英语人>词典>汉英 : 成人期 的英文翻译,例句
成人期 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与成人期相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was a milestone in Dan's life, a transition from school days to adulthood.


Through interviewing 3 different adulthood subjects with the open question method and subjects rating short scale items, the results showed that (1) all 3 age groups (young adults, middle-aged adults, and older adults) responded and rated mutual considerateness and tolerance as the most important elements for maintaining marital relationships;(2) all 3 age groups shared the belief that mutual respect, trust, encouragement, concern, understanding, care, and thanksgiving and responsibility were also important elements for maintaining marital relationships; and (3) all 3 age groups rated shared interest, activity, discussion topic, belief and value, and occupied time and personal space as the least important elements for maintaining marital relationships.


And the dividing line between childhood and adulthood ceases to exist.


A good accomplishment of fundamental training in the period of adolescence will have an important influence on the achievements the athletes could get in the period of adult.


Neurite regeneration from central nervous tissue of mammalian has been demonstrated to occur in early postnatal stage but not in adult stage.


Children s behavior problems can not only affect their study and social activities, but also result in the abuse of drugs, crime and psychopathy of adults.


And the transcription of the C/EBPs genes in sebaceous gland was analyzed with RT-PCR method.


Although it is not normal for young children to have homosexual parents, an arrangement of such sort holds a key element in the development and transition into adulthood: respect and acceptance towards all people.


Episodes of sunburn, particularly in childhood and adolescence, also increase the risk of melanoma7. Children therefore represent anat riskgroup.


The dental width was normal in mixed dentition, whereas the posterior dental width was increased in adults. The dental length is decreased.


更多网络解释与成人期相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adolescent spurt:青春萌动期

adolescence青春期; | adolescent spurt青春萌动期; | adult orthodontic treatment 成人正畸治疗;

adulteration matter,adulterant:掺杂物

"掺杂","adulteration" | "掺杂物","adulteration matter,adulterant" | "成人期","adulthood"


成年期(Adulthood)个体从25到26岁这段时期. 可分为两个阶段:成人心理学(adultpsychology)是研究成年期个体的心理特征及其发展规律的发展心理学分支. 它与普通心理学的区别在于,普通心理学研究的是成人的心理的一般规律,

anal character:肛门性格

都被认为是口腔性格特征. 2、 肛门期(anal stage'1-3岁):原始欲力的满足,主要靠大小排除时所产生的快感获得满足. 此时期是卫生习惯的训练,对幼儿而言,是重要的关键. 成人中有所谓肛门性格(anal character)者,在行为上表现冷酷、顽固、刚腹、吝啬等.

Dialectical thinking:辩证思维

.辩证思维(dialectical thinking) 通常发生在青年期或者成人早期的一种认识,即多数现实生活中的问题并不是只有惟一的、完全正确的答案,而其他答案都是错误的.

advanced fry:鱼秧,鱼苗

"成人期","adulthood" | "鱼秧,鱼苗","advanced fry" | "各向异性现象","aeolotropy,anisotropy,eolotropy"

adult rickets:成人佝偻病, 软骨病

adult respiratory distress syndrome | 成人呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS) | adult rickets | 成人佝偻病, 软骨病 | adult stage | 成年期, 成虫期, 成体期, 成熟体阶段


抗肿瘤坏死因子抗体对小鼠急性肺损伤的保护作用 中华结核和呼吸感染1998年第2期第0卷论著摘要 作者:周宏宇 石玉枝 孙慧明 单位:114002哈尔滨医科大学第一临床医学院(周宏宇,现在辽宁鞍钢铁东医院内科) 成人呼吸窘迫综合症(ARDS)发病机制复杂,近年


"成人呼吸窘迫综合征"(ARDS)常出现在重大创伤手术后,是身体各方面机能差而导致的呼吸功能不全. 成因大致有创伤后炎症、大量失血、长途转运等,死亡率较高,是手术后最危险的关卡. 应对办法除了治疗原发病外,更要帮助病人克服低血氧期.

end-stage liver disease:终末期肝病

终末期肝病(end stage liver disease)是指各种原因导致肝功能极度减退甚至衰竭的一种病理状态. 终末期肝病按原发性病变性质可分为两类:终末期良性肝病和肝脏恶性肿瘤,前者在成人主要包括各种类型的终末期肝炎肝硬化,各种原因所致的急性、亚急性肝功能衰竭,