英语人>词典>汉英 : 懒散 的英文翻译,例句
懒散 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
idlesse  ·  laze  ·  lazy  ·  lentitude  ·  slipshodness  ·  slovenry  ·  lazed  ·  lazes  ·  lazier  ·  lazing  ·  sloths

lie about
更多网络例句与懒散相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He has too much good sense to be affronted at insults,he is too well employed to remember injuries,and too indolent to bear malice.


Yang Zhiyuan still may be that Yang Zhiyuan, dan Yahu is not that Yahoo any more, the figure of Yahoo became from young, innovation, joy anile, conservative, slack.


Don't aske him to do anything,he is a slacker.


There is always a temptation to be lazy and forget about studying.


If left to himself, he would have whistled life away in perfect satisfaction; but his wife was always mad at him for his idleness 懒散. Morning, noon, and night, her tongue was endlessly going, so that he was forced to escape to the outside of the house -- the only side which, in truth, belongs to a henpecked husband.


No man is so much open to conviction as the idler, but there is none on whom it operates so little.


Leisure, though the propertied classes give its name to their own idleness, is not idleness.


Peacetime life style, if not too lazy lazy unapt also such.


These are the true and open votaries of Idleness, for whom she weaves the garlands of poppies, and into whose cup she pours the waters of oblivion; who exist in a state of unruffled stupidity, forgetting and forgotten; who have long ceased to live, and at whose death the survivors can only say that they have ceased to bathe.


Ipursue a faithful love ,but still i don't know what a faithful love is after almostfour years insistence,and noweven when i face a very ordinary girl just one minute i can araise some kind of loving feelings ,i don't sure whether it is a really love for beauty or just some dirty sexual desire.


更多网络解释与懒散相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


understudy候补演员,替身 | dowdy邋遢女人,懒散女人 | rowdy吵闹的人

dowdy:衣衫褴褛的; 懒散的; 寒酸的 (形)

dowager 贵妇; 老年贵妇人 (名) | dowdy 衣衫褴褛的; 懒散的; 寒酸的 (形) | dowel 用暗销接合 (动)


easy mark 易受骗的人 | easygoing 懒散的 | eating disorder 饮食性疾病


slouch /向前弯腰/ | slouching /没精打采的/懒散的/ | slouchingly /懒散地/


pullover,套衫,衬衣,绒线上,套头的毛衣 | sloven,懒散者,散慢者,散漫者 | slovenly,懒散,马虎

slovenliness:邋遢; 懒散; 马虎 (名)

Slovenia 斯罗文尼亚, 巴尔干地区的国家 (名) | slovenliness 邋遢; 懒散; 马虎 (名) | slovenly 懒散的; 不修边幅的 (形)


dowager /富孀/贵妇/ | dowdily /懒散地/下流地/ | dowdy /寒酸的/懒散的/懒散的女人/邋里邋遢的女人/


flopper /雏水鸭/为图领取保证金而捏造事故的人/ | floppily /下垂地/懒散地/ | floppy /软盘/叭嗒叭嗒响的/懒散的/邋遢的/松软的/


slouching /没精打采的/懒散的/ | slouchingly /懒散地/ | slouchy /没精打采的/懒散的/


slouchingly /懒散地/ | slouchy /没精打采的/懒散的/ | slough /泥泞/