英语人>词典>汉英 : 情报 的英文翻译,例句
情报 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
advices  ·  gen  ·  information  ·  intelligence  ·  witting  ·  intelligences

更多网络例句与情报相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper analyses effect of corporate culture , intelligence , military affairs to counterintelligence from macroscopic view on the


Its space structure is divided into decision space 、communication space and cognition space and the opposite patterns of these spaces are summarized.


The paper researches both the present situation and the circumstances of application of domestic competitive intelligence, and emphasizes the importance and necessity of competitive intelligence, according to which the paper finds out the existing problems and sums up the elements of restricting the development of domestic corporations' competitive intelligence as following: the surroundings of competition and condition, the corporations' inner elements and the disjoint elements between the theory research and the practice application of competitive intelligence.


We should adhere to the"Policy ofOfficial and Civil Combination",set up and improve the intelligent system ofensuring the national security,and the corresponding institutions as well as the systemof the intelligence work;ensure that the intelligence work can be properly carried outby dint of making and improving law,regulation and related policies.


On the basis, it proposes to combine the dynamic of original intelligence process, design new communication amang intelligence department and decision-makers,stakeholders and the media, improve the role of intelligence work in crisis restoration and learning ,reconstruct the new intelligence process which is suitable for crisis management.


The article sets forth that in the process of investigation and decision ,the investigators should set up the consciousness of informaton and the importance of applying the information conscient...


There may be some intelligency that intellligence agencies will be able to get about it, for example, picking up that internet traffic, voicemessages, things like that , maybe that the National security agency will have some information also.


From the angle of the information department of institutions of higher learning according to the situation of using the information, this paper demonstrats how to fullly dig and use the information, emphasizes on the type of documentary and intelligential information, also proposes some suggestions according to our college' s real situation.


This paper designs the automatic text categorization system of public security information based on Support Vector Machine,according to the requirements of public security information.This system not only distinguishes the text classification automatically,but also retrains the features information at different stages of the categorization process.It will support the further information procession.Meanwhile,this system reduces the coupling degree of the subcomponents,provides the flexible system structure,and improves the adaptability of system.


Jiang Zhejun successful operation has a large well-known home appliance company, a large aluminum plant competitive intelligence system and counter - intelligence system, combat experience, competitive intelligence from domestic enterprises and counter - intelligence work of the practical problems faced by ...


更多网络解释与情报相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在美国等大多数西方国家,情报事务通常被分为两部分,即旨在获取敌方情报的进攻性情报活动,以及防止己方情况被敌人获取的防御性情报活动. 前者被称为积极情报活动,后者被称为消极情报活动. 从广义上讲,"反情报"(Counterintelligence)属于消极情报活动的范畴,但不排除在实际运

information retrieval:情报检索

"情报检索"(Information Retrieval)是指将情报(信息)按一定方式组织和存贮起来,并针对用户的需求找出所需要的情报(信息)的过程. 它又称为"情报存贮与检索"(Information Storage and Rrtrieval). 对于情报用户来说,情报检索仅指过程的后一部分,

information retrieval system:情报检索系统

情报检索系统(information retrieval system)是指运用一定的方法从某种资讯媒介上(包括书、硬碟、光碟等) 的资料中查找所需要情报的系统. 一般可区分为手工情报检索系统﹑机械情报检索系统和计算机情报检索系统三大类.

information retrieval system:情报检说统

information retrieval problem 情报检耸题 | information retrieval system 情报检说统 | information retrieval time 情报检吮间

information retrieval problem:情报检耸题

information retrieval 情报检索 | information retrieval problem 情报检耸题 | information retrieval system 情报检说统


摘要:情报(Intelligence)是分析特定事务的、具有特殊价值的信息加工产品和知识. 在信息时代,如果我们在决策中不善于利用这一有力武器,我们将沉没在信息的汪洋大海之中. 本文介绍了美国的情报系统,与国内"情报"(information)这一术语的用法做了比较,并讨论了在我国情报工作和研究中引入Intelligence的意义.

intelligence agency:情报机构

情报机构(Intelligence agency)是指专门从事收集以及分析带有机密性质情报的机构,一般是隶属於政府,部分的情报机构也负责[def=%E5%8F%8D%E9%96%93%E8%AB%9C]反间谍[/def]以及[def=%E5%8F%8D%E6%81%90]反恐[/def]甚至暗杀等工作,

Intelligence agent:情报人员

intelligence 智力,理解力,情报,信息 | intelligence agent 情报人员 | intelligence data 情报资料

国家情报和安全处(情报和安全处),SISE,情报和安全处:State Information and Security Service

state in whose territory the crime was committed;犯罪地国;; | State Information and Security Service;国家情报和安全处(情报和安全处);SISE;情报和安全处 | State Information Services;国家情报局;KHAD;

the ramifications of speaking to you:很清楚提供你情报之后会产生的后果

I mean, your source knew full well|我是说 你的情报人 | the ramifications of speaking to you.|很清楚提供你情报之后会产生的后果 | My source didn't know what they were doing|我的情报人提供我情报的时候