英语人>词典>汉英 : 忠告 的英文翻译,例句
忠告 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
advice  ·  counsel  ·  exhort  ·  expostulate  ·  monition  ·  rede  ·  remonstrance  ·  remonstration  ·  dehortation  ·  expostulating  ·  counseled  ·  counselled  ·  counsels  ·  exhorted  ·  exhorting  ·  exhorts  ·  expostulated  ·  expostulates

give advice · sincerely advise
更多网络例句与忠告相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"It is our firm belief that such an advisory opinion can lead to positive developments and perhaps even a chain of events similar to that resulting from the court's advisory opinion on Namibia," al-Kidwa said during the first day of hearings.

在第一天的听证会期间,al-Kidwa 说:"我们确信,这样的忠告会带来积极的发展,甚至可能会引起一系列与法庭给与纳米比亚的忠告所导致的后果相同的事件。"

June 28. Having been somewhat refresh'd with the Sleep I had had, and the Fit being entirely off, I got up; and tho' the Fright and Terror of my Dream was very great, yet I consider'd, that the Fit of the Ague wou'd return again the next Day, and now was my Time to get something to refresh and support my self when I should be ill; and the first Thing I did, I fill'd a large square Case Bottle with Water, and set it upon my Table, in Reach of my Bed; and to take off the chill or aguish Disposition of the Water, I put about a Quarter of a Pint of Rum into it, and mix'd them together; then I got me a Piece of the Goat's Flesh, and broil'd it on the Coals, but could eat very little; I walk'd about, but was very weak, and withal very sad and heavy-hearted in the Sense of my miserable Condition; dreading the Return of my Distemper the next Day; at Night I made my Supper of three of the Turtle's Eggs, which I roasted in the Ashes, and eat, as we call it, in the Shell; and this was the first Bit of Meat I had ever ask'd God's Blessing to, even as I cou'd remember, in my whole Life.


02 Advice is seldom welcome; and those who want it the most always like it the least.–Earl of Chesterfield


The Ship was no sooner gotten out of the Humber, but the Wind began to blow, and the Winds' to rise in a most frightful manner; and as I had never been at Sea before, I was most inexpressibly sick in Body, and terrify'd in my Mind: I began now seriously to reflect upon what I had done, and how justly I was overtaken by the Judgment of Heaven for my wicked leaving my Father's House, and abandoning my Duty; all the good Counsel of my Parents, my Father's Tears and my Mother's Entreaties came now fresh into my Mind, and my Conscience, which was not yet come to the Pitch of Hardness to which it has been since, reproach'd me with the Contempt of Advice, and the Breach of my Duty to God and my Father.


The Ship was no sooner gotten out of the Humber, but the Wind began to blow, and the Winds* to rise in a most frightful manner; and as I had never been at Sea before, I was most inexpressibly sick in Body, and terrify'd in my Mind: I began now seriously to reflect upon what I had done, and how justly I was overtaken by the Judgment of Heaven for my wicked leaving my Father's House, and abandoning my Duty; all the good Counsel of my Parents, my Father's Tears and my Mother's Entreaties came now fresh into my Mind, and my Conscience, which was not yet come to the Pitch of Hardness which it has been since, reproach'd me with the Contempt of Advice, and the Breach of my Duty to God and my Father.


When he presents his advice, he presents the range of advice and opinions he has received, along with any individual comments of the other JCS members.

当他呈现他的忠告的时候,他呈现多种的忠告和他已经收到,连同其他 JCS 成员的任何个别意见一起的意见。

If a mediator assists in the preparation of a settlement agreement and if counsel for any party is not present, the mediator should advise each unrepresented party to have the agreement independently reviewed by counsel prior to executing it.


Dispatch of sina science and technology on April 10 midday message, in the light of investment square interference sends the message of concussion of cruel dispatch high level too much, when Xie Wengang just was accepting sina science and technology to connect a line, express, the person that advice does poineering work does not not hesitate all cost take money, at the same time expostulatory investor state of mind cannot too anxious.

新浪科技讯 4月10日中午消息,针对投资方干涉过多致酷讯高层震荡的消息,谢文刚刚在接受新浪科技连线时表示,忠告创业者别不惜一切代价拿钱,同时忠告投资者心态不能过于着急。

Wu to borrow some boxes;3)use the lab and prepare some plant food;4)weighplant food carefully;5)grow tomatoes in one box which has plant food in the soil;growsome tomatoes in another box which does not;6)see


"Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness."


更多网络解释与忠告相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


杰出(Excellence)五月二十六日生日花是: 黄杜鹃(Yellow Azalea) 庆祝(Celebration)五月二十七日生日花是: 北美杜鹃(Rhododendron) 索然无味(Dull)五月二十八日生日花是: 鸢尾花(Garden Iris) 忠告(Advice)五月二十九日生日花


expostulation /劝告/谏言/ | expostulator /劝告者/忠告者/ | expostulatory /忠告的/训诫的/

give advice:提出忠告

3. a piece of advice 一条意见 | 4. give advice 提出忠告 | 5. take one's advice 接受忠告

One gives nothing so liberally as advice:没有任何东西像忠告那麼慷慨

Ill counsel mars all. 不好的忠告损毁一切. | One gives nothing so liberally as advice. 没有任何东西像忠告那麼慷慨. | Self is a bad counselor. 自私非上策.

Randolph:蓝道夫 英国 狼的忠告或狼的智慧

Ralap 雷爾夫 英國 狼的忠告或狼的智慧 | Randolph 藍道夫 英國 狼的忠告或狼的智慧 | Raymond 雷蒙德 德國 強而有力的保護者或顧問,保護者

Randolph:伦道夫 英国, 狼的忠告或狼的智慧

Ralap 雷尔夫 英国 狼的忠告或狼的智慧,顾问. | Randolph 伦道夫 英国 狼的忠告或狼的智慧. | Raymond 雷蒙德 德国 强而有力的保护者或顾问,保护者.

take one's advice:接受忠告

4. give advice 提出忠告 | 5. take one's advice 接受忠告 | 6. advice diamond 宝石建议(游戏名称)


counsel | 讨论, 商议, 辩护律师 劝告, 忠告 | counselable | 愿意接受劝告或忠告的 | counselee | 听取意见者接受劝告者


expostulator /劝告者/忠告者/ | expostulatory /忠告的/训诫的/ | expressional /表情的/表现的/


忠告者expostulatorremonstrantremonstrator | 忠告者的monitorial | 忠实faithfuldutifullyfealtytrustiness