英语人>词典>汉英 : 成熟因素 的英文翻译,例句
成熟因素 的英文翻译、例句


maturation factor
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Mature embryos of wheat from cultivar EM12 in Hubei province and mode variety Bobwhite were used as target materials.


Methods of measuring the input components, their prices and output elements are given. We put forward some new methods in measuring components, including composite depreciation rate, equality working hours, and proxy of input resources. Using the mature methods of efficiency measurement and decomposition available, we make a detailed investigation into 4 listing companies of oil industry with a span of 12 periods. Basic conclusions we draw include: labor inputs affects oil field output mostly in China; China oil fields operates in a low technical efficiency level average of 0.61; Increasing difficulties with expanding output has the greatest influence on cost; Cost efficiency of China oil fields averages at 1.47; Total factor productivity of China oil fields averages at 10%, accounting for 79% of the total output growth rate of 12.6%; Frontier technology progress contributes the most to TFP of China oil fields with 17 percentage points.


From the analysis we can see two different stages: Before the human society was fully matured, human beings were controlled mostly by animal instinct than social values. The pursuing of sex appeals created clothes. After society fully matured, social value started influence sexuality and sex related esthetical notion. Eventually, it affected the people's taste of certain clothing styles and fashion.


Through analysing, we found that the average P/E ratio of industry, ROE, expenses rate are the factors influencing function to be relatively remarkable to company P/E ratio; The relations between company P/E ratio and such indexes as ROE, etc are all negative relevant, it is opposite to analyse with the theory, this kind of conclusion that completely contradicts proves the development of the stock market of our country is still at very unripe stage, the phenomenon that the high-quality stock is underestimated is serious, the whole market has even turned around; P/E ratio and net assets factor are in close relations, this includes the price of evaluation on net assets, rentability of the net assets, etc.


However, zona hardening could occur during in vitro maturation of oocytes in a simply defined medium which reduced the fertilization rate.


So you comes extract format statement that the conclusion that you do, that you could apply for CHAMEL or CANEL rather than CHANEL. No, they would forget it. You would lose.


Conclusion1 Critically ill patients with indwelling catheters were of the high positive rate of microorganisms,and microorganism spectrum was of special properties;BF formed mainly inside the catheter,the occurrence rate of BF inside the catheter was high and the formation time was short;Changes on catheters and the result of microorganisms was positively correlated with the BF formation.2 Indwelling catheter time was the independent risk factors for the BF formatiom, while age、APACHEⅡscore、sex、urine sugar and the types of antibiotic usage were the potential risk factors for the BF formation;Nurses should perfect the catheter measures for critical ill patients,emphasis on the assessment of risk factors of BF formation,and implement special care in high-risk patients.3 In the early stage of BF formation,irrigation could play the role of eradicative BF effectively;While later,it couldn't,but it can delay the speed of BF formation and maturation;In the choice of washing methods,injection type washing method is superior to infusion.

结论1重危患者留置尿管微生物培养阳性率高,且微生物菌谱具有特殊性;重危患者尿管表面BF主要在尿管内壁形成;内壁BF的发生率高,形成时间短;肉眼观察尿管表面改变情况以及微生物鉴定结果与BF形成呈正相关。2尿管留置时间是重危患者留置尿管表面BF形成的独立危险因素;年龄、APAcHEⅡ评分、性别、尿糖定性以及抗生素使用种类是其可能的危险因素;护理过程中应完善重危患者尿管护理措施,注重对BF危险因素的评估,并对高危患者实施重点护理。3 BF形成早期,冲洗能发挥较好的清除作用;BF形成后期,冲洗无法彻底清除尿管表面BF,但冲洗能延缓BF形成与成熟的速度;在冲洗方式的选择上,注洗式冲洗法对尿管BF的清除效果优于输注式冲洗法。

This experiment first studied in the mature nutrient medium to increase the hormone to the porine ovocyte in vitro mature process in the chromosome configuration and the mature rate influence, by explored the porine ovocyte in vitro mature rule, enhanced in vitro raise maturity, was the ROSI technology system preparation high quality ovocyte; Then has carried on the experiment in view of the porine round sperm cell in vitro separation, through to the ROSI operation and ICSI (Intracytoplasmic sperm injection, the comparison which ICSI) operated studies has affected the ROSI operation the factor.

