英语人>词典>汉英 : 意见 的英文翻译,例句
意见 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
idea  ·  opinion  ·  say  ·  says  ·  sentence  ·  sentiment  ·  sight  ·  sights  ·  submission  ·  suggestion  ·  theories  ·  theory  ·  sentenced  ·  sentences  ·  opinions  ·  verdicts  ·  viewpoints

attitude toward · differing opinion
更多网络例句与意见相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In case no opinions have been aired for modification by the competent traffic authority of the State Council within thirty days upon its receipt of the solicitation of opinions, such port layout planning may be promulgated for implementation by the people's government of the province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government; in case the competent traffic authority of the State Council is of the opinion that the port layout planning is not in compliance with the national port layout planning, the opinions on modifications should be provided for within thirty days upon receipt of the solicitation of opinions; and in case the people's government of the province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government is in disputer with the modification opinions, a petitions may be submitted for decision by the State Council.


"Of course I know," replied the cask:"poetry is something that always stand in the corner of a newspaper, and is sometimes cut out; and I may venture to affirm that I have more of it in me than the student has, and I am only a poor tub of the huckster's."


To manage consensus and incongruity of opinion combination of multi-experts, some work has been done.


In general, opinions contrary to those commonly received can only obtain a hearing by studied moderation of language, and the most cautious avoidance of unnecessary offence, from which they hardly ever deviate even in a slight degree without losing ground: while unmeasured vituperation employed on the side of the prevailing opinion, really does deter people from professing contrary opinions, and from listening to those who profess them.


Popular opinion: the person's opinion is assumed to reflect that of the 'ordinary citizen'(e,g, in a street interview, vox populi etc); it is implied that the person's point of view is shared by a wider group of people.


II.If, when the securities exchange decides to suspend, resume or terminate the listing, an auditing report is made by a certified accountant with explanatory notes such as unpreserved opinions, preserved opinions, negative opinions or refusal to express opinions for the accounting report (hereinafter uniformly referred to as "auditing report of unstandard and unpreserved opinions") in the regular report on which the above said decision is based, the securities exchange may organize an experts' committee to make an independent professional judgment on the major accounting treatment issues which are involved in and will affect the authenticity of profitability of the auditing report of non-standard and unpreserved opinions, and the securities exchange may make corresponding decisions on the basis of the opinions of the experts' committee.


The information disclosed by issuers should be divided into three categories-official portion, expertised portion, and other portion- in order to establish the standard of sponsors'duty of reasonable investigation and defense of due diligence, and the standard varies with different part.


This paper firstly reviews the evolution of American going-concern auditing opinion, so we can know the essence of this kind of auditing opinion. Secondly, on the base of analysing the conditions of going-concern of Chinese enterprises and a typical case, we draw our conclusion that chinses capital market urgently demands going-concern auditing opinion.Finally, this paper focuses on financial characteristic of company and the characteristic of going-concern auditing opinion, the market response to going-concern auditing opinion, the value relevance as well as the determinants of auditor reporting going-concern auditing opinion.

本文首先以美国为例,回顾了持续经营不确定性审计意见(going-concern opinion,以下简称为GCO)的发展沿革,籍此认识持续经营不确定性审计意见的本质内涵;其次,在对我国企业尤其是上市公司的持续经营问题进行分析的基础上,通过典型案例的剖析得出我国资本市场对持续经营不确定性审计意见存在较强烈需求的结论;最后,针对我国证券市场持续经营不确定性审计意见的市场反应、价值关联性及被出具持续经营不确定性审计意见公司的财务特征、审计师出具持续经营不确定性审计意见的影响因素进行了实证分析。

When it moved on to the middle stage, domestic governments started to take corresponding actions to cope with the global consensus reached in "Kyoto Protocol", and therefore, the reports focused on governments' corresponding actions. In the later stage, economy-relating issues like "the Emergence of Green Industry" and "Enterprise Investment" became the focus. In the data analysis of opinion leaders in Environmental Protection and Energy field, it is found that these opinion leaders are of the demographic characteristics as the opinion leasers in other relating researches. It is also found that opinion leaders in Environmental Protection and Energy field are usually those who can spread information rapidly.


Thus, we specially made two sets of query forms, one for our customers with items like what requirements they have after purchasing our houses in order to provide services by our customer service, rent and market departments at any time; the other for our "seller" in order to hear their complaints.


更多网络解释与意见相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


保留意见 qualified opinion | 无法表示意见 disclaimer | 否定意见 adverse

adverse opinion:反对意见

"保留意见"一项,主要分"拒绝发表意见"(disclaimer of opinion)和"否定(或反对)意见"(adverse opinion)两项. 凡财政报告内核数师一栏上,核数师拒绝发表意见,即间接显示核数师未能取得充分及适当数据去完成审核工作,由此令审计范围受到有限或严重的限制.

adverse opinion:反面意见,否定意见

175adventure 投机经营,短期经营 | 176adverse opinion 反面意见,否定意见 | 177adverse variance 不利差异,逆差

advisory opinion:咨询意见

(2) 对于第二种情况--提供咨询意见(advisory opinion),这实际上并不是司法职能的行使,且如此给予的意见也没有司法权的性质. [20] 对这个问题的唯一例外和未说明理由的意见一度在革命高潮时期出现于缅因州,[21] 而科罗拉多州也出现了建立于州宪特殊考虑的理论,

at outs with sb:(与某人)不和, (与某人) 意见不一致

at outs (与某人)不和, (与某人) 意见不一致 | at outs with sb. (与某人)不和, (与某人) 意见不一致 | on the outs (与某人)不和, (与某人) 意见不一致

Parents should compare notes with children:父母和孩子之意应交换意见

compare notes交换意见,商量: | Parents should compare notes with children. 父母和孩子之意应交换意见. | Every week they got together and compared notes. 他们每星期都碰头交换意见.

dicta dictum:的复数形式,法官个人意见,附带意见

defense 抗辩事由 | dicta, dictum的复数形式,法官个人意见,附带意见 | dissent分歧,异议

obiter dictum:附带意见

基本的回答是:人们需要区别判决中的"判决理由"(ratio decidendi)与"附带意见"(obiter dictum),或称法律原则与法官意见. 所谓"判决理由",是判决的必要根据,它构成判例规范,今后应当予以遵守;而"附带意见",是法官所发表的对判决并非绝对必要的意见,

dissenting opinion:反对意见

意见不一致时,会出现"并存意见"(concurring opinion)和"反对意见"(dissenting opinion). "并存意见"指赞同结论但对法律推理和逻辑有不同意见;"反对意见"是反对法院判决的意见. 这样,有些判决书会出现几种不同意见,令人读来饶有兴味.

concurring opinion:同意意见

at 762 (克拉克法官持同意意见).译者注,同意意见(concurring opinion)指支持判决结果的意见,异议意见(dissenting opinion)指不支持判决结果的意见. 95 参见前注90,第6-7页. 查里斯 H. 科赫法官,<<行政法与实践>>,第2卷第210页(West 1985).