英语人>词典>汉英 : 患精神病的 的英文翻译,例句
患精神病的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
insane  ·  psychotics

更多网络例句与患精神病的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He reported Sri Ramakrishna's insane behaviour to Mathur Babu.


Added to this were a pair of shocking orange rubber garden gloves, a truly insane smile, and a pair of google-lenses made out of the halves of a left-over ping-pong ball spotted with a felt pen.

增加到这是一双令人震惊的柑橘橡皮花园手套,一个真实患精神病的微笑和一双 google-左边-上面的乒乓球的二等份了解的透镜以一枝毛毡钢笔看见。

Only problem: it was night, Kelley was insane, and the assassin could be on her tail.


And just as an individual may become psychotic if deprivedof dream producing sleep, so a society which has lost its myth-making ability may drift toward self-destruction.


After the 90 days had passed, the risk of developing a psychosis decreased for all mothers.


Barrett was responsible for most of their brilliant first album, 1967s The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, but left and/or was fired from the band in early 1968 after his erratic behavior had made him too difficult to deal with (he appears on a couple tracks on their second album, A Saucerful of Secrets).

在Barrett死后,由于对他死于糖尿病的说法存在很多争议,Barrett的姐姐Rosemary Breen接受了The Sunday Times的传记作家Tim Willis的采访。她称自从他们在80年代保持正常联系后,Barrett既没有患精神病,也从未接受过任何治疗。

Then he was on me, his face clear for once through his visor, his eyes insane.


Results showed that rapid cycling patients were more likely to be female, a fact more evident in bipolar I than bipolar II patients. Rapid cycling patients also showed a younger age of onset and a higher occurrence of depression at study entry. In the year prior to the study, the rapid cycling group showed poorer global functioning and a significantly greater rate of depressive and hypomanic/manic episodes. History of psychosis showed no correlation with rapid cycling but bipolar I patients were more likely to have symptoms of psychosis than bipolar II patients.


Riley threw back his head and cackled long insane laughter.


He says psychiatrists have known for years that S.S.R.I.s work best in the sickest patients.

他指出精神病专家在几年前就已经知道 S.S.R.I.s 是对重患最好的治疗。

更多网络解释与患精神病的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cholinesterase inhibitor:胆碱酯酶抑制剂

老人精神科医生为她检查和评估后,证实郑女士患了早期阿尔茨海默氏症(失智症的一种),并处方胆碱酯酶抑制剂(Cholinesterase Inhibitor)和抗精神病药物(Antipsychotic),以延缓认知功能衰退和控制妄想徵状.

mental illness:精神病

)精神病(mental illness)是一种复杂的现象,也有其社会根源. 我们所界定的精神病当中,有些(但当然不是全部)疾病不仅仅肇因於心理或身体状况,贴标签行为(labeling)也对之有著同等的影响. 确实,医疗专业界及公众看待精神病患的眼光,

inoculate t:接种, 嫁接

842. innutrition n. 营养不良 | 843. inoculate t. 接种, 嫁接 | 844. insane adj. 患精神病的, 精神病患者的, 极愚蠢的 n. 发疯的,疯癫


他把人分成几种类型:如肥短型(pyknic)、瘦长型(asthenic)等等. 肥短型脂肪丰富,身体矮胖,他们的特点是情绪不稳定,时狂时郁. 狂时情绪兴奋,表情活泼,抑郁时兴趣淡薄,心情沮丧. 这种人易患躁狂抑郁症(manicdepressive inbsanity)精神病.

