英语人>词典>汉英 : 打网球 的英文翻译,例句
打网球 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与打网球相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The initial activity is only a game, the ball is Qinger flexible materials, beat cigar lid-like wooden board, the same as in table tennis playing, it called the "table tennis ." Around 1900, due to the development of light industry, the ball was replaced by the hollow ball made of celluloid.


When I was jut six years old, my brother and my dad knew how to play tennis, my cousin and my uncle also knew how to play tennis.


N.网球 I can play tennis well but I don't know how to play badminton.


I like to play tennis,but I'm not a very good player


Henin grew up in Rochefort, Belgium. She beguan playing tennis at age five, picking up her brother and father's love of the sport.


Most secondary schools have playing fields, and boys usually play rugger or soccer in sinter and cricket in summer as a normal school activity; while schoolgirls play tennis and a sort of baseball in summer and netball and hockey in winter.


I saw him play in that last tournament, and it was clearly his swan song. He's too old to play tennis any longer.


Of course there are certain advantages and pleasantries in that, otherwise I wouldn't be doing it now.


The first is not the same as the weight,followed due to different shape,if the words to use squash squash rackets tennis beat easily broken,however,unnecessary losses,If playing squash with the tennis racket,you will find it hard because the tennis racket squash are weight rackets too much.


I used to play tennis and I know the importance of getting the right grip or else you'll get either tennis elbow or a very bad wrist pain.


更多网络解释与打网球相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ambidextrous tennis players:能用左右手打网球的人

ambidextrous tennis players 能用左右手打网球的人 | ameliorate working conditions 改善工作条件 | an adroit tennis player 一位熟练的网球运动员

play tennis:打网球

肯德基(kfc)的店里,现在都挂着海报,改完后才发现,做鸡(do chicken)比打网球(play tennis)容易很多改完后才发现,做鸡(do chicken)比打网球(play tennis)容易很多

to play tennis:打网球

tennis shoes 网球鞋 | to play tennis打网球 | tennis court 网球场

play tennis with me:和我一起打网球

20. study for the math test 为数学考试而学习 | 21. play tennis with me 和我一起打网球 | 22. I have a really busy week 我一周很忙

play tennis with me:跟我打网球

23.babysit my sister 照顾我的妹妹 | 24play tennis with me 跟我打网球 | 25.thank you for your invitation=thanks a lot for your invitation 多谢你的邀请

play tennis with sb:和某人一起打网球

17.write soon 尽快回信 | 18.play tennis with sb. 和某人一起打网球 | 19.What's today? 今天星期几?

play tennis with sb:同某人打网球

* in competition with our rivals 同我们的对手竞争 | * play tennis with sb 同某人打网球 | * at war with a neighbouring country 同邻国交战.

play tennis with sb:和某人打网球

14.have a piano lesson 上钢琴课 | 15.play tennis with sb 和某人打网球 | 16.the whole day 整天

Do you play tennis:你打网球吗

They are playing football. 他们正在踢足球. | Do you play tennis? 你打网球吗? | (2)play v.奏乐;演奏. 例如:

I can play tennis:我会打网球

1、I can play tennis. 我会打网球. | 2、He can ride a bike. 他会骑自行车. | 3、We can speak English. 我们会说英语