本试验首先研究了成熟培养液中添加激素对猪卵母细胞体外成熟过程中染色体构型和成熟率的影响,以探索猪卵母细胞体外成熟规律,提高体外培养成熟度,为ROSI技术体系准备优质卵母细胞;然后针对猪圆形精细胞的体外分离进行了试验,进而通过对ROSI操作和ICSI(Intracytoplasmic sperm injection,ICSI)操作的比较研究了影响ROSI操作的因素。

The results showed that, using transient GUS expression, the frequency of resistant calli and shoot differentiation as a criteria, wheat mature embryos were cultured on the preculture medium of CM4C1P for 14 days, and immersed in inoculation suspension Ⅰ for 3 hours, then the explants were co-cultured under desiccation conditions for 3 days, which was optimal conditions for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of wheat mature embryos.


The meiosis of oocytes differ from mitoses of general cells. Especially in most mammalian species, oocytes are formed during fetal life, but they are arrested at the prophase stage of the first meiotic division until around the time of ovulation.


更多网络解释与成熟因素相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Academic achievement:学业成就

I.学业成就(academic achievement)职业测验一般包括对於个人兴趣、工作需求和工作价值观的测量,以及对生涯发展、思想成熟程度和个人性格优柔寡断情况的相关因素进行评量.

Lysogenic bacterium:溶原性细菌

整合在细菌基因组中的噬菌体基因组称为前噬菌体(prophage),带有前噬菌体基因组的细菌称为溶原性细菌(lysogenic bacterium). 前噬菌体偶尔可自发地或在某些理化和生物因素的诱导下脱离宿主菌基因组而进入溶菌周期,产生成熟噬菌体,导致细菌裂解.


"香颂"译自法语,本意是"歌曲"(chanson)之意. 其起源于公元11至13世纪法兰西世俗歌曲,成熟于1900年前后,法国时称"美好时代". 本身其实包含民谣、地方小调、酒吧音乐的诸多因素. "香颂"并不讲究深刻的思想,但重视意境、情味,歌词甜美浪漫,

cottage cheese:农家干酪

农家干酪(cottage cheese)是一种以脱脂牛奶为原料的新鲜软质非成熟型干酪,其风味柔和、清淡,易被我国消费者接受.本文主要介绍了农家干酪的加工工艺,国内外对农家干酪的研究现状,以及影响农家干酪品质的主要因素.


其它影响生态系统平衡的另一因素是日粮的可消化性(digestibility). 就各种营养素而言,宿主与其GIT内的细菌之间存在一种竞争的关系. 幼龄雏鸡的消化能力还未充分发育成熟,因此其GIT内有较多的基质用于酵解,结果是其小肠内的细菌活性很高.

Equal Opportunity:平等机会

为所有公民提供平等机会(equal opportunity)的一重要环节,是给穷人合法致富提供渠道,这当然也是社会公平稳定的重要因素. 成熟的市场经济不仅要以法制保护富人权益,同时也应确保普通人的努力能够获得认可,并带来财富.


2)血胎屏障:由怀孕母体子宫内膜的基蜕膜和胎儿的绒毛膜滋养层细胞共同组成,当它发育成熟(一般在妊娠 3 个月)后,能阻挡病原微生物由母体通过胎盘感染胎儿,但并不妨碍母子间的物质交换.二,细胞因素三,体液因素四,炎症(inflammatory) 免疫应答的基本过程 免疫应答十分复杂,


1.初潮(menarche)女性第一次月经来潮称为月经初潮,一般年龄在11-15岁,是性功能开始成熟的标志. 月经初潮年龄受种族、地区、营养、环境、体质、气候和遗传等因素的影响. 初潮后2-4年,由于调节月经的下丘脑、垂体、卵巢调节功能尚未成熟,

nurse cell:抚育细胞

目前已知,诱导T淋巴细胞在胸腺内分化、成熟的主要因素包括:(1)胸腺基质细胞(thymus stromal cell,TSC)通过细胞表面的粘附分子直接与胸腺细胞相互作用,其中胸腺中的"抚育细胞"(nurse cell)对于T细胞的成熟和分化可能超着重要的调节作用;


1.垂体促性腺激素的分泌失调 丘脑下部 通过持续中枢和周期中枢,控制垂体促性腺激 素的分泌,在促卵泡成熟素(FSH) 和黄体生 成素(LH)的协同作用下,使卵泡发育,成熟 和排卵.当病人由于情绪紧张,药物,疾病等因素引起丘脑下部的功能失调时,