英语人>词典>汉英 : 悲剧的 的英文翻译,例句
悲剧的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
tragic  ·  tragical  ·  buskined  ·  thespian

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Meanwhile choirmaster Euripides was the object of fulsome praise; in fact, people would have killed themselves in order to learn more from him had they not known that the tragic poets were quite as dead as tragedy itself.


With the Phenomenological theory especially the theory of Phenomenological Horizon and Epoche, we can clearer and deeper explain the function of the chorus, the essence of Apollo and Dionysos, the destiny and sacrifice of the tragic hero, the essence of tragedy and the relation between art and truth, etc.


A tragedy, drop the curtain of a trgedy, foreshadowing areality.

悲剧, 是悲剧的终结,现实的伏笔。

She was covered in a shapeless net like a little bird and was pushed towards the edge of tragedy .


But what is the origin of this enigmatic trait that the suffering and the fate of the hero, the most painful triumphs, the most agonizing oppositions of motives, in short, the exemplification of this wisdom of Silenus, or, to put it aesthetically, that which is ugly and disharmonic, is represented ever anew in such countless forms and with such a distinct preference--and precisely in the most fruitful and youthful period of a people?


Through analysis the real origin of thetragedy is exposed to be the evil capitalist social system, andRoberta's tragedy is also the American females' tragedy.


Fielding would go on to write over twenty plays and farces, the most successful of which was The Tragedy of Tragedies, or, The Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great.


The article, focusing on the thought orbit especially in the field of literature, emphasizing the inter-link between the changes of their thought, explaining the life choice of thought subject and taking the learning and thought idea of World Consciousness and World View as breakthrough points, depicts their social and moral bear and transcendality of their thought version. Contrasting their literary thoughts of organon and ontology with each other, the article explains the central role played by "tragedy" in their thought structure and homorganic and interdynamic relations between their best but last aesthetic "tragedy" and life "tragedy".


The ancient Chinese plays like Dou-E Tragedy and Peach-blossom Fan have a dual structure. Most tragic works in ancient China have many common points in terms of their tragicalness and deep structure.


Nietzsche ; tragedy ; The Birth of Tragedy ; spirit of Dionysus ; spirit of Apollo ; nihilism ; will of power ; eternal recurrence


更多网络解释与悲剧的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

to be a witness to tragedy:亲眼看着悲剧的发生

We now understood what it felt like|我们现在知道那种感觉是什么 | to be a witness to tragedy.|亲眼看着悲剧的发生 | The sense of shock and numbness|震惊和麻木的感觉

catastrophe: n.1:戏剧(尤指悲剧)的结局 2.大灾难,大败 3.大变动

viciousness: n.1.邪恶,坠落 2.恶意,恶毒,凶恶 3.恶性,险恶,烈性 | catastrophe: n.1.戏剧(尤指悲剧)的结局 2.大灾难,大败 3.大变动 | ill-will: n.仇视,敌意


14 B 逻辑推理前后照应 此外,因为人们不愿意看关于普通的日常生活的报道,报纸的内容还必须具有戏剧性(dramatic)色彩,而不仅仅只是悲剧的(tragic),敏感的(sensitive),报道不要太专业化(professional).


tragic 悲惨的 | tragical 悲剧的 | tragically 悲剧地


tragic /悲剧的/悲剧性的/悲惨的/悲壮的/悲剧/悲惨/惨/ | tragical /悲剧的/悲惨的/ | tragically /悲剧地/悲惨地/

tragical:悲剧的; 悲剧性的 (形)

tragedy 悲剧, 悲惨, 惨案 (名) | tragical 悲剧的; 悲剧性的 (形) | tragically 悲剧地; 悲惨地 (副)

buskined:穿半统靴的, 悲剧的

busker | (尤指伦敦街头)卖艺人(歌手或奏乐者) | buskined | 穿半统靴的, 悲剧的 | busload | 公共汽车运载量


buskin /短统靴/悲剧/ | buskined /穿短统靴的/悲剧的/ | busload /公车的载量/满车的/

in the serpentine sun of tragedy basked:悲剧的太阳沐恩在蛇栖之处

the black-clad voyeur in his black-clad masque 黑暗包裹的欲望隐藏在黑暗包... | in the serpentine sun of tragedy basked 悲剧的太阳沐恩在蛇栖之处 | Stood there cursing at the soul-dead mass 站在这里诅咒死...

the most seriously tragic love story ever:那是一个史上最悲剧的爱情故事

I had counted each one in library time|每当在图书馆时我会默默地数着每一根 | the most seriously tragic love story ever.|那是一个史上最悲剧的爱情故事 | So, have you kissed him yet?|你和他接吻了没?