英语人>词典>汉英 : 念 的英文翻译,例句
念 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
say  ·  says  ·  sez

更多网络例句与念相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And now tonight-when you read about Ethelred breaking the old man's door,about the cry of the dragon,and the falling of the gates-it was,in fact,the breaking of her coffin,the scream of metal as she brokeopen the vault,and the ringing crash as the metal door fell to the floor!


And now tonight-when you read about Ethelred breaking the old man's door,about the cry of the dragon,and the falling of the gates-it was,in fact,the breaking of her coffin,the scream of metal as she broke open the vault,and the ringing crash as the metal door fell to the floor!


Delicate Francis DaPavia read, from delicate onionskin, yellow pages, or pink, which he kept flipping carefully with long white fingers, the poems of bis dead chum Altman who'd eaten too much peyote in Chihuahua but read none of his own poems—a charming elegy in itself to the memory of the dead young poet, enough to draw tears from the Cervantes of Chapter Seven, and read them in a delicate Englishy voice that had me crying with inside laughter though I later got to know Francis and liked him.


The analysis with respect of syllables regularly stressed makes us clear that there is no percipient difference between Chinese and Koreans who all produce longer articulation in the latter than the former of each of these words when articulating numerically isolated bisyllable words, whereas the contrast is presented that most of Koreans still remain longer in latter and Chinese vice-versa when these bisyllable words appear in sentences.


Let your child read along too and enjoy the beauty of the wordplay.


After that Fontan put his word in, and even Bosc made so bold as to give advice. Rose, thoroughly tired out, had ended by sitting down on the chair which indicated the door.


Examples of vedana are pleasant or unpleasant feelings; of citta: citta with lobha, citta with dohsa, citta with moha etc.; of dhamma: nama hearing, nama seeing, wandering mind, etc.


As a result, all the successive arisings of bodily and mental processes will present themselves to the consciousness engaged in noticing, as if coming to it of themselves; and mindfulness too seems as if alighting on the processes of itself.


Methods After Candida albicans were inoculated into the specific pathogen free mice, the total amount of Candidas in cecum and the amount of which attached to the mucosal membrane were counted at different interent intervals. The lymphocyte proliferation in Peyer's patch and in lamina proper was shown by BrdU incorporation, meanwhile B cells isotype switch in PP was investigated. IgA plasma cells were shown by immunohistochemical staining. Specific IgA antibodies to Candida albicans were measured with ELISA.


Nianzu, Shiting's father, never for one moment loved his wife Qiuru. Instead, he was madly inlove with his brother's lover Luotong. Nianzong, his brother, had an cvil plan. He gave Luotong to Nianzu and Qiuru was addicted to opium.


更多网络解释与念相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

read aloud:大声念

Now, let's read it together.现在我们一起. | Read aloud. 大声. | Read slowly and loudly.慢慢地大声地.


另一方面,阿民主义*(Arminianism)存在了几个世纪,仍只能勉强算是纯正的信仰. 事实上,阿民主义直到主後1784年才被纳入英国循道会*(MethodistChurch)的教义里,在此之前没有一个有组织的教会公开主张过阿民主义.

I'll call the roll before class:课前我要点名. 念:爱耳扣耳遮落耳 卑佛可拉丝

20. Open your books and turn to page 20. 打开书,翻到第20页. :傲喷幼儿不可思,安得特恩吐配... | 21. I'll call the roll before class. 课前我要点名. :爱耳扣耳遮落耳 卑佛可拉丝. | 22. Here! 到! :黑耳...

I went to Harvard Law actually:其实我念的是哈佛法学院

- In college. - Oh, like a cooking college?|-大学的时候 -你的是餐饮学校? | I went to Harvard Law actually.|其实我的是哈佛法学院 | - Did something happen? - No.|-发生了什么事吗? -没有

Incantation Ring:念力無邊 所有 念力無邊 技能

Encounter Shot Ring刺槍防衛 所有 刺槍防衛 技能 1 | Incantation Ring力無邊 所有 力無邊 技能 1 | Domination Fire Ring支配火炎 所有 支配火炎 技能 1

Invulnerability Ring:念力無邊聖光環身

Ignore Harm Ring力無邊精靈之光 Ignore harm100 | Invulnerability Ring力無邊聖光環身 Invulnerable100 | Howling of Heaven Ring力無邊上帝之聲 Howling of heaven100

Lela Sangbu:勒拉桑布---普布顿珠(扎念琴演奏)

07.堆谐 查堆加布---普布顿珠(扎琴演奏)Chamdui Gyabu | 08.勒拉桑布---普布顿珠(扎琴演奏)Lela Sangbu | 09.阿里---普布顿珠(扎琴演奏)Segmenc Of Zamnian Solo


当我在数据库里面寻找有关佛学的"正"(mindfulness)技术和心理治疗的关系论文时,可以说是被吓了一跳. 西方人在心理学的各个方面都引进了这个"正",有报道使用正技术治疗各种心理疾病的,也有用正来治疗心身疾病的,


obsessiveness | 执的obsessive | 执地obsessively


obsessive /妄想的/执的/萦扰的/ | obsessively /妄想地/执地/ | obsessiveness /妄想/执/