英语人>词典>汉英 : 懒惰地 的英文翻译,例句
懒惰地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
idly  ·  slothfully

更多网络例句与懒惰地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fitz tries to get lazy Tony to take his life of crime more seriously, but he continues to botch his jobs.

Fitz 试着争取懒惰的汤尼更严重采取他的罪行的生活,但是他继续拙笨地修补他的工作。

He looked dagger at me when I told him he was lazy.


He looked dagger s at me when I told him he was lazy.


Get out of my office,' the professor said disgustedly to the lazy student.


And his meditation turning to a reproach,fell back upon himself; he reflected dolefully on his idleness, his paralysis of soul, which was gaining on him, and of that night which was growing more dense every moment before him, to such a point that he no longer even saw the sun.


The attraction of the old way is strong, and we lazily follow it.


There was a waggon laden with trusses of hay crawling slowly past, the lazy horses and the lazy waggoner drooping their heads with a weary stoop under the afternoon sunshine.


Nothing is more destructive, either in regard to the health, or the vigilance and industry of the poor than the infamous liquor, the name of which, derived from Juniper in Dutch, is now by frequent use and the laconick spirit of the nation, from a word of middling length shrunk into a monosyllable, intoxicating gin, that charms the unactive, the desperate and crazy of either sex, and makes the starving sot behold his rags and nakedness with stupid indolence, or banter with in senseless laughter, and more insipid jests; it is a fiery lake that sets the brain in flame, burns up the entrails, and scorches every part within; and at the same time a Lethe of oblivion, in which the wretch immersed drowns his most pinching cares, and, with his reason all anxious reflections on brats that cry for food, hard winter's frosts, and horrid empty home.


And the lazy person is so lazy, so unalert, so unconscious, that he cannot see.


John Woodbridge, director of the San Francisco-based university's School of Computer Arts-New Media, says traditional art skills are important but students aspiring to become commercial artists must be conversant with software because employers say they want artists and "production people" capable of working with an increasing number of programs.

单单责怪Adobe Photoshop或是学生的懒惰也许把事情过于简单化了,其实问题可以简单地归结为画家能力的缺失。艺术大学绘画学院总监Charles Pyle坦率地对路透社说:&如果你不好好绘画,好好思考,那你的艺术生涯将是短暂且不愉快的。&

更多网络解释与懒惰地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


accidentally /偶然地/意外地/ | accidie /无精打彩的样子/懒惰/绝望/ | accipitral /鹰的/鹰似的/贪婪的/

acedia:懒惰, 绝望

ace-high | 最好的, 极受崇敬的 | acedia | 懒惰, 绝望 | Aceldama | 犹大自杀之处, 流血之地


idler 懒惰者 | idlesse 空闲 | idly 懒惰地


idler /懒惰者/游手好闲的人/惰轮/ | idlesse /空闲/懒散/ | idly /懒惰地/空闲地/


idlesse 空闲 | idly 懒惰地 | Ido 伊多语


idealistic 唯心论,空想主义的 | idly 懒惰地,空闲地 | idolize 偶像化,醉心于

indolently:怠惰地; 不痛地 (副)

indolent 懒惰的; 不痛的 (形) | indolently 怠惰地; 不痛地 (副) | indomitable 不屈服的; 不屈不挠的 (形)


sloth /惰性/ | slothful /怠惰的/懒惰的/迟钝的/ | slothfully /怠惰地/迟钝地/


slothful /怠惰的/懒惰的/迟钝的/ | slothfully /怠惰地/迟钝地/ | slothfulness /怠惰/懒惰/迟钝/


slothfully /怠惰地/迟钝地/ | slothfulness /怠惰/懒惰/迟钝/ | slotless /无槽/