英语人>词典>汉英 : 成环形 的英文翻译,例句
成环形 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ring  ·  ringwise  ·  rings

更多网络例句与成环形相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on the mechanical analysis of rotary pan, the axisymmetrical model and non-axisymmetrical one were proposed respectively by simplifying the effect of lacing wires on pan into ring distribution uniform load or force and were solved according to the flexure theory of thin plate with small deflection.


The hardware contains parallel lights insurement. Panoramic Annular lens. CMOS imaging device. 3-D control.The software achieves numerical integral, numerical differential coefficient, fast fourier transfer. smoothing process in the Matlab.


Detailed description has been given individually to the abnormal colours, lineament and circular structure and image features on the multi-geographycal information composite image. We have studied the ore control effect of circular and lineament structure to the multimetal ore, and come to the point that the Xianghualing region is a complex ore control area by circular and lineament structure.Therefore, we build a remote sensing imag model for ore field in the region. Within the circular structure, the northwest lineament crosses the northweast lineament and forms frames that control the metal ore distribution. According to the features of the found deposits and their coherent image, we conclude that there are two symbols for ore looking.


Gabor-ring is often used in texture feature extraction, but it is based on the assumption that texture is narrowband signal and can not applied to most actual textured images that have more than one center frequency in power spectrum. To overcome the limitation of existing method, an improved method is proposed. According to this method, Gabor filters are constructed in accordance with the spectrum feature vector of texture, and a relaxation parameter is used to determine the effect of difference filters so as to integrate the frequencies and phases into the process of extraction.


Results We discovered that under starvation conditions, the long, flexible rod cell of Cytophaga hutchinsonii would bend and turn into circular cell. The circular cell failed to produce carboxymethyl cellulase. Some of the circular cells might further wind around and turn into tiny spherical cells.


And local dark focal spots may be obtained, the focal spot may evolve into a circle, a two-peak spot, or a curve line, which indicates that the combination of nonspiral and spiral phase plates can be used to form novel focal spots.


In the presence of O〓, peroxyl radicals formed under neutral condition are either directly oxidized to non-aromatic acids, or forms aromatic intermediates, which are further oxidized to non-aromatic acids; peroxyl radicals formed under alkaline conditions are directly oxidized to non-aromatic acids.


Such scenic openings were designed simply as circles, squares or ovals or in more imaginative shapes like those of a lotus petal, garland or bay leaf.


In the Pacific Ocean there are many coral atolls that are ring like islands.


One of the most impressive photos in Natural Wonder shows birds against the background of several farmhouses, with a ladder leaning against a tree. The birds are guarding a circle of eggs.


更多网络解释与成环形相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


椅座有鞍座形(saddle)及以蔺茎(rush)编织的两种,而椅背则有梳子形(comb)、扇形(fan)、环形(hoop)、梯形ladder)、栏杆形(banister)和弓形(bow)等式样. 椅腿以车床加工制成并以下横文件联接成工字形.


下套管就是在已经钻成的井眼中按规定深度下入一定直径、由某种或几种不同钢级及壁厚的套管(Casing)组成的套管柱. 注水泥就是在地面上将水泥浆通过套管柱注入到井眼与套管柱之间的环形空间中的过程.

edit command:基本编辑命令

EXTEND 将直线或弧线延伸到指定边界 Modify | ARRAY 将指定图形复制成矩形或环形阵列 Modify | Edit command 基本编辑命令


射束无需进行不对称矫正或散光矫正,即可调制成用途广泛的环形光束,易与光纤耦合;转换效率非常高,功耗仅为边发射LD的几分之一;调制速度快,在1GHz以上;阈...不仅第三代高速宽带的应变层量子阱(SL-QW) 激光二极管(LD)、垂直腔面发射激光


光电管(phototube)基于外光电效应的基本光电转换器件. 光电管可使光信号转换成电信号. 光电管分为真空光电管和充气光电管两种. 光电管的典型结构是将球形玻璃壳抽成真空,在内半球面上涂一层光电材料作为阴极,球心放置小球形或小环形金属作为阳极.

ring scotoma:环形暗点

16.环形暗点(ring scotoma) 指上、下方弓形暗点对接成环,将视野可见区分隔为中心区和周边区两部分. 17.相对暗点(relative scotoma) 指增加光标刺激强度暗点即消失者. 18.绝对暗点(absolute scotoma) 指增加光标至最大亮度仍不可见,

Semicircular canals:骨半规管

2.骨半规管(semicircular canals) 位于前庭的后上方,每侧有3个半规管,各为3个约成2/3环形的骨管,互成直角;依其在空间位置分别称外(水平)、上(垂直)、后(垂直)半规管(1ateral,superiorand posterior semicircular canals).

sweep off; carry along:(一种大的力量把东西撮起或裹住)

1、(把东西弯转成圆筒形或环形) roll up | 2、(一种大的力量把东西撮起或裹住) sweep off; carry along | 3、(陷入) embroil


1.前庭(vestibule) 位于耳蜗和半规管之间,略呈椭圆形,约6mm×5mm×3mm大小,容纳椭圆囊及球囊(图2). 2.骨半规管(semicircular canals) 位于前庭的后上方,每侧有3个半规管,各为3个约成2/3环形的骨管,互成直角;

annular piston valve:环形活塞阀

annular flow 环形流[气体在管中心而液体沿管内壁面成环形截面流动的一种两相流] | annular piston valve 环形活塞阀 | annulus 环,环形孔道[空间]