英语人>词典>汉英 : 成玻璃状 的英文翻译,例句
成玻璃状 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
glass  ·  glassed

更多网络例句与成玻璃状相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There deliquescence. Heated to 400 degrees Celsius by melting a transparent liquid, solidified after cooling to the glassy opaque partial potassium phosphate.


"Fiber glass : or glass fibre, Fibrous form of glass , developed in the 1930s."

玻璃纤维:亦作glass fiber,纤维状的玻璃,20世纪30年代发展而成。

"Fiberglass: or glass fibre, Fibrous form of glass, developed in the 1930s."

玻璃纤维:亦作glass fiber,纤维状的玻璃,20世纪30年代发展而成。

They were designed to look like stained glass, and highlight the witches' symbol of the moon.


We used ITO glass substrate and high purity(99.99%) titanium , put to use sputtering process, add to high purity O2 make it complete the best structure film and the thickness about 1400 . By way of 500℃ anneal could got a better anatase phase, this result could easy reaction with electrolyte to increase electron-transferred. Used as spin casting covering PR on ITO substrate, transferring patterns of array circular shapes on a mask to photography, used optimize temperature and time to hard bake. Finally used HCl to etching underexposed TiO2 area, and acetone to tripper top PR, make it to accomplish pillars shape TiO2 electrode.


Results 6 patients with PAP presented with ground-glass opacification of the bilateral lungs on HRCT. Typical chest HRCT scan showed "map-like" lesions in 3 cases and "cobble stone-like" lesions in 3 cases. Multifocal consolidative opacities in the lungs were seen on HRCT in 3 cases. Lung biopsies from 6 patients with PAP revealed a prominent positive periodic acid-Schiff intra-alveolar exudates. There were normal alveolar spetasis in 3 patients while interstitial thickening, fibroblast hyperplasia, interstitial fibrosis in the others.

结果 6例患者在不同层面可见磨玻璃影,其中2例可见小结节影;3例表现为两肺斑片状磨玻璃影与周围肺组织分界清楚,呈地图样改变;3例因磨玻璃影与小叶间隔增厚交织成铺路石样改变;3例可见肺泡实变融合成密度较高的斑片状阴影,1例在肺泡实变区可见&空气支气管征&。6例患者活检肺组织在光镜下显示肺泡腔内充满大量块状或颗粒状嗜伊红物质,PAS染色阳性,AB染色阴性,其中3例肺泡间隔正常,3例肺泡间隔增宽,可见慢性炎性细胞浸润、成纤维细胞增生和胶原沉积。

Results Microscopically, the tumor cells were epithelioid or short spindled and special nests of tumor cells separated by arboring fibrovascular septa. Such morphological variants of CCSK as myxoid degeneration, microcysts formation and sclerosing pattern of extracellular hyalined collagen simulating osteoid were present in some regions.

结果 镜下见瘤细胞为上皮样或短梭形,被分枝状纤维血管间质分隔成巢团状,部分区域见黏液样变性微囊肿和细胞外胶原玻璃样变类似骨样组织的硬化型等形态变异。

Any of various aquatic or wetland herbs of the genus Scirpus,having grasslike leaves and usually clusters of small,often brown spikelets.


Ancient cities whose brick and stonewalls have literally been vitrified, that is-fused together, can be found in India, Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and other places.


The ceramic tiles in the food preparation areas have also been vitrified for extra strength.


更多网络解释与成玻璃状相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


组成见表它是一些无机物经高温融熔合而成 再经玻璃纤维的制成可分两种 一种是连续式(Continuous)的纤维另一种则是不连续式(discontinuous)的纤维前者即用于织成玻璃布(Fabric) 后者则做成片状之玻璃席(Mat) FR4高电流密度




使成斑驳variegate | 使成比例proportionate | 使成玻璃状vitrify

pearl satin glass:彩虹玻璃,缎光玻璃

pearl polymerization 珠状聚合,成珠聚合(法) | pearl satin glass 彩虹玻璃,缎光玻璃 | pearl-string model 珠链模型


vitrified 玻璃化的 | vitrify 使成玻璃状 | vitrine 玻璃柜


vitrify 使成玻璃状 | vitrine 玻璃柜 | vitrinertite 微镜惰煤


vitrescent 成玻璃质的 | vitrics 玻璃状物质 | vitrifactionvitrification 玻璃化

glassing:磨光 成玻璃状 涂玻璃粉 装配玻璃

glassiness 玻璃质 | glassing 磨光 成玻璃状 涂玻璃粉 装配玻璃 | glassingburner 加工玻璃喷灯

ice glass:冰(花)状玻璃(表面具有冰花状图案的玻璃)

ice formation || 成冰作用 | ice glass || 冰(花)状玻璃(表面具有冰花状图案的玻璃) | ice machine || 制冰设备