英语人>词典>汉英 : 慢的 的英文翻译,例句
慢的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
slow  ·  slowest  ·  tardy  ·  slowed  ·  tardier

更多网络例句与慢的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Steel making in the open-hearth furnace is a very slow process, much slower than the Bessemer one.


Either way, note your results - I find a comment in the code is good.


A bass fishing orlando plastic worm will be a good strategy with this because even the most slow-moving bass will respond when you drag one slowly in its nose.


Through quantitative calculation, the conclusions are drawn: 1it was obvious that the south was faster than the north; contrast of economic level has reversed since reform and opening.2The reasons accountable for these changes consist of politics, export strength,economic system,input intensity (special foreign direct investment), industrial structure and so on.3Social-cultural elements have certain influence by all means.4To turn the north tardy, we should quicken the pace of reform and opening in the north, make efforts in restructuring big and middle state-owned enterprises, vigorously carry out the strategy of making the country strong through science and education.5The north must grasp opportunity, build new economic growth pole, retransfer and upgrade industrial structure as soon as possible.


Folk religions like the White Lotus in the history all had one characteristic in common posing itself on a higher place than others and derogating others, the same as "conceit" in "desire, anger, ignorance, conceit, and doubt".


These arguments support the notion of a convective mantle, with the plates being rafted along on


These arguments support the notion of a convective mantle, with the plates being rafted along on its surface, propelled by frictional drag on their undersides.


We prayed and in the end, the break didn't work at all; he had to use hand break to control the van.


The experimental results indicated that the growth and development of Golden plum was trable S-shaped curves: slow-fast-slow-fast-slow.


In collapse extension stage, subsidence velocity manifested slow to fast to slow lengthways, and faster on fault developed side and slower on subdued slope side.


更多网络解释与慢的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

andante sostenuto:稍慢的行板

第二乐章: 稍慢的行板(Andante sostenuto) 第二乐章是相当放松的曲子, 它用的是E大调大调最后一段温柔的尾声, 以小提琴漂亮的最后独奏结束了这个乐章.

andante sostenuto:(意)稍慢的行板. 参见

andante quassi lento(意)几乎是慢板的行板. | andante sostenuto(意)稍慢的行板. 参见sostenuto(3) | andante stretto(意)逐渐加快的行板.


ritardando 渐慢的 | rit,ritard 渐慢的缩写 | rall 渐慢缩写


rapido 迅速的 | ritardando 渐慢的 | rit,ritard 渐慢的,ritardando的缩写


slow 慢的;缓慢的 | slower 更(较)慢的 | south 南;南方

will not tolerate unreasonably slack managemen:不会容忍过分散慢的管理

不会容忍员工偷懒/不会容忍散慢的员工 will not tolerate slack ... | 不会容忍过分散慢的管理 will not tolerate unreasonably slack managemen | 不会容忍浪费公帑 will not tolerate wastefulness in the public c...

Osmond:斯蒙 英?, 受到神慢的祝福,保罪

Oscar, ?斯卡 ?钅, 神慢之矛. | Osmond, ?斯蒙 英?, 受到神慢的祝福,保罪. | Oswald, ?斯居得, 英?, 神慢而有力的.


bluntest 不尖的 | bluntest 简慢的 | bluntest 简慢的


slow 慢的 | slow-footed 速度慢的 | slow-motion 缓慢的

andante non troppo:(意)不太慢的行板,参见

andante non tanto(意)不过分慢的行板,参见andante(2) | andante non troppo(意)不太慢的行板,参见andante(2) | andante pastorale(意)田园风的行板.