英语人>词典>汉英 : 托运 的英文翻译,例句
托运 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
check  ·  consignments

consign for shipment
更多网络例句与托运相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And the scope and method: packaging service shipping packages packaging packaging machinery furniture freight forwarding road transport air express domestic car shipping warehousing logistics cargo handling transfer distribution and freight transport operations between the secondary services.


Receiving clerk who is from the carrier or the carrier's agent, at the dock is to receive the shipping order which will be exchanged for a dock receipt when the container has been delivered to the dock in order.


F. Receiving clerk who is from the carrier or the carrier's agent, at the dock is to receive the shipping order which will be exchanged for a dock receipt when the container has been delivered to the dock in order.


Limitation on the consigned luggage: apart form items that are forbidden to carry on or consigned, the following items that may endanger the aviation security are banned on board as well: kitchen knives, bistouries, butcher's knives, carving knives or other knives, the knives, spears, swords for performance, and axes, chisels, hammers, awls, canes with nails, hiking poles with iron handles and other sharp tools or dull tools that may endanger the aviation security.


Asked about the specific schedules and prices of freight forwarding, according to the completion of goods, decide on the specific schedules, fill in the consignment note (BOOKING ORDER, also called the booking) to the freight forwarding, and then, and freight forwarding to confirm whether receive the consignment note, if it is consolidation, freight forwarding after receipt of booking Jincang fax you a notice, you can put the above information on time shipping to the warehouse; if it is the entire cabinet, and other freight to get Class and you will be confirmed after the loading time and address.

询问货代具体的船期和价格,根据货物的完成时间决定具体船期,填写托运单(BOOKING ORDER,也叫订舱单给货代,然后和货代确认是否收到托运单,如果是拼箱,货代收到订舱单后会传真你一份进仓通知书,你可以根据上面的信息按时把货运到仓库;如果是整柜,等货代拿到舱位后会和你确认装货时间,地址等。

Such shipments are entrusted to the carriers as needed whereupon bills of lading covering the shipments are issued by the carriers against payment of freight according to tariff rates either in advance or on delivery of the shipments at destination.


The passengers' itinerary include the flights connecting with international sectors except the trip between Canadian and American dependency, for example Porto Rico and Virgin islands


Recently, the Xinjiang Airport Group terminus baggage security inspection room security staff stepped up inspection of checked baggage, and repeated some of the visitors found a way through the baggage, checked a number of prohibited items.


Recently, the Xinjiang Airport Group terminus baggage security inspection room security staff stepped up inspection of checked baggage, and repeated some of the visitors found a way through the baggage, checked a number of prohibited items.


But we need to take them out, go through immigrations, and check them in again here in Chicago.


更多网络解释与托运相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

backed note:已签字的托运单

backdrop 交流声干扰 | backed note 已签字的托运单 | backer 背书人;支持人;支持物

booking note:托运单

托运单(BOOKING NOTE)是指由托运人根据买卖合同和信用证的有关内容向承运人或其代理人办理货物运输的书面凭证. 经承运人或其代理人对该单据签认,表示其已接受托运,即承运人和托运人运输合同关系即告建立. 虽然不是出口结汇的正式单据,

booking note:托运单(定舱委托书)

国际海上危险品货物规则(国际危规) International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG) | 托运单(定舱委托书) Booking Note | 收货单 Mate's Receipt

Luggage Check-in:行李托运

机场税Airport Tax | 行李托运Luggage Check-in | 保险Insurance

checked baggage:托运行李

"托运行李"(checked baggage)是指你办理登机手续时交给机场人员系上标签、送入飞机行李舱(baggage compartment)、随机-起运送的行李. "手提行李"(hand baggage)指的是你登机时随手带上飞机的行李. 你可以把它放在本入座位下面,

checked baggage:托运的行李

行李:Baggage,Luggage | 托运的行李:Checked baggage | 行李领取处:Baggage claim area

checked baggage:托运得行李

观光 Sightseeing | 托运得行李 Checked baggage | 行李领取处 Baggage claim area


运出﹔"未列舱单货物"(unmanifested cargo) 指任何未有在舱单上记录的货物﹔"生产通知书"(production notification) 指第6AB(1)条所规定须呈交的通知书﹔ (由1999年第37号第2条增补)"托运"(consign) 指将物品交付或转交某人保管,

shipping note:托运单

由于托运单的使用是为了订舱,因此,托运单(Shipping Note)也就是订舱单(Booking Note). 船公司或其代理收到货运代理的托运单(订舱单)后,经审核货名、重量、尺码、卸货港或到达地后,认为可予接受的,即在托运单各联上填写船名、航次、编号(此编号俗称关单号,

shipping order:托运单

托运单(SHIPPING ORDER)是出口商(发货人/托运人)在报关前向船方或其代理人(承运人)申请租船订舱的单据. 它是缮制提单的主要背景资料,是船公司制作提单的依据,如果托运单缮制有差错、延误等,就会影响到其他单证的流转. 因此,正确、快速制单,从而保证安全收汇.