英语人>词典>汉英 : 恳求似 的英文翻译,例句
恳求似 的英文翻译、例句


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Miss Chen Hsi-han presented the second report on Frankenstein, written by British writer Mary Shelley in the early 19th century. The story described the debates and conflicts arising from the man-like creature created by scientist Victor Frankenstein; how Frankenstein who manipulating life with science was proud of the creature but later hated and was even afraid of it; and the frustration, begging for sympathy, revenge and regret of the creature after realizing its difference between human beings. The book was generally considered as the beginning of contemporary sci-fi.

第二场由陈熙函小姐报告《科学怪人》,本书为十九世纪初英国作家Mary Shelley所著之小说,讲述一名科学家Victor Frankenstein创造出一似人的「怪物」所引发的思辨与冲突,以科学操弄生命的Frankenstein,从自鸣得意到后来的嫌恶、惧怕「怪物」,而逐渐理解自身与人类不同的「怪物」,亦经历了挫折、恳求、报复与懊悔的阶段;此书一般被视为首开近代科幻小说文类的先河。