英语人>词典>汉英 : 感情用事 的英文翻译,例句
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He is not a man who is accessible to personal emotions.


Sentiment and great boaster is only to hold up the pursuit of truth.


Sentiment and bombast can only hinder the chasing for the truth.


I think rampant commercialism, and the particularly susceptible parent-child relationship are what make kids appear to cost a fortune.


A sentimental reformer in architecture, he began at the cornice, not at the foundation.


It would not be likely to produce that dejection of mind which frequently attended him.


How could she face her parents,get back her box,and disconcert the whole scheme for the rehabilitation of her family ,on such sentimental grounds?


But when the echoes had fully ceased, a light laughter at once pervaded the assembly; the musicians looked at each other and smiled as if at their own nervousness and folly, and made whispering vows, each to the other, that the next chiming of the clock should produce in them no similar emotion; and then, after the lapse of sixty minutes (which embrace three thousand and six hundred seconds of Time that flies), there came yet another chiming of the clock, and then were the same disconcert and tremulousness and meditation as before.


He writes,"Today I find it an impossible book: I consider it badly written, ponderous, embarrassing, image-mad and image-confused, sentimental, in places saccharine to the point of effeminacy, uneven in tempo, without the will to logical cleanliness, very convinced and therefore disdainful of proof, mistrustful even of the propriety of proof, a book for initiates…".

他写道,今天我觉得这是不可能的书:我认为写得很差,笨重,令人尴尬的,形象疯狂和图像混淆,感情用事,在地方糖精的地步effeminacy ,不均衡的节奏,而将逻辑清洁,非常确信,因此轻蔑的举证责任,不信任甚至是适当的证明,一本书的开始。。。

"I don't think for me it was emotional; it was uplifting," he said.


更多网络解释与感情用事相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Clean-cut chick:干净得要命

i know u'd never take it personally 我知道你不会义气/感情用事的 | clean-cut chick 干净得要命 | slipped up 说漏嘴了

sentimental environmentalist:感情用事的环境保护论者

17. 保护环境 protect the environment | 18.感情用事的环境保护论者 sentimental environmentalist | 19. 错误的心态 wrong frame of mind

give away to one's feeling; be swayed by one's emotion; ace impetuously:感情用事

感情冲动--emotional impulse; act on a momentary i... | 感情用事--give away to one's feeling; be swayed by one's emotion; ace impetuously | 感人肺腑--touch one deeply in the heart; touch the chords of o...

jingoist:侵略主义者,感情用事的 , [盲目的]爱国主义者

1491jibev. 移转 | 1492jingoist侵略主义者,感情用事的,[盲目的]爱国主义者 | 1493jittern. 振动(信号的不稳定性); vt 散开(极为紧张)

nothing more than sentimental:不过是感情用事

10. 过分崇拜地球 worships the earth to the point of excess | 11. 不过是感情用事 nothing more than sentimental | 12. 引导我们杀出环境保护的混争 fight our way through the jungle of environmental argum...

run to sentiments:感情用事

impervious seam 紧密接缝 | run to sentiments 感情用事 | complex sample 复式采样

I was right.You are a sentimentalist:我说对了,你是个感情用事的人

I stick my neck out for nobody.我从不为任何人舍命. | I was right.You are a sentimentalist.我说对了,你是个感情用事的人. | It's such a good game.The graphics are awesome.这个游戏棒极了. 画面可漂亮了...

sentimentalize the earth:对地球感情用事

12) 以......为由 on the grounds of | 13) 对地球感情用事 sentimentalize the earth | 14) 与......格格不入 run/go against the grain of

slobber over:感情用事的宠爱

4 track fatality 跟踪调查死亡人数 | 5 slobber over 感情用事的宠爱 | 6 the centerpiece of the engagement with engagement 在新闻中常用来表示两国关系

freeheartedly:坦白地; 感情用事地; 爽朗地 (副)

freehearted 坦白的; 爽朗的 (形) | freeheartedly 坦白地; 感情用事地; 爽朗地 (副) | freehold 自由保有, 自由保有官职, 不动产 (名)