英语人>词典>汉英 : 成为零 的英文翻译,例句
成为零 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
vanish  ·  vanished  ·  vanishes

更多网络例句与成为零相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Within the industry, the adjective most often used to describe Mr Ghosn's plan to make the Renault-Nissan Alliance the first big manufacturer of zero-emission vehicles is "bold"—in other words, somewhere between very risky and certifiably mad.


What may be needed for what's fast becoming history's largest cesspool of sinking debts and commitments —$5.2 trillion in mortgages guaranteed or owned by the two companies, their $1.5 trillion in debts, and their $2 trillion in derivatives.

"怎麼可能需要什麼"迅速成为历史上最大的粪坑沉债务和承诺-五万二点零零零亿美元在抵押贷款担保或所拥有的两家公司,其1 。5万亿美元的债务,他们的2万亿美元的衍生产品。

It may be issued at a discount, or it may be stripped of its coupons by a bank and then repackaged as a zero coupon bond.


I do not think we will be able to make it a zero-sum game, but to the dree we can minimise it, we will.


To ensure the quality of principalship and to cater for the different developmental needs of principals at various stages of their career, the Education Department organised in the 2000-01 academic year separate professional development programmes for 284 serving principals, newly appointed principals, vice principals and senior teachers aspiring to become principals.


Invested huge amounts of money are not accounted for cheap,"Guangzhou Gang" This money does not easily resort, but rather the beginning of the body and the hard fighting, the next few days, China Merchants Tianhe North Road and Shun Henan days all the way up to become the Shanghai Stock Exchange's list of regular stock changes, from Oct. 27 to Oct. 31, China Merchants Road in Tianhe Po-sheng to buy shares at 30,180,000 yuan, 20,370,000 yuan, 46,000,000 yuan and 310 Million, respectively, at the same time sold 21,590,000 yuan, 31,580,000 yuan, 22,060,000 yuan and 42,560,000 yuan, and has followed it in the same way Shun-day Henan vigorously "T +0", 4-day trading data were buying To 14,650,000 yuan, 16,000,000 yuan, 16,140,000 yuan and 221 million sold 8,700,000 yuan, 15,260,000 yuan, 16,150,000 yuan and 16,440,000 yuan.

投入巨额资金不便宜占,"广州帮"这些钱不容易的手段,而是开始身体和艰苦的战斗,未来几天,中国招商局市天河北路与顺河南天一路成为上海证券交易所的股票变更清单定期从10月27日至10月31日,中国招商路天河宝生购买三千〇一十八点〇〇〇万元,2037.0万元,4600.0万元和股票310万美元,分别在同一时间,销售2159.00万元,3158.0万元,2206.0万元和4256.0万元,并一直遵循着相同的方式顺天河南大力的"T +0",4个交易日数据买盘14650000元,一千六百点零零万元,一千六百一十四万元和221万部的销量八百七十○点零万元,1526.00万元,1615.00万元和1644.00万元。

As it was a danger zone, forbidden, the center becomes degree zero, an empty spatial object, annulled from whichever movement.


When two particles couple themselves in a singlet at short distances (one with spin up and one with spin down) the new nonlinear, nonlocal and nonpotential forces due to deep wave-overlappings are so attractive to overcome possible repulsive Coulomb forces, and permit new bound states at short distances which simply cannot be conceived - let alone treated - by quantum mechanics and chemistry.


Consequently, the allergic tendency of oxidised rosin will over a period of time diminish and eventually become zero when all the rosin has been oxidised and decomposed.


With several first team players seriously injured, the services of several reserve team players were called upon, and Messi became a regular feature of Bar?a squads. On May 1, 2005, he became the youngest player ever to score a league goal for FC Barcelona - against Albacete when Messi was only 17 years, 10 months and 7 days old. That record would eventually be beaten by Bojan.

随着几位一队队员严重受伤,几位预备队的球员来到了1队,梅西成为了正式巴萨的一名球员~在2005年5月1号,对Albacete 他成为巴萨进球史上最为年轻的球员~~当时他只有17岁零10个月零7天大,现在这项纪录已被Bojan打破

更多网络解释与成为零相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

chalk line:粉笔线

"该报介绍称,申智爱虽然在韩国被誉为"反超女王",但因为她惯打直线球,在美国被称为"粉笔线(Chalk Line)",14岁成为零差点球员(scratch golfer)之后,被誉为"新一代朴世莉".

Dark Elf:黑暗精灵

阿鲁卡地亚中心"干坤树顶""黑暗精灵" (Dark Elf) 的封印,取得力量,成为"英雄". 阿零再三追著被力量所迷的艾尔比斯,直到"干坤树顶",也是 X 用自己的身体封印能够毁灭一切"黑暗精灵"的地方. 艾尔比斯破坏了 X 的身体,释放了"黑暗精灵",




在一八八零年代,美国人开始大量应用"神经衰弱"(neurasthenia)这个新名词,它是现代生活的压力及其不自然的节奏对人的神经造成的损害. 它很快地成为不健康的现代生活的同义词. 7 "神经衰弱"已不获今日医学界承认,

regular solution:规则溶液

把那瓶液体放进一个柜子,并在柜子上写上"耻辱柜"一警示自己,此事成为化学史上的一桩趣闻. 规则溶液:1929年J.H.Hildebrand提出了规则溶液(Regular Solution)模型,并对规则溶液定义为:形成(混合)热不为零,而混合熵为理想溶液的混合熵,即




(Coleman Hawkins)、歌手强尼哈特曼(Johnny Hartman)唱的但是在六零年代,萨克斯风手约翰柯川(John Coltrane)很喜欢这首曲子,成为后辈萨克斯风手的终极难关、塞隆尼斯孟克(Thelonious Monk)的或者是女歌手艾拉费兹杰罗的歌曲集(Songbook)系列等等,

home theater:家庭剧院

可以说,Tuba通过精心的设计塑造出音响的意象,巧妙地将BTX融入家庭剧院(Home Theater)的概念,让机箱不只是电脑零组件,还能成为家庭剧院设备的一部份,对于比较有品位的使用来说,会有一种艺术享受的成分.

watch pocket:表袋

最早的设计用意是收纳怀表,所以又成为怀表袋(watch pocket)手表普及后改名,(一般五袋牛仔的零钱袋较为标准,边际略低,LEVIS的LVC--即复刻版,或者BIG E--即美产,通常零钱袋与腰际持平)

window function:窗函数

简单来说,在连续时间的例子,一个函数可以先乘上仅在一段时间不为零的窗函数(window function)再进行一维的傅利叶转换. 再将这个窗函数沿着时间轴挪移,所得到一系列的傅利叶转换结果排开则成为二维表象.