总线 (计算机... | expansion bus bottleneck 扩充总线瓶颈, 沿扩充总线传输的信息存货 (计算机用语) | expansion card 扩充卡, 接到主机板允许执行各种操作的卡板 (计算...

expansion slot card:扩充槽卡

扩充槽 expansion slot | 扩充槽卡 expansion slot card | 扩充工业标准体系结构 Extended Industry Standard Architecture

REZ RestructureEXtendedeXecutorlanguage:重构的扩充执行程序,更改结构扩充式执行程序(语言),扩充重结构化执行程序语言

RCP RestorationControlPoint ... | REZ RestructureEXtendedeXecutorlanguage 重构的扩充执行程序,更改结构扩充式执行程序(语言),扩充重结构化执行程序语言 | RCPT RetailContractandPricingAdministrationSystem 零...