英语人>词典>汉英 : 慈爱 的英文翻译,例句
慈爱 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
affection  ·  kindliness

更多网络例句与慈爱相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Will Your lovingkindness be declared in the grave, Or Your faithfulness in Abaddon?

88:11 岂能在坟墓里述说你的慈爱么?岂能在灭亡中述说你的信实么?

Only wishes that are made with special love will do for adad who is wonderful in every way as you.


Remember to forget ,time to bury all the chillness...


All those who flee to the Lord can be sure that they will be met with His mercy and find a safe place of refuge from the spoiler, extortioner, and oppressor, Satan Jer.


I will give news of the mercies of the Lord, and his great acts, even all the things the Lord has done for us, in his great grace to the house of Israel; even all he has done for us in his unnumbered mercies.

63:7 我要照耶和华一切所赐给我们的、提起他的慈爱、和美德、并他向以色列家所施的大恩、这恩是照他的怜恤和丰盛的慈爱赐给他们的。

She found beauty andgrace and they befriended her, and showed her what is real.


She found beauty and grace and they befriended her, and showed her what is real.

她发现了美和上帝的慈爱,而美和慈爱也待她如友,把生命的真谛呈现给她。51099在线学习网 http://www.51099.com

She found beauty and grace and they befriended her, and showed her what is real.


She found beauty and grace and they befriended her, and showed her what is real. copyright zw.go121.cn


She found beauty and grace and they befriended her, andshowed her what is real.


更多网络解释与慈爱相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Affectionate mother:满怀慈爱的母亲

Beloved son. 被宠爱的儿子. (beloved,深爱的,所深爱的人. ) | Affectionate mother. 满怀慈爱的母亲. | He is indifferent to any and everything. 他对任何事都漠不关心.

Alma Mater:(慈爱的母亲)

Ad rem(关键要点) | Alma mater (慈爱的母亲) | Amor patriae (爱国)

benign: a.1:良的,宽厚的,慈爱的 2.(医)无危险的,良性的 3.有利的,吉利的

belie: v.证实...为虚假,与...抵触,违反 | benign: a.1.良的,宽厚的,慈爱的 2.(医)无危险的,良性的 3.有利的,吉利的 | betray: v.1.背叛,辜负 2.泄露,(非故意地)暴露,显露,表现

close harmony:别再发扬你的慈爱

1929 爱的大游行 The Love Parade | 1929 别再发扬你的慈爱 Close Harmony | 1929 双响屁 Double Whoopee


fatherlikefatherly 父亲般的 | fatherliness 父亲的慈爱 | fatherliness 父亲的风度

Firstly he was a father:首先他慈爱如父

Firstly he was a father. 首先他慈爱如父, | When he was ill,当他生病时, | Needing your care.你要用心照顾他.

affection fondness:慈爱;钟爱

aesthetically artistically 审美地;美学地 | affection fondness 慈爱;钟爱 | affectionately lovingly 充满深情地;亲切地


kindliness 亲切的行为 | kindliness 慈爱 | kindlyniceamiable 可亲


我们的善知识,就是四梵行:慈爱(loving kindness)、悲心(compassion)、随喜(joy with others)与平静(equanimity). 我们必须在自己的心中找寻到这四位善知识. 当我们发现自己心中缺少这些善知识,就该知道这是一种缺憾,我们要开始为它们的加入而努力.

loving-kindness:慈爱, 仁慈

telephone cord 电话器软线 | loving-kindness 慈爱, 仁慈 | offset account 抵销帐户