英语人>词典>汉英 : 总之 的英文翻译,例句
总之 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

in a word · in short · in summary · to sum up · in a few words · make a long story short
更多网络例句与总之相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In short, we met, in 2006, in June, on the 12th ...


Anyway, I've had a change of heart.

总之, 我的想法改变了。

In short, the pocket of a pile of money is not their own half of.


A saint who dwells in a paroxysm of abnegation is a dangerous neighbor; he might communicate to you, by contagion, an incurable poverty, an anchylosis of the joints, which are useful in advancement, and in short, more renunciation than you desire; and this infectious virtue is avoided.


Morley : Anyway, they told us to go to Pulowan later on today to check out real aborigine culture.


In conclusion, it is imperative that false positives be kept to an absolute minimum for business users.


To sum up the strengthening of absolute monarchy, which greatly hampered the progress of society and impede the development of embryonic capitalism, so that the beginning of China's social development lags behind western countries.


In sum, these results suggest that it is less relevant to the satisfaction and behavior of married couples that spouses be attractive on an absolute scale or similarly attractive to each other as it is that wives be more attractive than their husbands.


While this holds some merit as I've found myself trying unsuccessfully to abstract my mind from the code when I'm working on a user interface, it is ultimately more convenient to have the technical and usability constraints in perspective.


Blue lets people enlightenment. Blue generates dream circumstance. Blue releases accidie. Blue eases heart . In a word , Future is a blue picture !


更多网络解释与总之相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And above all:总之,一句话

No touchin' of the historical artifacts!|不准...碰古工艺品! | And above all,|总之,一句话... | there shall be no disturbin' of the professor.|...你们不可以打扰到教授的工作

all in all:总之

彼得.卡罗森 (Peter Callesen) 大师杰作赏彼得.卡罗森 (Peter Callesen) 大师出身于美丽的童话王国丹麦,他手下那出神入化、堪称顶级艺术品的创作,竟然就是源于一张雪白的纸......总之 (All in All) 比起总之这个翻译,我觉得这更像是一生,

all told:合计;总之

A: So you agreed to differ? 所以你就求同存异? | B: That's right. 没错. | all told 合计;总之


9. altogether 总之 | She is kind. She is diligent. She is considerate. Altogether she is a good girl. 她善良,她勤奋,她善解人意. 总之,她是一个好女孩. | 10. in a word 总之

anyhow anyway:无论如何, 总之

appalling--dreadful令人震惊的, 骇人听闻的 | anyhow--anyway无论如何, 总之 | achieved--attained完成, 达到


The word you're looking for is:|你想说的话是: | "Anyway.."|'总之'... | - You ready? - No, how can I be ready?|- 好了,准备好了吗?? - 不不不,我没准备好,我怎么能准备好?

So anyway:总之

A different kind of anniversary.|是另一个纪念日 | So anyway|总之... | Candles, champagne....|蜡烛、香槟

In a word:简言之,总之

in all 总之 | in a word 简言之,总之 | in broad daylight 在光天化日之下

It is best to stay here on every account:总之,留在这儿是最好的

On all accounts you must go. 总之,你一定得去. | It is best to stay here on every account. 总之,留在这儿是最好的. | 4. on no accounts 绝不,无论如何都不. 如:

to summarize:总之

In summary 总之 | To summarize 总之 | All in all 总之