英语人>词典>汉英 : 扎 的英文翻译,例句
扎 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
colligate  ·  pink  ·  pinker  ·  prick  ·  prickle  ·  prickling  ·  sheaf  ·  string  ·  tie  ·  pricked  ·  prickled  ·  pricks  ·  colligated  ·  colligates  ·  colligating  ·  pinks  ·  prickles  ·  sheafed  ·  sheafing  ·  sheafs

bind up
更多网络例句与扎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition, the bed should also check what the Luo or扎着children, so long as to find the reasons, the children feel comfortable, and will stop crying.


Google Web search team infrastructure software engineers Ye Xie Er Bote and尼森哈扎伊 said:"Of course, we do not index these pages 1 trillion in each of a page Because a lot of similar content pages, or automatically generated content, users do not have much value, but we have such a huge volume of the index are proud that our goal is to index the world's data."


The company mainly engaged in 4.8, 8.8, 10.9, 12.9, Metric, English, American, German system, the Japanese system, anti-teeth, small teeth, 1.6, with 1.6, nuts, bolts high-strength steel structures, steel structures Shear-twisting screws, nails welded steel structure; 10.9 high-strength steel structure screws; series since drilling screws, chemical screws, chemical fastening agents, advertising screws, Kenuo Di wallboard nails, Chunyu wallboard nails, screw the whole tooth , The top explosions,(stainless steel 2.60, within 1.6, nut, pull explosion, since the attack, machine wire, Ping-, bomb-) copper screws series; screws, a pin T-type screwdriver, screws live Festival , To pin screws, the head screws, cement Dan head screws, belts screws, tight set-key, cylindrical pin, a round nut, Kahuang, Spring, Pin, butterfly screws, orchid flower,扎head and dumping of deduction, 1.30 laps, furniture screws screws, construction fastening accessories (import drilling Tsui, 2.60 keys, twist drill, a round Banya) Gezhongfeibiao special screws.


Especially, the reiterative locution like "迢迢","皎皎","纤纤","扎扎","盈盈" and "脉脉" show so much of the charm of Chinese language even to present people.


He thought, if the number of fireflies together, not one light has become a right: So, look for a Sclerotium his pocket, was arrested on dozens of fireflies only inside, and then pocket扎住the It hung up.


April 2004 to May, the County in Xinjiang in the wood al扎提Kizil River Basin and Reservoir, China in Xinjiang kiss flat fish breeding al-Qaida launched a large-scale flat kiss Xinjiang live fish capture activities, the large-scale collection, the researchers obtained the bulk of fish live in Xinjiang more than 50 articles.


We need two spoons honeys 2 They are very different, I don't want to blend them together 3 There are many books on the box 4 Direct to do according to the cook 5 There are a lot of actors in the aquarium 6 He went out to loiter about with his friend yesterday 7 My next off day, drive to go for a ride 8 That wonderful music soundses like small bird similar sing 9 My younger sister thinks learning good English is very easy 10 In my eyes the spring swims the mind and body health to the children beneficial 11 He uses his ll lesson remaining time Be reading in the book 12 My companion contain right bower, majoring in English in the university 13 She find out a part-time the outside teach of work 14 He attended English to make a speech last week big match, and win first 15 In the past decade, he obtained huge achievement 16 Peking is famous for the Great Wall 17 罗纳尔多 is one of the famous international football stars 18 莫扎特 stated to make songs when he was 4 years old 19 I will move Shanghai next week 20 When Michael is free , he usually practices to play a piano 21 I want to communicate with parents betterly

帮我用英语翻译这些句子。1 我们需要两勺蜂蜜 2 它们很不一样,我不想把它们搅和在一起 3 在盒子的上面有许多书 4 按照厨师的执导去做 5 水族馆里有很多演员 6 昨天他和他的朋友出去闲逛 7 我下一次的休息日,要开车去兜风 8 那美妙的音乐听起来像小鸟一样歌唱 9 我妹妹认为学好英语很容易 10 在我看来春游对孩子们的身心健康有益 11 他把他所有的课余时间用在读书上 12 我的朋有杰克,在大学主修英语 13 她找到了一份兼职外教的工作 14 他上个星期参加了英语演讲大赛,并夺得第一名 15 他在过去的十年里,取得了巨大的成就 16 北京以长城而著名 17 罗纳尔多是最著名的国际球星之一 18 莫特4岁开始作曲 19 下星期我要搬到上海 20 当麦克有空的话,他经常练习弹钢琴 21 我想和父母更好地交流

At the same time provide a wide range of post-processing, are: waterproof, anti-static, fire-retardant, anti-ultraviolet, Tu PA, PU, PVC, Tubai, Tu Yin, extinction coating, pearl, breathable and moisture permeable and various women's rolling crepe, fold crepe ,扎, such as tablets.


