英语人>词典>汉英 : 情况好转 的英文翻译,例句
情况好转 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
upturn  ·  upturns

更多网络例句与情况好转相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Ledger, always cynically 愤世嫉俗地 intolerant 不能容忍的 of any effort to better 情况好转的 the city government, as savoring 品尝 of "goo-gooism," which was its special bete noire 为人所讨厌的人或物, could not well make the shooting a basis for a general attack upon police laxity 懒散, though it was in this that lay the special news possibility of the event.


So is all change for the better, like birth and death which convulse the body.


B in the enjoyment of urban minimum living allowance during the family income situation improves, according to the provisions of this management is not the approving authority, continue to enjoy the minimum living guarantee for urban residents treatment.


This was compared to 81% each in the two other groups.


When I started my new business, I had tough sledding for a while but things got better.


Cure of urgent make a diagnosis and give treatment can use embolism of liver artery spile, treat a patient use after general upturn 2 period operation cure can obtain favorable result.


And now the upturn of Marx come back to use Marx again!


Mold with baking soda as long as it is certainly not achieve bactericidal action, it is recommended to do in order leucorrhea conventional, because such a time, there may be changes, I found mold on 5 with a three-day drug, but also outside the washing soda , the situation improved, but also easy to check the recurrence of .6 months leucorrhea not conventional mold, but there is vaginal inflammation, washing lotion with medicine, and 7 months time to check card or a vaginitis, Trichomonas Streptomyces are is negative.


A central venous catheter was inserted for hemodynamic monitoring and blood transfusion. Cardiac tamponade occurred secondary to perforation of the superior vena cava by the central venous catheter. The patient's hemodynamic status became stable after pericardiocentesis. One week later she was discharged with no sequelae during the three month follow-up.


Just started in the market demand, export situation improved, the expected costs, steel prices rise, the market began to digest the case of inventory, Lu-hong, Senior fluid control experts predict that the short term the domestic plate market prices likely to continue rising trend.


更多网络解释与情况好转相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be better off:处境较好,情况好转

be beside oneself忘乎所以 | be better off处境较好,情况好转 | be born in出生于......

be born in:出生于

be better off处境较好,情况好转 | be born in出生于...... | be born of出生于......(家庭)

be well off/ be better off:情况有了好转(尤指经济上),生活富裕起来

491. be wanted 寻找,通缉 | 492. be well off/ be better off 情况有了好转(尤指经济上),生活富裕起来 | 493. be well-informed about 很好的了解

be beside oneself:忘乎所以

be bent on热恋于,一心想 | be beside oneself忘乎所以 | be better off处境较好,情况好转


过去5年内,恩格斯特罗姆一直在里德爱思唯尔集团旗下的爱思唯尔子公司(Elsevier)担任首席执行官职位. 里德爱思唯尔集团表示,恩格斯特罗姆"非常适于领导里德爱思唯尔集团,相信他能够在经济状况好转的情况下推动集团业绩增长".

have had one's day:风光不再

(4.17)have one's head in the sand不顾事实真相;逃避现实;拒绝承认问题但又妄想情况好转;采取鸵鸟政策 | (4.18)have had one's day风光不再 | [5.06]hat in hand态度谦卑;客气;毕恭毕敬;卑躬屈膝

Business malpractice:商业上的不法行为

Bourse: 欧洲的证券交易所 | Business malpractice: 商业上的不法行为 | Business pickup: 商业情况好转

The patient is on the mend:这病人的病情在好转

on the mend(病情或事态)在好转中: | The patient is on the mend. 这病人的病情在好转. | Conditions at present certainly are on the mend. 目前情况肯定是在好转中.

Business tycoon:实业巨头

Business pickup: 商业情况好转 | Business tycoon: 实业巨头 | Capital construction: 基本建设

The situation has ameliorated:情况好转

the serpentine course of the river 蜿蜒的河道 | The situation has ameliorated. 情况好转. | The streets are often congested. 街上经常拥挤.