英语人>词典>汉英 : 愤怒的 的英文翻译,例句
愤怒的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
angrier  ·  angriest  ·  angry  ·  indignant  ·  pissed  ·  raging  ·  wrathful  ·  wroth  ·  furibund

更多网络例句与愤怒的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Don't take the bait. Avoid angry confrontations. Anger serves no function except make everyone miserable.


He who angers you controls you, therefore you have no control over your anger


He who angers you controls you, there-fore you have no control over your


He who angers you controls you, there-fore you have no control over your anger


BULL'S HORNS \ 愤怒的公牛 Colombian bullfighter Luis Bolivar was gored during a bullfight at the Malagueta bullring in Malaga, Spain, Thursday.

上周四,哥伦比亚斗牛士Luis Bolivar在西班牙马拉加斗牛场举行的一场斗牛赛中,被公牛顶起。

Seizor was attaced by multiple Magics. Seizor figured that must be Ithur who set her up. She trans formed back to Devil Princess and attacked Ithur in furious.


If your anger seems out of proportion to shat appparently triggered it or if it never quite seems to go away,start looking backward.


The Weeble said...In that case, Mandarin Tools is wrong --愤 occurs as an adjective in, e.g.,愤怒,愤愤, etc.


STEINBECK in check when the title is well-intentioned, the title taken from THE BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPULIC lyric:"Grapes of Wrath he would step in at the foot of sand," and "Grapes of Wrath" is the term refers to the "new Apocalypse Testament "In Chapter 14, Section 9 of the sentence:" That angel had sickle thrown on the ground, the grapes collected on the ground and throwing it onto the big wine of God in anger."

STEINBECK在取书名时可谓用心良苦,书名取自THE BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPULIC的一句歌词:&他将愤怒的葡萄堆踏在脚下,&而&愤怒的葡萄&一词又是援引了《新约全书启示录》第14章第9节中的一句话:&那天使就把镰刀扔在地上,收取了地上的葡萄,丢在上帝愤怒的大酒瓮中。&

The exact number of wraths you cast varies depending on crits and how many knockbacks you take but you normally get 4 casts off before needing to reapply insect swarm.


更多网络解释与愤怒的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Raging Bull:年《愤怒的公牛>

喋血街头>大约就是抄这部片子的) 1980年愤怒的公牛>(RAGING BULL) 轻量级拳王拉莫塔的传记片德 尼罗在其中告诉我们什么叫做真正的表演 此片成为之后所有演员必读的演技教科书 1981年真诚忏悔>(TRUE CONFESSIONS) 演出抗强权牧师,


Disgusted 厌恶的 | Enraged 被激怒的,愤怒的 | Frightened 吃惊的,恐惧的

Look back in anger:愤怒的回顾

在一九五六年首度登台、备受赞誉的舞台剧"愤怒的回顾"(Look Back in Anger) 当中,剧作家奥斯本 (John Osborne) 对这片贫乏荒芜的土地展开强烈抨击,开宗明义就表示:"美好坚毅的品性荡然无存".


anger 愤怒 | indignant 愤怒的 | happy 高兴的


作者的语气可能是客观的(objective),冷漠的(indifferent),愤怒的(wrathful),幽默的(hum orous)等. 讽刺(irony)及嘲讽(satire)是作者常用的表达语气的手段. 有关作者态度及文章语气题的常用形式是:

wrathful:愤怒的; 激怒的 (形)

wrath 愤怒, 猛烈的力量, 激怒 (名) | wrathful 愤怒的; 激怒的 (形) | wrathfully 愤怒地 (副)

hangus hati:生气的,愤怒的

hangus , 烧焦,焦灼,烧毁的,烧焦的 | hangus hati , 生气的,愤怒的 | hantam , 打击,殴打,拳击


wrathfully /愤怒地/ | wrathy /愤怒的/激怒的/ | wreak /发泄/

From silhouetted anger to manufactured peace:在制造出的和谐中,愤怒的苗头现身

To a sin of love's false security. /滑进了虚假的爱,罪恶之... | From silhouetted anger to manufactured peace, /在制造出的和谐中,愤怒的苗头现身 | Answers of emptiness, voice vacancies, /没意义的回话,空洞的...

The Grapes of Wrath:愤怒的葡萄/怒火之花/愤怒的葡萄园

159. 偷拐抢骗/掠夺/贪得无厌/夺取/偷骗拐抢 Snatch (2000) | 160. 愤怒的葡萄/怒火之花/愤怒的葡萄园 The Grapes of Wrath (1940) | 162. 甘地传/圣雄甘地 Gandhi (1982)