英语人>词典>汉英 : 手写体 的英文翻译,例句
手写体 的英文翻译、例句


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script  ·  scripting  ·  scripts

handwritten form
更多网络例句与手写体相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A method of handwritten numeral recognition based on BP network is discussed in this paper.


An algorithm to recognize unconstrained handwritten numerals based on centroid layer feature is proposed in this paper.


Finally, the proposed method is used to solve the handwritten character feature extraction and recognition problems.


Handwritten numeral recognition is a hotspot of study for years, and is some especial issue of character recognition.


The character is often broken, conglutination, distorted and redundant, so it is necessary to correct and repair the character in order to removing the unnecessary information and retrieving the essential information which embody the author's intention.


This paper discusses how to design and develop a system for recognition of handwritten digits.


One of the key techniques in Continuous Handwritten Character Recognition is how to model every word entry in lexicon and every sentence that made up by the words. Due to the HMM′s characteristic of time sequence modeling capability, a Cascaded Hidden Markov Models, which defines model connection probability and state transition probability between HMMs, is proposed in this study.


Chinese handwriting characters recognition is the most difficult problem in character recognition field.

摘 要:手写体汉字识别是汉字识别领域中最难的课题。

Because of large variation of handwriting, exact recognition is very difficult.


As feature extraction acts an important role in pattern recognition system, we propose three novel feature extraction methods for HCCR: a、Two structural feature extraction methods, Stroke Cross Counting Features and Peripheral Features are studied. According to the characteristics of Chinese handwriting samples, we extend the SCCF and PF respectively to weighted elastic SCCF and weighted elastic PF. Experiments show that the modified feature extraction approaches are better than original approaches. b、A new statistical feature extraction method——Elastic Meshing Directional Decomposition Feature extraction is proposed. According to the stroke statistical properties of Chinese character, we first decompose a handwritten character pattern into four directional subpatterns. Then a set of elastic meshes are applied to each of the four subpatterns respectively to extract the pixel distribution features.

统计识别方法:利用统计模式识别的经典方法——Bayes分类方法来进行汉字识别的研究,特征提取是统计模式识别的关键,本文着重围绕手写体汉字的特征分析和提取方法进行了研究,提出了三种特征提取的新方法: a、两种改进的结构特征提取方法:在笔划密度特征和外围特征的基础上,结合手写体汉字的特点,提出了加权非均匀笔划密度特征、加权非均匀外围特征的特征提取新方案; b、一种新的统计特征提取方法——弹性网格方向分解特征,根据汉字方块字的特点及笔划分布的统计特征,对手写体汉字进行横竖撇捺四方向的分解,并利用一系列的弹性网格对汉字分解后各分量的象素进行统计而提取特征,实验证明该特征提取方法用来进行手写体汉字识别是十分可行和有效的。

更多网络解释与手写体相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Creative writing 创造写作 | cursive 手写体 | diagram 图表,图集,文图


抵达"解放"(liberate) 的时候,即1949年"解放"前夕,共产党领导人要对建国的大事"深思熟虑的"(deliberate) 考虑. 这个词比drag多了两个字母on,drag的意思是"拖",多出的n的手写体的最后一笔正好象"龙"(dragon)拖着的尾巴.


handpress 手动印刷机 | handprint 手纹 | handprint data-entry terminal 手写体数据输入终端

handprint data-entry terminal:手写体数据输入终端

handprint 手纹 | handprint data-entry terminal 手写体数据输入终端 | handprinted numeral 手写印刷体数字

Handwriting recognition:手写体识别

手写体识别(Handwriting Recognition)是指计算机接收手写输入和智能地识别它为一些字符. 手写文本的图像可能被光学扫描从一张纸上"离线"感觉. 作为选择的,笔尖的移动可能被"在线"感觉,例如,通过一个基于笔的计算机屏幕表面.

Handwriting recognition:手写辨识

手写体阅读机 handwriting reader | 手写辨识 handwriting recognition | 手写数字辨识 handwritten numeral recognition

Chinese handwriting recognition:手写体汉字识别

电影语言:Chinese character education | 手写体汉字识别:Chinese handwriting recognition | 中文姓名识别:Chinese name recognition

handwritten form:手写体

handwriting reader 手写体阅读机 | handwritten form 手写体 | handwritten signature 亲笔签字

handwritten numeral:手写体数字

手写批注:handwritten remark | 手写体数字:handwritten numeral | 汉字多元化教育:Multi-Dimensional Education of Chinese Character

script n.vt. 1:手迹,笔迹;手写体 2.剧本;广播稿 为(行动计划)提供细节

ritual n.adj. 1. 程序;仪规 2. 例行公事;老规矩;习惯礼节性的;例行的;老规矩的;惯... | script n.vt. 1. 手迹,笔迹;手写体 2.剧本;广播稿 为(行动计划)提供细节 | scrutiny n. 1. 细看;细阅 2.详尽的研究;详细检查;调...