英语人>词典>汉英 : 总共 的英文翻译,例句
总共 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

all told · by the lump · in all · in number · in the lump · in total
更多网络例句与总共相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the basis of that, I discuss issues relevant to ethnic groups across national boundaries with a view to providing a unique and beneficial perspective to the relations between ethnic groups and nations.


In the past two years, a total of more than 3700 articles to gather information.


A total of 901 aboriginal women from 11 hospitals were recruited into this study.


Permission to accept employment for practical training may be granted by the INS in increments of not more than 6 months each, not to exceed 18 months total.


He had heard enough such as Britain in alliance with France once defeated a number of smaller countries.


Somewhat incongruously, MidAmerican owns the second largest real estate brokerage firm in the U.S. And it's a gem. The parent company's name is HomeServices of America, but our 19,200 agents operate through 18 locally-branded firms. Aided by three small acquisitions, we participated in $64 billion of transactions last year, up 6.5% from 2004. Currently, the white-hot market in residential real estate of recent years is cooling down, and that should lead to additional acquisition possibilities for us. Both we and Ron Peltier, the company's CEO, expect HomeServices to be far larger a decade from now.

有点奇怪的是,美中能源另外还拥有全美第二大的不动产仲介商,而她却是一颗耀眼的宝石,母公司的名称是美国居家服务,不过旗下总共19,200名的仲介在全美18州则以不同的名称营业,包含刚购并的三个据点在内,我们去年总共完成了总值640亿美元的不动产交易,较2004年增加了6.5%,近年来呈现白热化的住宅不动产交易市场有冷却的迹象,这将使得我们有更多购并的机会,包含我们跟该公司的总裁 Ron Peltier 在内,都预期美国居家服务在未来十年内还有非常大的成长空间。

In this before-and-after trial in a community private practice setting with extensive experience in pilonidal disease, 31 patients with severe refractory pilonidal disease had undergone a total of 141 operations, with wounds still open for a combined total of 252 years.


But the women she faced that evening loved her and her products, purchased $175 of goods, and TPC was underway. Working with her husband, Jay, Doris did $50,000 of business in the first year. Today – only 22 years later – TPC does more than $700 million of business annually, working through 67,000 kitchen consultants. I've been to a TPC party, and it's easy to see why the business is a success. The company's products, in large part proprietary, are well-styled and highly useful, and the consultants are knowledgeable and enthusiastic. Everyone has a good time. Hurry to pamperedchef.com on the Internet to find where to attend a party near you.


But the women she faced that evening loved her and her products, purchased $175 of goods, and TPC was underway. Working with her husband, Jay, Doris did $50,000 of business in the first year. Today – only 22 years later – TPC does more than $700 million of business annually, working through 67,000 kitchen consultants. I've been to a TPC party, and it's easy to see why the business is a success. The company's products, in large part proprietary, are well-styled and highly useful, and the consultants are knowledgeable and enthusiastic. Everyone has a good time. Hurry to pamperedchef.com on the Internet to find where to attend a party near you. Two years ago, Doris brought in Sheila O'Connell Cooper, now CEO, to share the management load, and in August they met with me in Omaha.

所幸当晚她所遇到的女性朋友们相当喜爱她及她的产品,总共买了 175 美元的东西,TPC 于焉诞生,在她的先生 Jay 的帮忙之下,Doris 头一年总共做了 50,000 美元的生意,22 年后的今天,TPC 的年营业额高达 7 亿美元,共有 67,000 名餐饮顾问,我自己也曾经参加过 TPC 的宴会,很轻易地就能发现这个行业成功的原因,公司的产品大部分都是独家专用,造型设计优美且深具实用性,而餐饮顾问的经验丰富且非常热心,这使得与会的每一位客人都尽兴而归,赶快上 pamperedchef.com 网站看看如何才能就近参加她们所举办的派对。

You may think this odd, but I have kept copies of every tax return I filed, starting with the return for 1944. Checking back, I find that I purchased GEICO shares on four occasions during 1951, the last purchase being made on September 26. This pattern of persistence suggests to me that my tendency toward self-intoxication was developed early. I probably came back on that September day from unsuccessfully trying to sell some prospect and decided - despite my already having more than 50% of my net worth in GEICO - to load up further. In any event, I accumulated 350 shares of GEICO during the year, at a cost of $10,282. At yearend, this holding was worth $13,125, more than 65% of my net worth.


更多网络解释与总共相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a total of:总共

28 .under one's leadership 在某人领导下 | 29. a total of 总共 | 30. take advantage of 利用

a total of ten questions:总共十个问题

51 cut short 剪短 | 52 a total of ten questions 总共十个问题 | 53 on Earth 在地球上 on Mars 在火星上

all this:这总共

106. all the time 向来;始终 | 107. all this 这总共 | 108. all over 随地

all together:一起;总共

all the time 一直;总是 | all together 一起;总共 | all year round 全年

all told:总共

all out 全力以赴 | all told总共 | at all根本

ATI Tech:总共人物移动速率加快

Mouse = 总共游客往下看地面 | ATI Tech = 总共人物移动速率加快 | Make Me Sick = 总共游客呕吐害病

in number:总共; 在数字上; 用数字表示

have sb.'s number on it [美俚]注定要结束某人的生命 | in number 总共; 在数字上; 用数字表示 | by number 总共; 在数字上; 用数字表示

reset talents:重置倾向总共天赋

.reset spells 重置倾向总共技术 | .reset talents 重置倾向总共天赋 | .saveall 保存在线玩流派据

The purchases amounted to 50 dollars:买东西总共花了50美元

2.amount to:To add up in number or quantity总共,达到;等同,接近 | The purchases amounted to 50 dollars. 买东西总共花了50美元. | That plan will never amount to anything.那个计划无关紧要.

reset spells:重置倾向总共技术

.reset level 重置倾向等级 | .reset spells 重置倾向总共技术 | .reset talents 重置倾向总共天赋