"Myth" Dream familiar faces I am waiting for you is the tenderness Even tears drowned world I will not let go, and every minute lonely bear Because I has promised I know you moved between Love to awake Jesus Christ vicissitudes only love is forever the myth Told not always the same segments of love If repeated how much pain entangled night Qia扎 Hold your hands and let me never-never Chen Shang-frozen love Cradle can really melt phase Swaying in the wind on the furnace fire Immortal also endless Waiting for spring to bloom come spring I laugh mercilessly years Chijue Heart of the World such as steel barren Miss him forever to arrive together Beihuan negative, only love is forever the myth Nobody forgotten ancient, ancient oath Your tears filled fly into the Nabi Love is the wind under the wings accompanied comfortable flying two heart You are beautiful my heart only a myth


In patients with left, nose bleeding and one patient with the middle finger of the right勾住 and force the hands of the root bending means, the general scores of seconds to stop bleeding; or middle finger in patients with cloth扎住roots, left, nose bleeding right bar refers to the hands, nose stopped, the untied cloth.


更多网络解释与扎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tash-Murkon Anidaza Adar:塔什莫贡 阿妮达扎 阿达尔

30001716 Tash-Murkon Anidaza Goni 塔什莫贡 阿妮达 格尼 | 30001717 Tash-Murkon Anidaza Adar 塔什莫贡 阿妮达 阿达尔 | 30001718 Tash-Murkon Anidaza Paye 塔什莫贡 阿妮达 培耶

bundled aigrette feather:长白鹭鸶扎把

bundled aigrette feather with yellow tip 黄梢长白鹭鸶毛把 | bundled aigrette feather 长白鹭鸶把 | bundled black heron scapular feather 黑丝毛

Blaise Zabini:布雷司.扎比尼/布莱斯.扎比尼

Bertha Jorkins 伯莎.乔金斯 | Blaise Zabini 布雷司.比尼/布莱斯.比尼 | Cadogan 卡多根爵士

BLASE ZAKU WORRIOR:扎古勇士.焰(迪亚哥)一话可,剧情后隐藏

BLASE ZAKU PHANTOM 古幻影.焰(依克)一话可,剧情后隐藏 | BLASE ZAKU WORRIOR 古勇士.焰(迪亚哥)一话可,剧情后隐藏 | DESTINY 命运(真)

BLASE ZAKU PHANTOM:扎古幻影.焰(依扎克)一话可,剧情后隐藏

GUNNER ZAKU WARRIOR 古勇士炮战装(迪亚哥)一话可,剧情后隐藏 | BLASE ZAKU PHANTOM 古幻影.焰(依克)一话可,剧情后隐藏 | BLASE ZAKU WORRIOR 古勇士.焰(迪亚哥)一话可,剧情后隐藏

BUNDLE SYSTEM:打包装置,包扎系统,[粤]执扎系统

bundle number 捆号,[粤]号 | bundle system 打包装置,包系统,[粤]执系统 | bundling (裁片的)捆,[粤]执

Denny Landzaat:丹尼.兰扎特

特加盟费耶诺德 英国当地时间本周五(25日),维甘竞技官方宣布以100万英镑将中场丹尼.兰特(Denny Landzaat)卖给荷甲费耶诺德. 2006年夏,维甘竞技以230万英镑从阿尔克马尔签下了这位荷兰国脚. 兰特一共代表维甘参加了54场正式比赛,


请以HotelsArea 服务来预订在法恩(Faenza)的 酒店 . 如果您想要核实可能性法恩(Faenza) 酒店 和实施一个在线预定,请使用寻找的表格. 您也可以按"预订"键以进入每所住处的预订表格. 其它城市在 意大利 (Italy) 的其它城市地址: Corso Garibaldi, 23 - 法恩(Faenza), 意大利 (Italy)


1756年1月27日,萨尔兹堡的宫廷乐师莱奥博德.莫特又有一个孩子在这里降临到这个世界,取名为沃尔夫冈.阿玛多伊斯.莫特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart). 莫特受洗的教堂就在小巷的后面,婴儿的摇篮就在二楼第一个房间里.这个故居博物馆里保留着莫特从幼年到少年的所有物品,


龙 莫里拉(Mozzarella) 莫里拉奶酪是义大利的一种传统美食,是制作上等比萨饼必不可少的原料,而水牛奶制作的莫里拉奶酪更是其中的上品,成本龙 莫里拉(Mozzarella) 莫里拉奶酪是义大利的一种传统美食,是制作上等比萨饼必不可少的原料,