英语人>词典>汉英 : 托儿所 的英文翻译,例句
托儿所 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
nursery  ·  creche  ·  nurseries  ·  playgroup

baby farm · child-care centre
更多网络例句与托儿所相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He and his son, Prosper Julius Alphonse, formed a partnership a year later to start a nursery.


They put their daughter in baby farm until one of them can pick her up after work.


They put daughter in baby farm until one of them is out work to meet her.


They put their daughter to a baby farm until one of them could pick her up after work .


They took their daughter at the baby farm until one of them could meet her .


They put their daughter in the baby farm until one of them to pick up her when off work.


She explained to me why she put her child into the baby farm .


They put their daughter in the baby farm until one of them is off the work and pick her up.


Some years before,when we sold our ranch and moved to town, Mother had dicided to open a day nursery. She had no training, but that didn't stand in her way. She sent away for correspondence herself for the task. It wasn't long before she had a full enrollment and a waiting list.


It found that only 57% of child-care providers of fered a service that was good or outstanding. Ano the r 39% were merely "satisfactory"(which in Of sted jargon means not good enough) and 4% were "unsatisfactory".


更多网络解释与托儿所相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

baby farm:托儿所

baby face 娃娃脸 | baby farm 托儿所 | baby grand 小型钢琴

child-care centres:托儿所

child-care centre;托儿所,保育院;; | child-care centres;托儿所;; | child-care facilities;儿童保育设施;;

childcare voucher:托儿所

central bank 中央银行 | childcare voucher 托儿所 | chip jewelry 过时的计算机


childmind | (代人)照看孩子 | childminder | (代人)照看孩子者,托儿所中心工作者 | childness | 童性

children's day care center:托儿所(安亲班)

"安全联防委员会","Security & Traffic Defense Unio... | "托儿所(安亲班)","children's day care center" | "身心障碍者行动与使用之设施及设备堪检小组","physically challenged users' movement, facilities and ...

casa cuna:托儿所

日托幼儿园:guarderia infantil semiinterna | 托儿所:casa cuna | 学前班:curso preescolar

day nursery:日托托儿所

day hospital 日间医院 | day nursery 日托托儿所 | day rate 日工资

day nursery:日间托儿所

day markings 日期标志 | day nursery 日间托儿所 | day off 休假

day-care attendant:托儿所工作人员

Day of the Land;国土日;; | day-care attendant;托儿所工作人员;; | day-care centre;托儿所;;

Daycare Center:托儿所

在见面之前,她是我心中可以接下 Joanne 工作的第一人选,因为她有 8 年在幼稚园 (preschool) 和托儿所 (daycare center) 当老师和主管的经验,后来是因为想要经营自己的事业,所以决定在家里开家庭式托儿所 (family daycare center).