英语人>词典>汉英 : 悲壮 的英文翻译,例句
悲壮 的英文翻译、例句


solemn and stirring · moving and tragic · stirred by defeat
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Indeed,they wrote a glorious chapter in the Anti-Japanese War history of Chinese people.


We should be in our high and vigorous spirits, sing loudly the song of marching on and walk through this rugged road with the accomplishment of the touching song.


Now that crossing a river was unavoidable, and was last time, so it was better forget bronchus and menses, did my best to get to the last destination –Bowlder Mine.


Li bai life in political ideal and hard to achieve, and society, li river forgetten tool for life, while pursuing independent personality and spirit of freedom, in poems have high and elegant, broad-mindedness go beyond, When the subjective desire and realistic social conflict, li bai's longitudinal and indignant expresses, When he is closer to the nature, contact social interest and pleasure, and gain a series of pure and fresh and elegance, DanYuan leisurely beautiful psalms.


Through the images3 of the black bull and the bullfighter's blood-red cloth, they discover that the Spanish find meaning in life by worshipping4 heroic5 death.


And walk through this bumpiness road,in the solemn song of sorrow.


The Chamber also famous Grand Organ, a total of 6,000 Genyin, knew her reputation. particularly suited to playing hymnals and stirring music.


The Chamber is also well-known large organ, a total of 6,000 tube Gen Yin, a loud sound immense, especially for the playing of solemn music and hymns.


Chamber also famous Grand Organ, a total of 6000 root note tube, sounding a loud sound, especially suited to playing hymns and stirring music.


This abalone Xun Xun has managed to maintain the tradition of the original shape and tone, and increases the volume, the expansion of the range, and the chromatic scale to blow, it could be the transfer of musical instruments, ancient and mellow tone, low tragic, very Rich features.


更多网络解释与悲壮相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Un Flic:大黎明

至於1972年的>(Un flic)就不是那麼有魅力. 法文原题借用日本语文的「武士」的>,为影史塑造了亚兰德伦扮演的孤独俊美职业杀手独特风貌;法文原名>而台湾沿用日本译名的>,为影史提供了黑道悲壮的男男友谊,


FT好像与大家开了个玩笑似的使基拉与芙蕾相遇了. 可是他们的这1次相遇也成为了两人最后的见面. 芙蕾死后变成了灵魂与基拉进行了真诚的沟通,这次悲剧般的相遇使的GS变的更加悲壮了. 芙蕾的灵魂永远守护着基拉...直到永远(FOREVER)



Kurt Cobain:库尔特.科班

在1993年推出>(In Utero)后, 主唱库尔特.科班(Kurt Cobain)因不堪忍受药物及成功带来的压力,拔枪自杀. 从而奏响了摇滚史上最悲壮灿烂的一曲. 尽管不久后"涅槃"的神话宣告破灭, 但无论如何,"涅 槃"这个名字已在摇滚史上留下了重要而又独特的一页.


马拉松赛跑(Marathon)是奥运会上最能体现运动员的毅力和耐力的一个项目. 该项目的设立与希波战争中一个悲壮的故事有关. 公元前490年,希腊与波斯在雅典东部的军事重镇Marathon激战. 当时,波斯大军的兵员比希腊军队多数倍.

invariantly marvel at:目不暇接,叹为观止

文人墨客famous ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers of various dynasties | 目不暇接,叹为观止invariantly marvel at | 素雅悲壮solemn

every god's temple writes peremptoriness:每个神仙的寺庙都写着专横

闭着眼睛 反抗一切偶像 closes eyes, resists all idols | 每个神仙的寺庙都写着专横 every god's temple writes peremptoriness | 贝多芬的英勇悲壮的心哆嗦着 Beethoven's heroic and tragic heart shivers

Perpend! One day shall joy thee, one distress thee:时而欢乐时而悲壮

I'll pardon Time past wrongs and be gone gwile. 过去时光冰释前... | 5. What time Fate's tyranmy shall most oppress thee, 为何灾难长... | Perpend! One day shall joy thee, one distress thee. 时而欢乐时而悲壮

Revolutionary Road:革命之路

本以为有着悲壮表达的能指之物所指向的是一种超验的理想和激情,却没有想到,它恰恰是一种反讽的语词,"革命之路"(revolutionary road)只是一条路或房屋的名字而已,它的实在性使它永远无法抵达任何超越的地点,"别处"的"革命"生活永远遥不可及.


tragic /悲剧的/悲剧性的/悲惨的/悲壮的/悲剧/悲惨/惨/ | tragical /悲剧的/悲惨的/ | tragically /悲剧地/悲惨地/