英语人>词典>汉英 : 情绪高涨 的英文翻译,例句
情绪高涨 的英文翻译、例句


in high feather · in high spirits · fly high · in heart
更多网络例句与情绪高涨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Government 's act ion s overseas continue to be a key factor in anti-American sentiment abroad.


The mood of the nation is now viciously anti-politics; 13 years ago, it was merely anti-Tory.


In the upsurge in counterculture sentiment during the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights era, Walden and "Civil Disobedience" inspired many young Americans to express their disavowal of official US policies and declare ideological independence, even at the risk of arrest.


Exultantly proud and joyful; in high spirits.


That would take nothing short of a public ground swell, which is why Bush plans to return to many of the techniques that got him re-elected.


Roosevelt's first words were in a light vein.


All of us are in high spirits.


I am glad to always find her in high spirits .


That sets the index just above the so-called bear market lows hit in the late fall when the panic around the financial sector crisis peaked.


Hemingway once in rhythm, said:"this book starts slowly, but gradually accelerating tempo faster intolerable, I always let sentiment to let readers, and unbearable to stabilize, lest they prepare oxygen tent"(3) The little boy appeared for each will bring peace, the tension is like a needle stability, consoles readers that the ups and downs of the emotion, lest tachycardia cannot bear.


更多网络解释与情绪高涨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

achievement need:成就需要

(3)成就需要(achievement need)是指追求具有挑战性的成就,激发奋不顾身的精神,刺激情绪高涨的行为. 四.赫茨伯格的"双因素论" 赫茨伯格(F.Herzberg)通过大量的调查研究,将马斯洛的需要层次归结为两类因素,即激励因素和保健因素.

Boston Tea Party:波士顿茶叶事件

波士顿人民也最先起来反抗,波士顿大屠杀 (Boston Massacre) 和波士顿茶叶事件 (Boston Tea Party) 是殖民地人民反抗情绪高涨的标志性事件. 邦克山战役更加坚定了殖民地人民摆脱英王统治的决心. 这些显赫的家族热心艺术和文化事业,

Cornell University:美国康奈尔大学

中美两国的领导层都觉得,必须保持双方关系的平稳,但在国内情绪高涨的情况下,存在局势失控的风险,"美国 康奈尔大学(Cornell University)和布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)专家埃斯瓦尔?

Elated mood:欢欣 / 高涨情绪

Echopraxia模仿动作 | Elated mood欢欣 / 高涨情绪 | Elation欢欣得意


elaterite 弹性沥青 | elaterium 西洋苦瓜汁 | elation 情绪高涨


情绪高涨(elation)一种欢欣鼓舞、得意洋洋的积极和增力性的情绪体验. 在正常人身上往往是由需要得到满足、目标得以实现而产生的. 它能振奋人心,推动人的工作、学习和其它活动. 但在躁狂抑郁患者身上,情绪高涨也会成为情感活动的一种障碍症状.

where even this early, crowd expectation is at fever pitch:现在还很早,观众们的情绪已经高涨了

We are at Ellis Park on this historic day...|我们... | ...where even this early, crowd expectation is at fever pitch...|...现在还很早,观众们的情绪已经高涨了... | ... because their beloved green and gold...

in high feather:身强力壮; 兴高采烈; 精神焕发, 情绪高涨

2)in high keep 保存得好 | 3)in high feather 身强力壮;兴高采烈;精神焕发, 情绪高涨 | 4)in high spirits 兴高采烈

in high spirits:情绪高涨

in harmony with 与...和睦相处 | in high spirits 情绪高涨 | in less than no time 立刻,马上

Rosewood Balancing, enlivening, uplifting:花梨木 平衡、使活泼,使情绪高涨

Rosemary Focusing, invigorating, restoring 迷迭香 使精神集中、精神充沛的... | Rosewood Balancing, enlivening, uplifting 花梨木 平衡、使活泼,使情绪高涨 | Sandalwood Sensual, warming, grounding 檀香 肉欲的、...